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Agenda item

System Update

ICS strategy update 


Nicola Dymond, ICB Director of Strategy and Integration


Shropshire Integrated Place Partnership (ShIPP) update


Penny Bason, Head of Joint Partnerships, Shropshire Council and NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin


Joint Commissioning Board/Better Care Fund (BCF) 


Laura Tyler, Assistant Director, Joint Commissioning, Shropshire Council and NHS Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin, Penny Bason, Head of Joint Partnerships, Shropshire Council and NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin


Healthy Lives Update - Paper for information


Val Cross, Health and Wellbeing Strategic Manager, Shropshire Council?


ICS Strategy update


The Board received the report of the ICB Director of Strategy and Integration - copy attached to the signed Minutes – which updated the Board in relation to the development of and engagement with the draft Integrated Care Strategy (IC Strategy) for the Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin ICS along with the next steps towards a final version due at the end of March 2023.


The ICB Director of Strategy and Integration introduced and amplified the report.  She explained that the IC Strategy document was part of the ongoing work for the ICB along with starting to think about their Joint Forward Plan and starting to design what the engagement process would look like.


She noted that what had been quite central to developing the Strategy had been the thinking around how to work differently in the future and she explained that some of the content of the document had been shaped in line with that.  She then highlighted some of the key principles that had been adopted along with the four strategic objectives.  She took members through the cycle of development and where they were at now.


The Executive Director of Health, Wellbeing and Prevention stressed that the IC Strategy was interim, and that feedback had been received from various bodies, including the ICB, so there would be another version with more detail around some of the points. She also stressed that the Strategy was very high level, and they would keep coming back to it and holding themselves to it, but that the devil would be in the detail in terms of how it was delivered.


She explained that they had split the priorities of the JSNA and the Health and Wellbeing Strategies along with clinical priorities that had been set and the engagement work that had been done through Healthwatch and other organisations around what the public wanted, had been summarised into three key areas of focus: population health priorities; health inequalities priorities; and Health and Care priorities.


The Head of Joint Partnerships was pleased that the Strategy was person-centred however felt it would be useful for officers working with this document and when programmes were being developed, for this to be explained so that people understood what it meant and how it worked.  She also felt it was important that everyone had the same understanding of what integration meant and a brief discussion ensued in relation to this point. 


The ICB Director of Strategy and Integration explained that conversations had taken place around the need to have people on the same page and ensure they were all talking the same language, had the same understanding and the same buy-in and commitment to them as principles.  There were some key definitions that needed to be flushed out and it was suggested that some focussed sessions be held around what was really meant, in order to be absolutely clear.  It was confirmed that all the feedback from the meeting would be taken away and fed into the Strategy.


RESOLVED:  To note the contents of the report.


Shropshire Integrated Place Partnership (ShIPP) update


The Board received the report of the Head of Joint Partnerships - copy attached to the signed Minutes – which presented an overview of the ShIPP Board meetings held in November and December 2022 and included the Chair’s report with actions, for assurance purposes.


The Head of Joint Partnerships introduced and amplified the report.  She explained that the ShIPP priorities matched really well with the IC Strategy but it would be worth ensuring that what was being delivered did match where things were going as a system.  She highlighted some of the regular reports received by the ShIPP Board.


The Executive Director for People highlighted the fantastic work being undertaken in Oswestry as part of the Test and Learn site.  She reported that a more formal report would be presented to the Board at a future meeting, which would set out the plan to roll this out across the County.


Joint Commissioning Board/Better Care Fund (BCF)


The Board received the report of the Assistant Director, Joint Commissioning and the Head of Joint Partnerships   - copy attached to the signed Minutes – which provided an update on the BCF, including the new Adult Social Care Discharge Fund.


The Assistant Director, Joint Commissioning introduced and amplified the report.  She drew attention to the Adult Social Care Discharge Fund and Shropshire’s submission to it, set out at Appendix A of the report for which she was seeking the Board’s approval.  She confirmed that the additional funding was only temporary until the end of March and that fortnightly returns were required as part of the grant conditions.  She reported that they had worked closely with the ICS on this and had taken a joint approach in terms of the best use of resources and the best money spent.


The Assistant Director, Joint Commissioning went on to explain the metrics that had been selected for reporting progress on how the money was being used within the system and she highlighted the additional work that was being undertaken by partners to respond to demand and the current industrial action.

Finally, she drew attention to an additional £200m to support discharge and they were again working with their ICS colleagues in liaison with Telford and Wrekin Council about how best to utilise the additional funding.


The Accountable Officer / Executive Lead, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Integrated Care  System thanked NHS and Local Authority colleagues, as well as the staff who had been delivering the care for all their hard work.




1.    To approve the Adult Social Care Discharge Fund planning template;

2.    To note the significant pressure on the system and efforts across health and care to manage demand for services; and


3.    To note that a further paper regarding risk around funding gaps for hospital discharge and social care placements will be brought to a future Board meeting.


Healthy Lives update – paper for information


The Board received the report of the Health & Wellbeing Strategic Manager - copy attached to the signed Minutes – which provided a brief update on Healthy Lives, the preventative programme of the Health and Wellbeing Board.  It summarised update reports that had been to the Healthy Lives meeting, and outcomes and actions from the discussions.




To note the contents of the report and the work taking place to help progress the Shropshire HWBB priorities.


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