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Abbey Foregate

Agenda item

Shropshire Drug and Alcohol Strategy

Paula Mawson, Assistant Director – Integration & Healthy Population, Shropshire Council, Ian Houghton, Drug and Alcohol Strategic Commissioner, Shropshire Council


The Board received the report of the Assistant Director Integration and Healthy Population and the Drug and Alcohol Strategic Commissioner - copy attached to the signed Minutes – which provided an update on the substance misuse strategic programme for Shropshire and included an update on the Shropshire Substance Misuse Strategy and the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for substance misuse.


The Assistant Director Integration and Healthy Population introduced and amplified the report.  She highlighted the Government’s national drug strategy ‘From Harm to Hope’ and the work done locally around County Lines to break drug supply chains.  From a public health point of view, a lot of focus had been on delivering a world-class treatment system and what that meant for Shropshire and what more could be done with some of the additional funding received nationally.  It was hoped to move on to ways of achieving a shift in demand for recreational drugs and really build that preventative offer and enhance the work that was already happening in Shropshire.


She drew attention to the Combating Drugs Partnership being established across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin in line with the national guidance along with the outcomes framework that would be used to drive improvements in delivery.  She explained that although the national strategy mentioned alcohol it was very much focused on drugs, whereas within Shropshire alcohol was the biggest area of need.  She explained that they had to start reporting nationally on performance from April 2024.


She informed the Board that a further report in relation to the Substance Misuse Needs Assessment would be presented to a future meeting as part of the regular JSNA updates.


The Drug and Alcohol Strategic Commissioner updated the Board on the Local Service Delivery and he reported on the successful bid for £1.4m additional grant funding for rough sleepers and those at risk of rough sleeping that had a drug and alcohol issue.  This additional funding had allowed the introduction of a new multi-disciplinary team to work with up to 200 people and to do some intense one-to-one and outreach work.  It was hoped that this project might give some insight into how a new model might be structured to make services more open access and more integrated.


The Portfolio Holder for Children and Education requested sight of the toolkit when it was ready to go out to schools.  The Assistant Director Integration and Healthy Population reported that it was currently going through quality assurance processes but agreed to share it as soon as it was ready.


The Superintendent, West Mercia Police informed the Board of the progress being made with county lines in Shropshire and he welcomed the outreach approach being taken for homeless people.


It was suggested that a report on progress be presented to a future meeting of the Board.  Finally, the Assistant Director Integration and Healthy Population reported that work was beginning to look at the links between people who have got co-occurring substance misuse issues and mental health issues as more could be done in Shropshire to support people.


A brief discussion ensued around the need for prevention before people become homeless and it was confirmed that the new multi-disciplinary team could work with those ‘at risk’ individuals.


The Executive Director of Health, Wellbeing and Prevention thanked the team for this important work and the additional resources that had been secured and which was allowing a partnership response.


The Health & Wellbeing Strategic Manager highlighted the trauma-informed approach which was one of the Board’s priorities and she emphasised the importance of having a system-wide approach which was integral in order to get a consistent response.




·           to note the launch of a 10-year national drug strategy, ‘From Harm to Hope’ and the establishment of a Combating Drugs Partnership for Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin

·           to receive an update on the Shropshire Substance Misuse Strategy and Needs Assessment for Substance Misuse in Shropshire

·           to note the updates regarding Substance Misuse Services delivered through the Shropshire Recovery Partnership and launch of RESET – an externally grant funded multidisciplinary team to support people who are rough sleeping or at risk of rough sleeping with substance misuse issues

·           to provide support, suggestions and challenge to programme plans as presented to the Board.

·           to receive a further report on progress to a future meeting.


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