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Agenda item

Scrutiny Item - Social Housing and Renewing the Housing Strategy

To receive a report from the Chairman of the Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee.




That Cabinet consider the recommendations of the report and provide a response to the Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 9 November 2023 confirming which recommendations have been accepted, and which have not, accompanied by an action plan setting out what will be done by when to deliver the accepted recommendations.  Where recommendations have not been accepted an explanation will be provided. 


Councillor Claire Wild, Chair of the Transformation and Improvement Scrutiny Committee provided a brief report of the committee’s meeting held on 4 September 2023.  The Committee had been able to consider the Quarter 1 financial and performance monitoring reports ahead of their presentation of cabinet and she thanked Portfolio Holders and Directors for attending the meeting.  She reported that the committee was in the process of setting up 3 task and finish groups and confirmed that the remits of some would include partnership working and pressures in social care.


Councillor Joyce Barrow, Chair of the Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee explained that the report of the Task and Finish Group on Social Housing and Renewing the Housing Strategy had been considered at the Scrutiny Committee meeting on 20 July 2023.  The Committee had been very pleased to endorse all recommendations made by the Group and now asked that Cabinet take them forward.  There had been very good cross party attendance for the work of the group and she thanked all those who had participated


She went on to explain the background to the report and work of the Task and Finish Group which initially been established by the then Communities Overview Committee, the nature of the work undertaken, evidence and recommendations to Cabinet which were:


1.          Following the implementation of the revised allocations policy and scheme, the Council should ensure that this is adhered to by all registered providers through regular monitoring to guarantee those in the highest need are allocated housing.   


2.          The Council should recognise the importance of the strategic housing function and how housing is integral to planning policy, social care and economic development, and therefore the need to strengthen the relationship between these functions. 


3.          The Council should promote a place-based approach to housing and economic development, which includes commissioning affordable and supported housing based on evidenced need so as to ensure that housing priorities are delivered in the right place. Thus, responding to the fact that Shropshire is made up of any different communities across a large geographic area with different needs. 


4.          Investment in social housing must acknowledge the specific needs of rural settlements, therefore products need to be tailored accordingly. For example, intergenerational supported housing, which could include staff accommodation, would help to promote a preventative agenda in villages and small towns (e.g., preventing admissions to hospital and care homes, and supporting people with learning disabilities and mental health problems to live independently). 


5.          The Council should explore and pursue opportunities to attract funding, such as Community Land Trusts, and lobby for new products specifically to support the rural economy which will not only deliver the preventative agenda, but also balance the housing market and help to ensure that people can continue to afford to live in communities in Shropshire.  For example, innovative funding products to fund intergenerational living and for sub-market private rented accommodation for key workers who are not necessarily able to access social housing, as they are not in a high priority reasonable preference category. 


6.          The Council should review and implement any new legislation on short-term lets, helping to ensure that the balance is struck between the economic gain to communities and places through increased visitor spend, against the availability of homes to buy and rent where there is local concern. 


7.          That feedback is shared with the Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee at their meeting on the 9 November 2023. This should confirm which recommendations have been accepted and which have not. An action plan should set out what will be done by when to deliver the accepted recommendations, and where recommendations have not been accepted an explanation should be provided 


The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Assets and other members of the Cabinet warmly welcomed the report and expressed enthusiasm for the recommendations. The Portfolio Holder drew attention to work already underway and to the intention to develop meaningful key performance indicators to measure progress.   Group Leaders present at the meeting also endorsed the work undertaken and the recommendations within the report.  The Portfolio Holder agreed to attend the meeting of the Economy and Environment Scrutiny Committee on 9 November to provide an update report on progress on recommendations.  




That Cabinet consider the recommendations of the report and provide a response to the Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 9 November 2023 confirming which recommendations have been accepted, and which have not, accompanied by an action plan setting out what will be done by when to deliver the accepted recommendations.  Where recommendations have not been accepted an explanation will be provided. 

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