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Agenda item


The following motions have been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 16:



Motion received from Councillor Geoff Elner and supported by Councillors Joyce Barrow, Peter Broomhall, David Evans and Dan Thomas


Current statistics clearly show that Brain Tumour research is underfunded and that not enough research is being carried out into finding effective treatments.


In 2018 the government pledged to invest £40 million pounds which has still not all been deployed.


The department for Science Innovation and Technology has stated that the scheme is still open to viable research applications, it has further been stated that more funding could be considered if the science is improved.


There are families all over Shropshire and within this council chamber, councillors and officers who have experienced the trauma of Brain Tumours.


All these people have witnessed the catastrophic effects of this condition on their loved ones and it is time that together we take appropriate steps to understand and conquer this condition and I therefore propose that this council write to the government minister asking that they immediately address the issue of the funding shortfall. Furthermore the urgent need to provide extra resource and to set in motion a programme of research to effectively diagnose much earlier and to accelerate the commencement and development of clinical trials in an endeavour to introduce treatments and to find a cure


The motion was seconded by Councillor Joyce Barrow


On taking a vote the motion was supported and it was RESOLVED:


That this council write to the government minister asking that they immediately address the issue of the funding shortfall. Furthermore the urgent need to provide extra resource and to set in motion a programme of research to effectively diagnose much earlier and to accelerate the commencement and development of clinical trials in an endeavour to introduce treatments and to find a cure


Motion received from Councillor Julian Dean and supported by the Green Group


The Chairman advised the meeting that this motion had been withdrawn.


Motion received from Councillor Julia Buckley and supported by the Labour Group

Protect Shropshire’s Public Buildings from Crumbling Concrete


This Council notes:


The sudden Government announcement regarding the risk of collapse due to outdated Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in schools and other public buildings was made just days ahead of the start of the new academic year. Classrooms, gyms, corridors, toilets and WCs were closed and parents across the country were unsure whether their schools are safe. Although no Shropshire schools were closed, we also do not have any confirmation that none are affected.


This is because schools are invited to self-assess using a Government questionnaire circulated on social media.


There is no definitive list of public buildings and their assessment results to reassure residents as to which buildings are, and which are not, safe to enter.


Schools that were previously considered safe in 2018, are now considered to have deteriorated into a dangerous condition.


Ratings follow a scale from A-D, with D requiring immediate action. Those not rated “D” in 2018 may now be in need of repair, but again this information is not available, until an UpToDate assessment is completed, and results published.


This Council believes :


That the public need to know how safe are their schools, courts, prisons, hospitals and job centres.


An urgent, full audit is required to find out the extent of this dangerous concrete in the public sector estate, and for us as an authority to have confidence in our own estate, and that of our strategic partners in the county.


This Council resolves to :-


-          Publish a list of all Council estate buildings and their RAAC assessments.

-          Co-ordinate assessment responses across Shropshire Schools and publish the outcomes on the Shropshire Council website

-          Co-ordinate assessment responses with partners across other public buildings such as courts, prisons, hospitals, nurseries and colleges and publish the outcomes on the Shropshire Council website.

-          Identify any grade D buildings in Shropshire, as well as identify any grade Cs for preventative investment, as soon as possible.

-          Confirm plans for mitigation and repairs.

-          Include this issue on the Council’s Strategic Risk & Issues Log, to acknowledge the scale of risk and to monitor progress and impact.


As a Council we need to be in a position to give a clear and unequivocal guarantee to parents in Shropshire that ALL schools – including academies, free schools, and nurseries – have been properly assessed and that no children are at risk


By way of amendment Councillor Dean Carrol proposed


RAAC in public buildings 


This Council notes: 


The concern that has been caused by the presence of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in buildings across the UK. 


Council wishes to show its appreciation for the ongoing efforts of officers in the Estates and Education departments and our partners to assess the presence of RAAC in Shropshire Council owned buildings throughout Shropshire. 


This Council resolves to : 

1.    Publish a list of all Council estate buildings and their RAAC assessments when complete. 

2.    Co-ordinate assessment responses across Shropshire Schools and publish the outcomes on the Shropshire Council website. 

3.    Identify any grade D buildings in Shropshire, as well as identify any grade Cs for preventative investment, as soon as possible. 

4.    Confirm plans for mitigation and repairs. 

5.    Include this issue on the Council’s Strategic Risk & Issues Log, to acknowledge the scale of risk and to monitor progress and impact. 


6.    To encourage all partners to follow our approach of openness and transparency in responding to the issue caused by RAAC in public buildings. 


Councillor Buckley indicated that she would accept the amendment and on taking a vote it was RESOLVED:


That the Council: 


1.    Publish a list of all Council estate buildings and their RAAC assessments when complete. 

2.    Co-ordinate assessment responses across Shropshire Schools and publish the outcomes on the Shropshire Council website. 

3.    Identify any grade D buildings in Shropshire, as well as identify any grade Cs for preventative investment, as soon as possible. 

4.    Confirm plans for mitigation and repairs. 

5.    Include this issue on the Council’s Strategic Risk & Issues Log, to acknowledge the scale of risk and to monitor progress and impact. 

6.    To encourage all partners to follow our approach of openness and transparency in responding to the issue caused by RAAC in public buildings


Motion from Councillor Ian Nellins supported by Councillors Dean Carroll, Kirstie Hurst-Knight, Rob Macey, Dan Morris and Lezley Picton

Bathing Water Designation on the River Severn

The River Severn and River Teme are key features of Shropshire, with public open space alongside the rivers that is enjoyed by residents and visitors alike. As a landowner, there is common law right that the natural water of a stream should flow past land substantially unaltered, in quality or quantity, and the Water Resources Act 1991 (WRA 1991) provide that consent is required under Section 88 (S88) WRA 1991 to discharge any trade effluent to any controlled waters. Any discharge consent issued may include conditions covering quality, rate and volume discharged.

The River Severn and River Teme are designated as main rivers and as such issues relating to them in respect of flooding and water quality fall within the statutory duties of the Environment Agency (EA), under the Water Framework Directive 2000 (WFD 2000/60/EC) and Flood & Water Management Act 2010 (FWMA 2010). However, as a Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), Shropshire works in close partnership with the EA and Severn Trent Water (STW), through our Flood Programme Board, to manage flood risk within Shropshire and projects that we undertake do encompass wider environmental benefits where feasible.

We are currently undertaking a Defra funded pilot Natural Flood Management (NFM) projects on the Rivers Perry and Reabrook in Shropshire, which are both tributaries of the River Severn. Shropshire Council is developing plans to reduce flooding, enhance biodiversity and reduce nutrient pollution.

Bathing Water Designations on the Rivers Severn and Teme could support the overall aims of the Council, and other agencies, to progress water quality and environmental improvements on the rivers, while providing residents and visitors the opportunity to swim in clean water.

Council resolves to support the campaign for Bathing quality on the River Severn at Shrewsbury and Bridgnorth, and the River Teme at Ludlow, by writing to the Secretary of State for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs to confirm the support of Shropshire Council for bathing status.

By way of amendment Councillor Kate Halliday proposed that



Council resolves to support the campaign for Bathing quality on the River Severn at Shrewsbury and Bridgnorth, and the River?Teme?at Ludlow, by writing to the  

And replace with: 


This swimming season, there are active applications for Designated Bathing Water Status on the River Severn in Shrewsburyand the River Teme in Ludlow. This council resolves to: 

1.    Confirm its support, both as landowner (where applicable) and as the Local Authority, by writing to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to express the support of Shropshire Council for Designated Bathing Water Status, copying that correspondence to the applicant by no later than 30th Sept 2023 

2.    To provide timely support for future applications within subsequent swimming seasons(timetable as dictated by Defra). 


Councillor Nellins indicated that he would accept the amendment and following a vote it was RESOLVED:


That the Council


1.    Confirm its support, both as landowner (where applicable) and as the Local Authority, by writing to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to express the support of Shropshire Council for Designated Bathing Water Status, copying that correspondence to the applicant by no later than 30th Sept 2023 


2.    To providetimely support for future applications within subsequent swimming seasons(timetable as dictated by Defra).


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