Agenda item
Capital Strategy
To consider the corrected Capital Strategy and identify any specific points to be shared with the Capital Strategy Task and Finish Group.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources introduced the report and wished to reiterate to members that there was an anticipated £93.8m capital investment into the whole of the county, including £42m for highways, £30m for primary and secondary schools, £11m for housing, £11m for economic growth and broadband, and £4m for leisure centres.
The Deputy Portfolio Holder for Children and Education, who was a member of the Capital Strategy Task and Finish Group, advised members that the group would be carrying out a review of business plans as concerns had been raised that if they were not systematically reviewed, previous mistakes could be made and opportunities to learn could be missed.
It was confirmed that the Appendix to the report had been amended following an error approved at Council for the expenditure of £93m and it was reiterated that the Capital Strategy was aspirational for the future.
Members queried the following items:
1. £3.1m on IT replacement fund – whether this a one of cost or a recurring amount.
2. £25m for swimming provision in the Quarry to be replaced – when this had been agreed.
3. £41m for the relocation of Shirehall to a multiagency hub – it was thought that costs should be combined as a single project to get a better understanding of the overall costs involved.
Members were advised that there was a full business case for the IT replacement fund for a rolling three year contract which was more cost effective. Funds had previously been held in budgets within individual service areas but would now be funded as a capital project. This would keep the Council safe from cyber attacks and ensure staff had working equipment.
With regards to the swimming provision in Shrewsbury, it was confirmed that no decision had been made as to whether the provision would be relocated from the Quarry. Members were reminded that the swimming provision in the Capital Strategy had been unchanged from the report which was approved by full Council in March 2023. Members sought reassurance that no decision had been made and it was
That an additional recommendation be made to Cabinet for them to define the current position of swimming provision in Shrewsbury and that it be the subject of a deep dive by the Capital Strategy Task and Finish Group.
On being put to the vote, the motion failed. Members were reminded that questions could be raised at Cabinet to seek reassurance with regards to swimming provision.
It was therefore
That the Transformation and Improvement Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommend to Cabinet to:
1. Approve the updated priority and aspirational capital scheme schedules for inclusion in the draft Capital Strategy, ahead of wider Member engagement.
2. Approve progression of the schemes detailed in the priority capital scheme schedule to business case to develop and assure the associated costs and funding proposed.
3. Recommend to Council the approval of additional funding of £2.228m in relation to the Multi Agency Hub and the Pride Hill capital schemes which form part of the Shrewsbury Town Centre Redevelopment Programme.
4. Recommend to Council the approval of additional match funding of £0.647m in relation to the Council’s LUF Round 2 grant award which requires total match funding of £5.043m, £4.396m of which has been previously secured / approved.
5. Note the considerations raised in respect of the future direction of the North West Relief Road (NWRR) and the Oxon Link Road (OLR) detailed at section 9.
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