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Agenda item

Children and Young People Mental Health Partnership

To review progress in delivering the work of the children and young people's mental health partnership. (Report to Follow).




Vicki Jones, Head of Transformation and Commissioning Children and Young People Learning Disabilities and Autism -


Liam Laughton, Children, Young People and Families Services Manager -



Liam Laughton, Children, Young People and Families Services Manager, MPFT & Vicki Jones, Head of Transformation and Commissioning Children and Young People Learning Disabilities and Autism, ICB gave a presentation regarding the progress in delivering the work of the children and young people's mental health partnership.


Liam Laughton presented the first part of the presentation which provided information in response to the following concerns raised by members at a previous meeting:


·       The lack of referrals and waiting times data

·       The lack of information regarding outcomes

·       Access for rural populations to services,

·       Support for ‘Looked after Children’


Vicki Jones presented the remaining part of the presentation which detailed the investment into CAMHS by the ICB, the challenges faced by the partnership and the next steps.


In response to questions members were informed that:


·     Waiting times varied depending on the needs of the child or young person and stressed that if there was an immediate risk the child or young person was seen straight away.


·     Families on the waiting listed were contacted by an assistant psychiatrist who was able to sign post to sources of support. It was noted that the introduction of direct contact had been welcomed by families.


·     There was a correlation between those who had been waiting longest and the worse outcomes which highlighted that things need to be done differently.


·     Rural areas required different support than in urban areas due to the different culture, support networks and services available.


·     The team covering North Shropshire which provided support in rural areas worked alongside education providers but there was also a small clinic in Market Drayton


·     It was identified that delivering services in rural areas without a base/hub is challenging due to factors such as travel time. Education providers have been invited to be a base where services can be provided from which has begun to happen. It was agreed that Members would provide MPFT with a list of suitable local buildings where clinics could be delivered from.


·     There was an issue nationally in relation to the quality of private assessments which needed to be addressed to give families the assurance that the organisation they use are reputable.


·     An increase in referrals in October was usual following the summer holidays but the number for this year was higher than seen previously.


·     The 50% figure in relation to positive outcomes was an average across the country and the same figure was seen in adult mental health. It was noted that mental health problems were quite different to physical issues and usually involved a number of factors.


·     Covid and the cost of living crisis had both had a massive impact on children and young people’s wellbeing.


·     Assessments should not be prioritised over the child or young person’s needs although diagnosis can be useful.


·     Over the last decade mental health services for children and young people in Shropshire had been under-funded and there was a lack of skilled professionals and provision in this area.


Members were in agreement that the committee should set up a joint task and finish group with the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee which would look into the concerns raised.


Liam and Vicki were thanked for their presentation.




That a joint Task and Finish group with the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee be set up to look into the concerns raised.


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