Agenda item
Performance Monitoring Report - Quarter 3
To scrutinise performance at Quarter 3 and identify areas that may require further investigation by an Overview and Scrutiny Committee. [Report To Follow]
Contact: Tanya Miles, Executive Director for People.
Tanya Miles, Executive Director for People introduced the Performance Monitoring Report Quarter 3 which gave an update on areas of demand activity and performance by exception across the People Directorate.
Laura Tyler, Assistant Director Joint Commissioning and Cezar Sarbu, Operations Service Manager highlighted the key points of the report in relation to Adult Social Care and outlined the current demand and pressures across the service. It was also reported that the service now had a full suite of performance indicator dashboards with multiple areas of focus to measure performance.
In response to questions members were advised that:
· There had been an increase in under 70s being diagnosed with dementia and it was confirmed that the service needed to link in with Health colleagues and the voluntary sector in regard to this issue.
· The Shropshire Council sensory impairment team conducted specialised assessments and information would be provided in relation to the waiting list for this service.
· All individuals identified as carers were offered an assessment which they had the option to complete in a hub or at home with a Social Worker.
· The service continued to reach out to carers to ensure they received the relevant advice and information and it was noted that individuals do not always see themselves as carers and were therefore unaware of the support available.
· There was no set criteria to how carers were identified and the assessment for care involved a discussion with individuals and their family to assess their needs.
· Information in regard to the support available for carers was provided to all partner organisations such as GP surgeries.
· In the first instance care was based on a need rather than financial basis and it was stressed that an assessment was carried out as soon as possible to enable support to be put in place for the family before it reached a crisis point.
David Shaw, Assistant Director Education & Achievement noted the key points in relation to education and referred to the significant increase in demand for Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment and significant increases in the number of EHC plans issued.
In response to questions members were advised that:
· 70% of speech and language assessments were undertaken within 18 weeks and the average timescale was 11 weeks.
· The service would consider reports from external providers in regard to EHC plans and also used external providers to meet capacity.
· There was currently a high level of parental requests for EHC plans and the service was looking at how best to work with parents and carers in regard to this issue.
· Although a burden on settings the collection of speech and language data was very important and had therefore been an area of focus for the service.
· Capital funding was available to establish SEND hubs which would provide specialised provision connected to a mainstream school and it was added that there had been 27 expressions of interest noted.
Donessa Gray, Assistant Director, Services to Children & Families provided information in relation to Children’s Social Care noting in particular the current refocus on early help which can divert an escalation into children social care.
In response to questions members were advised that:
· There was a challenge in regard to capacity issues and information would be provided in relation to the query regarding Social Worker caseloads.
· The service was not currently capturing data in regard to re-referrals, but it was hoped that this data would be available in future.
· Early help was having a positive impact on caseloads by reducing the numbers stepping up to social care.
· The dashboards for members would be reviewed and refreshed ahead of the July meeting.
Officers were thanked for their report.
That members be provided with briefings on Early Help and the Transformation Programme and the following areas be noted as potential future agenda items:
· ‘Front Door’
· Preparing Young People for Adulthood
· Learning Disability & Support
· Recruitment and Retention
· Multi Agency Working
· Commissioning
Supporting documents:
People Directorate Demand Activity and Performance 10.04.24, item 37.
PDF 725 KB
Appendix A Monthly ChAT 2nd April 2024, item 37.
Appendix B Shropshire Education Dashboard, item 37.