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Agenda item

Sports Village Transformation: Results of Public Consultation and Authority to Proceed with Proposal

Lead Member – Councillor Robert Macey, Portfolio Holder for Culture & Digital


Lead Officer – Peter Gilbertson







That Cabinet:


1.     Agreed the results of the public consultation and the business case for the project, as set out in this paper and in Appendix 6, be presented to Council with a recommendation that the design and development of the Shrewsbury Sports Village Transformation be included in the Capital Programme with an initial budget for the design and planning stages of £2.248 million. The project to be funded from Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and any available grants and capital receipts which may be available during the project.


2.     Recommended that Council delegates authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Communities, Culture, Leisure & Tourism, to procure, negotiate and agree the terms of any agreements/contracts necessary for the delivery of the design and planning stages of the project including, but not limited to:


· Commissioning the UK Leisure Framework to support the procurement strategy.

· Selection of a prime design and build contractor and other suppliers.

· Site surveys and investigations and relevant reports.

· Detailed designs and planning application.

· Contract preparation for the build stages.


3.     Agreed that a report is brought to Cabinet and Full Council after the design stages; following the determination of the planning application and once the project has established the full build costs. This subsequent report will seek a decision on whether to approve the full project budget and to proceed with the build stage.

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