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Agenda item

Public Question Time

To receive any questions, statements or petitions of which members of the public have given notice.  Deadline for notification is Tuesday 21 October 2014 at 4.00 pm.


Five questions were received from Members of the Public.  Three were taken under this agenda heading and two which related directly to agenda items were taken at the appropriate time.


Peter Gillard – Monitoring Private Providers of NHS Service


Mr Gillard’s question asked what steps the Scrutiny Committee would take to ensure adequate level of patient safety and quality by private providers.  He referred to recent press coverage of private companies delivering ophthalmology services.  (a full copy of his question and the response provided is attached to the signed minutes)


The response from the Chairman referred to the:  recently extended scope of Scrutiny Committees to cover all providers of health services, commissioned by NHS England, CCGs or Local Authorities; working with Healthwatch to get an impression of services overall and the Committee’s ability to question commissioners and providers regarding patterns and trends.  Healthwatch Shropshire had not received any comments to date related to the two private firms mentioned in the press report.


By way of a supplementary question, Mr Gillard said that a problem in one part of the country might indicate a systemic problem which should warrant a look by the Scrutiny Committee.  The Chairman reported that he was a Member of the Healthwatch Intelligence Committee and action would be taken where necessary.


Dr Julie Davies, Shropshire CCG, added that the companies in question were sub contracted by Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust (SATH) and subject to regular monitoring for clinical quality as all providers were.   


Gill George – Paediatric Care in the Community


Ms George had submitted a question asking if the Committee had considered the implications for community services of the consolidation of Women’s and Children’s acute services, and whether the Committee believed there was currently adequate provision in the community, particularly within the community paediatric nursing team – to adequately support children with long-term health needs. 


The written response provided details of the Assurance Panel established as part of the process for considering the merits of changing the women and children’s services within the county.  The local CCGs would be reviewing the new service model and community services across the county as part of Future Fit. 


By way of a supplementary question, Ms George referred to there being only 10 whole time equivalent community paediatric nurses and said she did not believe they had the resources to properly do their job.  Children’s nurses could be a lifeline and she felt it would be appropriate to look at the level of provision. 


Gill George - SaTH Recruitment and Retention


Ms George had submitted a question in relation to SaTH Recruitment and Retention, drawing attention to the results of the 2013 Staff Survey. 


The response from the Chairman highlighted action taken by the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee related to low morale and difficulty recruiting.  The Joint Chairs had in the last week made a submission to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to inform its current inspection of SATH. This had included comments around low morale and difficulty recruiting as evidenced in the most recent staff survey.   The response referred to discussions around Future Fit focused on securing the appropriate staffing levels for all hospital services and also referred to national issues around recruitment and retention in the NHS.


By way of a supplementary question Ms George expressed concern that the figure of 48% for ‘if a friend or relative needed treatment, I would be happy with the standard of care provided by this organisation’ represented a potential clinical risk and suggested that the Committee might want to consider this.  In response the Chairman referred to regular meetings he held with SATH and the CCG.  The CQC inspection report was awaited and action would be taken as needed.








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