Agenda item
To receive any questions from Members, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2.
The Speaker advised that the following questions had been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 15 (copy of the report containing the detailed questions and their formal responses is attached to the signed minutes).
(i) Received from Mr M Kenny and answered by Mr M Owen, Portfolio Holder for Resources, Finance and Support, about door step lenders and the promotion of Credit Unions in Shropshire – copy attached to the signed minutes.
By way of a supplementary question Mr Kenny asked what the Council was going to do about loan sharks.
In response the Portfolio Holder confirmed that maybe more thought needed to be given to this issue generally but that currently he felt this was well supported in many ways and the Credit Union was soon to be moved to a more suitable location within Shrewsbury town.
(ii) Received from Mr M Kenny and answered by Mr M Owen, Portfolio Holder for Resources, Finance and Support, about Shropshire Pension Fund - copy attached to the signed minutes.
By way of a supplementary question Mr Kenny asked when was the Council going to ask the beneficiaries whether they were happy that the Council was investing in companies that promoted death?
In response the Portfolio Holder confirmed that he strongly believed in seeking advice from the ‘professionals’ and invited Mr Kenny to go with him so they could seek the answer to this question together following the meeting.
(iii) Received from Mr S Davenport and answered by Mrs A Hartley, Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, about projected numbers of children and students in Shropshire schools over the period to 2018 and what action the Council was taking to ensure sustainability of high quality education in our schools over this period - copy attached to the signed minutes.
There was no supplementary question.
(iv) Received from Mr A Mosley and answered by Mr M Owen, Portfolio Holder for Resources, Finance and Support, about accommodation strategic plans including objectives and expected outcomes and costs of any leasing/rental agreements - copy attached to the signed minutes.
By way of a supplementary question Mr Mosley asked the Portfolio Holder to explain firstly why high rents were being paid when the Shirehall building was half empty, secondly why was Longbow House not on the list and finally did the Portfolio Holder agree that the absence of an accommodation strategy over the last 4/5 years had led to a waste of resources?
In response the Portfolio Holder confirmed that the development of the University Centre Shrewsbury continued and until this had been decided no decision on the broader accommodation strategy would be made. A draft Asset Management Strategy had been prepared and would be submitted to Cabinet in February 2015.
(v) Received from Mrs Pam Moseley and answered by Mr S Charmley, Portfolio Holder for Business Growth, ip&e, Culture and Commissioning, about the financial success of The Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery.
By way of a supplementary question Mrs Moseley asked how did the number of paying visitors (18,579) and income (just over £77,000 in a little under 9 months) compare with the projections for both measures set when devising the charging regime, and despite a survey showing that many free visitors would be happy to pay to visit the museum, this had not translated into ticket sales. Finally what measures was the portfolio holder considering to increase footfall through the museum, and was it likely to include any form of free entry or concessionary scheme for local residents?
In response the Deputy Portfolio Holder replied that footfall to date was pleasing and the business case was to build on success so far. Attendance was affected by the weather and in a recent survey of visitors it was pleasing to note that many said they would return to visit the museum again. There were plans for future heritage days. ‘Secret Egypt’ was a forthcoming exhibition coming soon. With regard the request for local concessions, the Deputy Portfolio Holder reminded Members that this was a Shropshire museum, rather than a Shrewsbury museum and therefore that was not feasible. In conclusion thanks were made to the staff and volunteers involved for their excellent work to date.
(vi) Received from Mr Roger Evans and answered by Mr S Charmley, Portfolio Holder for Business Growth, ip&e, Culture and Commissioning, about the relationship between Shropshire Council, Serco and Shropshire Community Trust, accountability and the future running of five leisure facilities.
By way of a supplementary question Mr Evans asked firstly for a copy of the contract, secondly whether or not a £1.2 million investment had been made and thirdly why one of the Trustee applicants was an out of county individual?
In response the Portfolio Holder said he would get back to Mr Evans after the meeting on the first and second points. With regard to the third point, Mr Charmley confirmed that the Chairman of the Trust was from Northampton and that he covered more than one Trust in this post.
(vii) Received from Mr Dave Tremellen and answered by Mrs Karen Calder, Portfolio Holder for Health, about the siting of a new A&E unit in Shropshire.
By way of a supplementary question Mr Tremellen asked that everyone stop pretending that this would lead to the CCG’s preferred option.
In response the Portfolio Holder assured Members that there was no pretence. Proper briefings and genuine consultations were taking place. The most important point to remember was that the new unit had to be financially sustainable.
(viii) Received from Mr Dave Tremellen and answered by Mr Malcolm Price, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing and Commissioning, about the recent announcement by Brandon Lewis MP, to exempt developments of under ten houses from liability to the affordable housing levy.
By way of a supplementary question Mr Tremellen asked how long it would be before the officer’s paper was issued.
In response the Portfolio Holder said that he had seen Brandon Lewis earlier that week and he expected the report would be available soon. He undertook to share this report with all members once received.
(ix) Received from Mrs Charlotte Barnes and answered by Mr Malcolm Price, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing and Commissioning, about Eric Pickles new planning guidance for affordable housing contributions from market housing, which removed the need for S106 affordable housing contributions from housing developments of 10 units or less.
By way of a supplementary question Mrs Barnes asked about the impact of the policy with regard to the lower 5 unit threshold in designated rural parishes, and would it affect those parishes mentioned in her original question.
In response the Portfolio Holder confirmed that there was no right to buy policy in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). There was currently an exception policy if you were to sell a right to buy house in an AONB area. A review on this was currently being undertaken by the Government. Once this was complete the Portfolio Holder said he hoped that an exemption would be granted in Shropshire.
(x) Received from Mrs Vivienne Parry and answered by Mr Malcolm Price, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing and Commissioning, about accessible/lifetime housing in Shropshire now and in the future.
By way of a supplementary question Mrs Parry asked why the number of units had dropped from 151 in 2010/2011 to 90 units in 2013/14 and when would numbers return to the higher figure.
In response the Portfolio Holder confirmed that he would look at this again in conjunction with developers, and he was aware that the Government was also looking at this issue. His main concern was that he believed numbers would level down and not up.
(xi) Received from Mr Andy Boddington and answered by Mr Malcolm Price, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing and Commissioning, several detailed questions about Shropshire Council’s Homelessness Strategy which was due for review in 2015.
By way of a supplementary question Mr Boddington asked why there was a rise in interventions from 538 in 2009/10 to nearly double that figure; 1026 in 2013/14 and the background behind this.
In response the Portfolio Holder said there did appear to be an increased demand for homelessness services, in part due to welfare reform – including the effects of the spare room subsidy, and JSA sanctions. Pilots suggested that direct payments of Housing Benefit to social tenants as part of Universal Credit which was due to rollout to Shropshire early next year, would further increase the demand for homelessness services. Also changes effected via the Localism Act 2011 meant new social tenancies were at a significantly reduced security of tenure. A recent trend appeared to be the emerging of new social tenants facing possession action by their landlord due to rent arrears resulting from under-occupancy and financial hardship.
The aims of the Homelessness Strategy document placed emphasis on earlier interventions, working together in partnerships and focus on prevention of homelessness in order to increase the efficacy of the Council’s services for those in housing need. Since the Strategy’s inception Housing Options had developed along with stakeholder partners, several single point of contact referral schemes for individuals in need of supported accommodation e.g. semi-independent accommodation for patients discharged from Redwoods Centre, and a county-wide rent deposit guarantee scheme and housing advice provision administered by Shropshire Housing Alliance.
(xii) Received from Mr Boddington and answered by Mr Malcolm Price, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing and Commissioning, about long –term empty homes.
There was no supplementary question from Mr Boddington.
Supporting documents:
- 6 Member Questions report, item 89. PDF 116 KB
- 6 schools sustainability briefing note Sept 14 final, item 89. PDF 46 KB