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Agenda item

Land North Of Whitridge Way Trefonen Shropshire (14/00536/OUT)

Outline application for the erection of twelve dwellings (to include access).



The Principal Planning Officer introduced the outline application for the erection of twelve dwellings (to include access) and drew Members’ attention to the schedule of additional letters. It was confirmed that Members had attended a site visit that morning and had assessed the impact of the proposed development on neighbouring properties and the surrounding area.


Dr George Nash on behalf of the Trefonen Rural Protection Group, spoke against the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees during which the following points were raised;


·         The Group felt let down by English Heritage and Planning Officers;

·         Offa’s Dyke was an internationally recognised heritage asset along with the ‘gutter’ and other non-designated heritage assets;

·         The proposed development would have a detrimental effect on Offa’s Dyke; and

·         Trefonen had already seen heavy development.


Councillor Tony Cheetham, on behalf of Oswestry Rural Parish Council, spoke against the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees during which the following points were raised;


·         There was overwhelming opposition to the development within the village;

·         Access is restricted and would create a pinch point on Chapel Lane;

·         There was no sustainable transport system and a lack of public transport; and

·         There were no employment opportunities within the village and therefore residents would be reliant on cars.


Mr David Parker, Agent on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees during which the following points were raised:


·         The original application was for 13 units however this had been reduced, in response to concerns from local residents;

·         The number of smaller semi-detached properties had also been increased;

·         The application site was different to another site in Trefonen that had been refused as it had its own access which was a continuation of the existing estate road; and

·         The village shop was due to reopen and the local primary school had spaces all of which gave weight to the sustainability of the village


By virtue of the amendment made to Shropshire Council’s Constitution, as agreed at the meeting of Council held on 27 February 2014, Councillor Joyce Barrow, as the Local Member, made a statement, and then left the room, taking no part in the debate and did not vote. During her statement the following points were raised:


·         The site of the proposed development was within Open Countryside and development of the site would be contrary to Oswestry Rural Parish Council’s Parish Plan May 2014;

·         There was unprecedented opposition to the development within the local community;

·         The upland area of Trefonen must be protected, not only the physical monument but also the setting of the Dyke;

·         The extra traffic that the development would create would have an adverse impact on the village;

·         The development was not sustainable; and

·         The unique character of Trefonen would be damaged.


During the ensuing debate, Members expressed concern at the cumulative effect of the loss of further valuable agricultural land, along with the potential harm to the intrinsic rural character of the village and the Designated Heritage Asset (Offa’s Dyke) and considered that the harm caused by the development would cumulatively, significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits



That Planning Permission be refused, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation for the following reasons:


It is acknowledged that the housing proposed by the development would contribute economically and socially by boosting the housing supply and would also provide limited support for the existing services in the village. Notwithstanding this however it is considered that this is outweighed by the potential harms identified below. Furthermore weight, albeit limited weight, was given to the fact that the proposed development was not plan led being contrary to both current saved policies of the Oswestry Local Plan and emerging policies in the Site Allocations and Management of Development DPD.  Limited weight was given to those policies in view of the age of the saved policies and the fact that the emerging policies are subject to unresolved objections and have not yet been subject to examination in public. It is considered that the development of this site would have an adverse impact on the intrinsic rural character and beauty of the village, take up a visually valuable green space, be development on valuable agricultural land and would not contribute towards conserving and enhancing the natural environment contrary to policies CS5 and CS6 of the Shropshire Core Strategy and the NPPF.  Furthermore it is not considered that this development in the settlement is sustainable due to the limited number of services available to future residents in Trefonen and the consequent need to travel to access services but with limited public transport, and opportunities for non-car based travel to do so.  The Council considers that the impact the proposed development would have on the internationally recognised designated heritage asset (Offa’s Dyke), having regard to the advice of English Heritage and the Council’s Conservation Officer also adds weight to the conclusion that the adverse impacts of the development would cumulatively, significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits and would fail to satisfy roles of sustainable development as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.


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