Agenda item
Day Services Update
To consider current day service opportunities – successes and challenges to date, and comment on outstanding action needed. A report is to follow from the Head of Social Care Efficiency & Improvement.
Maggie Allan from Bradbury Day Care Centre has been invited to the meeting to talk about the Centre following a Provider Change and answer any questions.
Members who have visited Avalon Day Opportunities in Oswestry and met with Service Users who have experienced change will report on their findings and Healthwatch will also provide information on service user satisfaction.
Members considered a report (copy attached to the signed minutes) which provided an update on changes made to the Council’s in house provided day services between 2012 and 2015 and the outcomes for service users who were previously supported by the Council in day services.
Discussion covered disappointing levels of interest from independent providers in taking on Day Services. A helpful session had been held with providers recently to identify the reasons for this.
The Committee were informed of the ‘Safe Places’ initiative which had been launched to support vulnerable people in the community. Members suggested that publicity around ‘Safe Places’ be revisited to ensure the public was aware of the service and familiar with the logo.
Members drew attention to the absence of Safe Places in the Cleobury Mortimer, Bishop’s Castle and south west Shropshire areas and the Head of Social Care Improvement and Efficiency said she would look into this. Officers referred to discussions with the Mayfair Centre regarding provision of an outreach service in Bishop’s Castle. The Committee asked that all Members with a relevant geographical link be involved in such discussions.
Another Member drew attention to the Butcher Row toilets in Shrewsbury which included the county’s first publicly funded disabled changing places and had been provided by Shrewsbury Town Council. She also suggested that similar facilities in Day Centres should be promoted.
The Healthwatch representative had considered the comments received by Healthwatch in relation to day services. Healthwatch were able to make enter and view visits and had identified some impact of reduced access to day services in the context of lack of regular social contact. Some service users had expressed regret that they were no longer able to see each other in the social setting of a day centre. It was suggested that the qualitative information gathered by Healthwatch be incorporated in any future discussions around social contact.
The Chairman and Councillor Moseley reported on a visit that they had made to the Avalon in Oswestry which provided day opportunities for clients with a Learning Disability. A variety of activities were offered including gardening, walking, swimming and horse riding as well as activities in the building itself. Councillor Moseley reported on the good quality of the building and the pleasant, calm ambience with some listening to music and chatting and some participating in craft and other activities. She had felt that it had looked underused but realised that some were participating in activities away from the building. The cost was £57 day and she had heard that some people did not attend any more due to the cost.
The Chairman reported that Maggie Allan, from the Bradbury Day Centre was unfortunately unable to attend the meeting as planned to report on what had been a great success story in Whitchurch.
Officers acknowledged concerns related to social isolation and also the need to reduce reliance on an institutional type building. Learning from tender exercises would be taken on board.
Members from rural electoral divisions pointed out the importance of geography and the particular need to look for any facilities that could be used for community based services in rural areas. The importance of involving the local member for rural areas in any discussions was reiterated.
The Chairman recommended that the next meeting of the Committee be held at Avalon Day Opportunities to allow the Committee to see the service provided for themselves, with a visit afterwards to Maesbury Metals.
The Committee agreed the recommendations in the report.
Supporting documents:
- Transformation of Day Services in Shropshire (Final), item 55. PDF 96 KB
- Appendix A - Safe Shropshire, item 55. PDF 299 KB
- Appendix B - Changing Places, item 55. PDF 213 KB
- Appendix D - The Fordhall Community Land Initiative Ltd, item 55. PDF 100 KB
- Appendix C - Montage of photos, item 55. PDF 2 MB