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Agenda item

Quarter 4 Performance Report 2014 to 2015

To consider the Quarter 4 performance management information presented by the Performance Manager.


The Performance Manager presented the report detailing the Council’s performance against its outcomes for Quarter 4 2014/15 and provided a view of the year in comparison with 2013/14.  Members also considered the detailed intelligence illustrated within the four technical dashboards:


·         ‘Your Money’ Outcome

·         ‘Your Environment’ Outcome

·         ‘Your Life’ Outcome

·         ‘Your Health’ Outcome


The Portfolio Holder for Performance Management explained that each of the Scrutiny Committees would also be given the opportunity to consider the information within the dashboards relevant to their respective remits. He added that the picture presented today represented little change from the information presented in the previous quarter.


Referring to the ‘Your Life’ appendix, slide 9, the Performance Manager explained that the information relating to the proportion of Adult Social Care users who find it easy to find information about services was collected by survey to the Department of Health; results for 2014/15 would be available in the autumn 2015.  The Director of Adult Services commented that a great deal of work had been undertaken in the last 12 months and a new portal had been introduced as a result of the requirements of the Care Act and this should result in a positive change to this indicator.  He added that people were also being encouraged to pick up the telephone and talk through the issues.  A Member commented on the ease of finding the information and queried the reducing trend illustrated by this indicator.


In response to a Member’s question on slide 5, the Director of Children’s Services stated that the figures on the percentage of ceased Looked After Children [LAC] adopted during the year related to very few families and did not represent a trend.  Commenting on the increase in numbers of LAC, slide 3, she added that this was an indicator to watch but she drew attention to the fact that the numbers had stabilised during the last 6 months. Members noted that this was part of a national trend relating to referrals of children to social care.  The Chief Executive commented individuals in communities were becoming more aware of issues and this resulted in more referrals coming through.


Referring to the ‘Your Health’ appendix, slide 3, ‘bed blockers’, the Portfolio Holder for Performance Management reported that this issue would be considered by the Health and Wellbeing Board to establish the facts behind the statistics.  The Director of Adult Services added that the issue of delayed transfers of care was also to be considered by the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee in the autumn 2015. 


In answer to a Member’s query on slide 7, the Performance Manager explained that the figures shown were produced from the health survey mentioned earlier in the meeting.  The Director of Adult Services commented that, although the figures showed a drop, the Council was one of the top performers in England.  He added that many changes were ongoing in the methods of performance measurement of Adult Social Care by Government.


In response to a Member’s query, the Chairman advised that the reduction in street night lighting had not resulted in any increase in the levels of crime in the area. 


The Portfolio Holder for Performance Management commented that the quarterly satisfaction survey comprised a sample size of 951 with relatively high satisfaction levels.  He stated that resampling from a different sample of the population may possibly be considered.  He added that the current response rate was 80%.  The Performance Manager added that the tracker survey had always been recognised as one way of obtaining information and he stressed the need to also look at performance in service areas although this remained static at present.




i)             That the Quarter 4 performance information be noted; and


ii)            That each of the Council’s Scrutiny Committees be given the opportunity to consider the performance monitoring information relevant to their respective remits.



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