Agenda item
Land Adjacent to 1B Racecourse Avenue, Shrewsbury, Shropshire (15/01382/FUL)
Erection of one terraced dwelling.
The Principal Planner introduced the application and with reference to the drawings displayed, drew Members’ attention to the location and proposed layout.
Members had undertaken a site visit that morning and had viewed the site and assessed the impact of the proposal on the surrounding area.
Mrs Penny Bicknell, the agent, spoke for the proposal in accordance with the Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
On behalf of the local Ward Member, Councillor Miles Kenny, the Chairman read out the following statement:
“This application is borderline between refusal and approval, but refusal would be inconsistent with previous approvals in the area and public opinion.
There were two ‘public comments’ both raising concerns about the beech tree - now resolved and one of these comments supported the rest of the proposal, pointing out the need for such dwellings in the area.
The issue is about ‘siting, scale and design ‘
Racecourse Avenue is not a conservation area and consists of fairly uniform dwellings, except that a number of the front gardens are parking areas, there are a number of non-uniform garages, fences, gates and one large extension at the far end of Racecourse Avenue and a huge and modern garage opposite on a site granted outline permission for two dwellings. In addition to the left of the site is a mismatched collection of garages and outbuildings along with a large double gate.
Originally Highways objected on the grounds of lack of car parking, but this has been resolved. Highways now raise no objection and it would be contradictory and unsustainable to refuse this application on car parking grounds.
Nearby in Crowmere Road, numbers 71 and 73, permission was granted for small dwellings on smaller plots without off street parking and the precedence has been set for this area. There is outline permission for two similar sized dwellings opposite.
There are a number of older dwellings in Crowmere Road on much smaller plots.
This site has a larger amenity space than some of the other dwellings in the vicinity. Public opinion supports the provision of single starter low cost homes in urban environments instead of greenfield sites.
Accordingly it would be difficult to refuse this application and hope for success at appeal.
The officers recommend that this application be refused on the basis that it is a cramped plot. The plot is 46.29 square metres.
Nearby, in Crowmere Road there are a number of similar one bedroom dwellings that were given planning permission this century, all of them on smaller plots.”
In the ensuing debate, Members considered the submitted plans, noted the comments of all speakers and held differing views. Some Members commented that affordable homes were needed and recommended approval, subject to the protection of the amenities to the area during construction, protection of the Beech tree and other appropriate conditions. Other Members expressed concern with regard to the size of the dwelling, the impact on the Beech tree and the impact of the Beech tree on this property in future years and considered the proposal to be cramped and contrived.
That planning permission be refused as per the Officer’s recommendation.
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