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Agenda item

Land To The Rear Of 41 Furlongs Road, Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire, DY14 8AR (15/01919/FUL)

Erection of residential development 12No dwellings, garages and roads design.


The Principal Planner introduced the application and with reference to the drawings and photographs displayed, he drew Members’ attention to the location, layout and elevations.  He confirmed that Members had undertaken a site visit the previous day and had viewed the site and assessed the impact of the proposal on the surrounding area.  He drew Members’ attention to a recent communication from the Shropshire Council Highway Officer which set out in more detail a breakdown of the £20,000 highways contribution and confirmed that any works would be undertaken in consultation with the local Members.


Members noted the additional information as set out in the Schedule of Additional Letters circulated prior to the meeting.


Councillor Mrs B Davies, representing Cleobury Mortimer Parish Council, spoke against the proposal in accordance with the Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.


In accordance with the Local Protocol for Councillors and Officers dealing with Regulatory Matters (Part 5, Paragraph 15.1) Councillor Madge Shineton, as local Ward Councillor, made a statement and then left the room, took no part in the debate and did not vote on this item.  During her statement, the following points were raised:


·         The Parish Plan indicated that more affordable housing was required and smaller properties for the older generation who wished to downsize.  Only 12% said more family housing was needed;

·         The proposal would be contrary to Core Strategy Policies CS11 and CS10, would not be sustainable and would have a detrimental impact on neighbouring dwellings; and

·         The development, along with outstanding planning permissions, would have a major incremental impact on the local road infrastructure and there was nothing that could be done to improve the footpath/pedestrian/cycle routes.


In accordance with the Local Protocol for Councillors and Officers dealing with Regulatory Matters (Part 5, Paragraph 15.1) Councillor Gwilym Butler, as local Ward Councillor, made a statement and then left the table, took no part in the debate and did not vote on this item.  During his statement, the following points were raised:


·         He concurred with the comments of both Councillor Madge Shineton and the Parish Council;

·         The SAMDev Plan developed in consultation with the community had reached the same conclusion as the Parish Plan;

·         Over 300 homes, including executive homes in Tenbury Road, had been permitted in the last 10 years;

·         Many older people wanted to downsize and remain in Cleobury Mortimer; and

·         A diversity of the type of homes was required.


In the ensuing debate, Members considered the submitted plans and noted the comments of all speakers.  Members particularly expressed concern with regard to the access, the incremental impact of the development on the road network; and the high number and type of dwellings proposed which would be contrary to the Parish Plan.




That consideration of this application be deferred to the next meeting, with Members minded to refuse the application on the basis that the proposal:


·         Will be detrimental to the residential amenities of neighbouring residents;

·         No such need for this type of dwelling has been identified; and

·         The proposal will result in an unacceptable incremental impact on the local road infrastructure.


The proposals would therefore fail to comply with Core Strategy Policies CS3, CS6, CS7 and CS8 and Cleobury Mortimer Parish Plan. Given the position and weight that can now be afforded to the emerging SAMDev Plan, the development of the site will also be contrary to emerging Policies MD1, MD2 and MD3 of the SAMDev Plan.


(At this juncture, Councillor Nigel Hartin left the meeting and did not return.)

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