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Abbey Foregate

Agenda item

Reports from Scrutiny Committees - Final Report from the Budget 2016/17 Task and Finish Group

Report of the Performance Manager is attached, marked 6. TO FOLLOW


Contact: Tom Dodds 01743 252011




That the recommendations from the Budget 2016/17 Task and Finish Group be supported, as follows:


A.   The Council should continue to actively lobby the appropriate individuals and organisations about the financial situation it finds itself in; individually and collectively with other local authorities.

B.   The Scrutiny Work Programme should have the Financial Strategy as a main focus, taking account of the work being done to develop opportunities and proposals to change the way that services are delivered. Scrutiny wish to be involved in the budget setting process at an earlier stage.

C.   More information on the impact/implications of proposed savings should be included in future years budget proposals, and as the plans for areas set out in the Financial Strategy are refined and more defined.

D.   Cabinet are asked to highlight the risks and impacts of proposed changes to achieve the Budget 2016/17, to be clear on unforeseen consequences and how they will be managed, tolerated or avoided.

E.   In order to enable a better view of how the Council is deploying its resources, future budgets should be aligned with the future long term strategy of the Council and as well as the more operational split to service areas.

F.    The work through 2016/17 and future work should pay greater attention to the identification and realisation of income generation and invest to save opportunities by all means available to the Council.

G.   Communication and engagement with all stakeholders and communities on the reality of the situation affecting the Council and the opportunities and options which are available to deliver current services differently, must be a priority.

H.   Work with partners needs to continue to ensure that wherever possible plans and actions do not shunt risks and costs between organisations, and joint and integrated working is explored and implemented to maximise the impact of resources.

I.      The Council should explore with partners, providers and communities how appropriate support can be put in place to enable them to take up opportunities to ensure services that communities’ value continue to be available to them.



105.1  The Chairman of the Budget 2016/17 Task and Finish Group presented the final report and findings from the Group and thanked all involved for their openness and frank discussion of the budget 2016/17 and the Financial Strategy.


105.2  The Leader thanked the Group for its endeavours and reported that work had already begun on some of the recommendations highlighted by the Task and Finish Group.  Other Portfolio Holders echoed this thanks and considered the work to have been extremely useful with areas identified already being investigated, for example, a meeting had been held with Parish and Town Councils when positive feedback had been received on future ways of working.


105.3  Another Member commented that, given the timescales, the Group’s recommendations would have no impact on the 2016/17 budget but could be brought into future thinking.  Responding to further concerns raised particularly regarding the escalating costs of Adult Social Care [ASC], the Leader gave assurances that Government lobbying was continuing through the local MP, by conversations with the Minister and the inclusion of the Council’s Head of Finance, Governance and Assurance on to the Parliamentary Group working on the development of a new assessments scheme for elderly care funding.  It was noted that the Council’s position re ASC was continually moving and evolving and the following week’s Council meeting would provide further information and a forum for further debate on this issue.


105.4  RESOLVED:


That the recommendations from the Budget 2016/17 Task and Finish Group be supported, as follows:


i)    The Council should continue to actively lobby the appropriate individuals and organisations about the financial situation it finds itself in; individually and collectively with other local authorities.


ii)  The Scrutiny Work Programme should have the Financial Strategy as a main focus, taking account of the work being done to develop opportunities and proposals to change the way that services are delivered. Scrutiny wish to be involved in the budget setting process at an earlier stage.


iii) More information on the impact/implications of proposed savings should be included in future years budget proposals, and as the plans for areas set out in the Financial Strategy are refined and more defined.


iv)    Cabinet are asked to highlight the risks and impacts of proposed changes to achieve the Budget 2016/17, to be clear on unforeseen consequences and how they will be managed, tolerated or avoided.


v)     In order to enable a better view of how the Council is deploying its resources, future budgets should be aligned with the future long term strategy of the Council and as well as the more operational split to service areas.


vi)       The work through 2016/17 and future work should pay greater attention to the identification and realisation of income generation and invest to save opportunities by all means available to the Council.


vii)      Communication and engagement with all stakeholders and communities on the reality of the situation affecting the Council and the opportunities and options which are available to deliver current services differently, must be a priority.


viii)     Work with partners needs to continue to ensure that wherever possible plans and actions do not shunt risks and costs between organisations, and joint and integrated working is explored and implemented to maximise the impact of resources.


ix)       The Council should explore with partners, providers and communities how appropriate support can be put in place to enable them to take up opportunities to ensure services that communities’ value continue to be available to them.




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