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Agenda item

Shropshire Business Board

To receive a verbal update from Mandy Thorn, Chairman of the Shropshire Business Board, on its recent work


The Chairman welcomed Mandy Thorn, Chairman of the Shropshire Business Board to the meeting and asked that she tell the Committee about the work of the Board.


Ms Thorn explained that the Shropshire Business Board comprised of voluntary representatives from various business sectors in Shropshire including the educational establishments, as well as the organisations which supported them, such as the Chamber of Commerce and Federation of Small Businesses.  Members also included Shropshire Councillors and Senior Council Officers.  Administrative support was provided by Shropshire Council.  Members noted that it was a well-established advisory forum where business sector representatives could channel information on business needs, views and priorities to both the Council and Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).  It was also a body which the Council and LEP could draw on for information and input when developing economic policies and procedures due to its Members’ wide range of knowledge, skills and experience. 


The Board also actively encouraged and supported collaboration between companies to achieve common goals and development of their business sectors. This was done through its network of Business Ambassadors.   


Ms Thorn observed that the Board’s greatest concerns related to the skills gap, and the provision of digital and physical infrastructure within Shropshire to support the County’s economic development. It was noted that Shropshire was well located, close to the Midland industrial areas of Birmingham and Manchester and with links to Wales and Ireland, but without the necessary infrastructure it was not possible to fully utilise this location.   Members discussed the need to improve road and rail links in the County and the provision of broadband. It was acknowledged that the public and businesses did not recognised local government administrative borders.   Responding to a Member’s comment, Ms Thorn agreed that a large number of businesses in Shropshire exported goods and services to Europe and beyond. 


In response to a Member’s question regarding the Tourism Sector, Ms Thorn explained that the work had been undertaken to encourage businesses in this sector to work collaboratively and it was the predominant sector attending the Business Summits arranged by the Business Board.  She continued that the Board appreciated the support provided by Council Tourism Officers to develop the sector.


In answer to a Member’s question, Ms Thorn observed that although useful, the Business Summits were only engaging with members of the business community who wished to do so. The Board was looking to develop initiatives which engaged those who were not, and to ensure that all business sectors had representation on the Board. She added that she was conscious that expanding Board Membership beyond twenty members could make the Board’s work less efficient and effective.   Ms Thorn also confirmed that the role of the Business Ambassadors was being considered, and ways to give greater focus to the role were being sought. 


Ms Thorn confirmed that she was aware the 85% of businesses in Shropshire were SMEs, and they were represented on the Board by the Federation of Small Businesses.  She continued that the Marches LEP had now launched the Shropshire Physical Growth Hub at the Food Enterprise Centre and had also opened a Business Lounge based at the University Centre, to support all business based in the County as well as those looking to relocate.  There were also plans to provide pop-up Growth Hubs in the larger market towns.  The Physical Growth Hub was supported by the Virtual Growth Hub which provided information via the internet.  The Chairman commented that Shropshire Council was also about to launch a dedicated business website and Ms Thorn confirmed that there would be links between the two.  


The Physical Regeneration Manager commented that talks had been held with the neighbouring Welsh Local Authorities, the rail companies and LEP about improving rail connectivity in the region.  These had been very positive. 


The Chairman commented that he had received a request for the Committee to consider supporting the extension the M54 to Shrewsbury on economic grounds.  He was also aware that the Minister for Transport was considering improvements to the A5.  He suggested that it might be useful to hold a joint meeting with the Environment and Services Scrutiny Committee to receive more information.


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