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Agenda item

Proposed Consultation on a Public Spaces Protection Order for Shrewsbury Town Centre

Lead Member – Councillor Malcolm Price – Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing, Regulatory Services and Environment


Report of the Director of Public Health


Contact: Rod Thomson       Tel: 01743 252003




            That Cabinet agrees, with any necessary amendments, the proposed Public Spaces Protection Order as detailed in Appendix A and the accompanying consultation documentation as detailed in Appendix B and to instruct the Trading Standards and Licensing Operations Manager to initiate an eight-week period of consultation and to arrange for the results to be brought back to Cabinet for further consideration and any further necessary amendment.



The Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing, Regulatory Services and Environment presented a report from the Director of Public Health on a proposed Public Spaces Protection Order [PSPO] in response to growing concern and evidence that anti-social behaviour within Shrewsbury Town Centre was affecting local businesses, residents, visitors and agencies.  He added that the PSPO formed part of a series of measures aimed at taking an holistic approach to improving Shrewsbury town centre for the benefit of all.  The current main areas of concern were a) people causing nuisance and harassment, b) urinating and defecating in public areas, c) leaving personal items and d) consumption of alcohol in public areas.    


A Member drew attention to the omission of the Frankwell area and the area beyond the railway station.  The Portfolio Holder replied that there was a danger in changing the area to be covered by the Order as this could result in problems being shifted to other areas.  Referring to the number of rough sleepers in the town, totalling seven currently, the Portfolio Holder assured Members that accommodation was offered to them from mid-December to the end of February and that the authority also had a duty to offer accommodation to rough sleepers if there were more than two nights of frost.


The Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture supported the initiative and drew attention to the success of such Orders that had already been implemented in other parts of the country. One of the local Members had indicated his support for this initiative and those present were all in favour of the initiative as a measure to protect the centre of Shrewsbury as a nice place to visit.




            That Cabinet agrees, with any necessary amendments, the proposed Public Spaces Protection Order as detailed in Appendix A and the accompanying consultation documentation as detailed in Appendix B and to instruct the Trading Standards and Licensing Operations Manager to initiate an eight-week period of consultation and to arrange for the results to be brought back to Cabinet for further consideration and any further necessary amendment.


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