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Agenda item


a)    BCF Performance and Outline Plan – Report attached.  Contact: Sam Tilley, Head of Planning and Partnerships, Shropshire CCG, Tel 01743 277500.


b)    Healthy Lives Programme and Social Prescribing – Report attached.  Contact: Jo Robins, Public Health Consultant, Tel 01743 253935.


c)     Alcohol Strategy – Clear Self-assessment tool – report attached. Contact: Gavin Hogarth, Public Health, Tel 01743 253935.


d)    Leadership Programme – a verbal report will be made.  Contact: Andy Begley, Director of Adult Services, Tel 01743 258911.




a)    BCF Performance and Outline Plan – Sam Tilley, Head of Planning and Partnerships, Shropshire CCG, presented a report – copy attached to the signed minutes – on the Better Care Fund Quarter 3 Performance report.  The positive direction of travel of BCF Performance and scheme activity was generally welcomed by the Board.  It was requested that a specific item on Delayed Transfer of Care be made to a future meeting of the Board.  The group discussed that information such as flow in and out of hospital (dashboard presented to the A&E Delivery Group) was available but it was not necessarily coming to the Board’s attention.  In future it was agreed this should also be reported to the Board and that accountability for metrics was required.  Shropshire Council Chief Executive said that extra funding coming to local authorities for social care was welcome, but the detail of how that money was to be used was not yet known.  Undoubtedly resources would have to be used widely and Mr Wright said he was happy to write to Mark Lloyd at the LGA as a point in evidence of this.


RESOLVED:  That subject to the foregoing the report be noted and the current position in relation to BCF planning fpr 2017/18 to 2018/19 be noted.



o   Detailed report on DToC to the Board in future & reminder to SaTH (SW) to attend meetings – important - PB.

o   Letter to Mark Lloyd, LGA from CW about extra funding to local authorities for social care.

o   Dashboard report that goes to A&E Delivery Group to go to H&WB in future - JD


b)    Healthy Live Programme and Social Prescribing – The Board welcomed a report on Healthy Lives and a presentation about Social Prescribing (joining up the Prevention Agenda in Shropshire) – copy attached to the signed minutes – which gave an update on a recent visit to the Wellbeing Enterprises CIC Prevention Programme in Halton by members of the Partnership Prevention Programme.




                           i.          That the update on the key learning from the Wellbeing CIC visit be received and that the approach being adopted by the Healthy Lives Steering Group be endorsed.


                          ii.          That the approach to develop a social prescribing model which recognises and builds on the assets already in place in Shropshire such as the Community and Care Co-ordinators, the Compassionate Communities programme, the programmes in the Better Care Fund, the Let’s Talk Local model and behaviour change programmes be approved.


                        iii.          That the implementation of the pilot and the evaluation of the pilot be endorsed.


                        iv.          That the model, including a range of measures that demonstrate impact on health and well-being, be supported.


                         v.          That an asset-based community development Workshop be set up, with Neil Nisbet.


c)     Alcohol Strategy – Clear Self-Assessment Tool – A report – copy attached to the signed minutes – was introduced and amplified by Gavin Hogarth on a CLeaR tool to support local areas in improving their response to reduce alcohol related harms.  This was welcomed by the Board. 




                           i.          That the contents of the report be noted.


                          ii.          That the completion of CLeaR in Shropshire through directing within their organisations contribution to the process be supported.


                        iii.          That promoting the CLeaR assessment with partner agencies as part of the wider strategic response to alcohol related harm be supported.


                        iv.          That the proposed timeline for the completion of CLeaR be approved.


                         v.          That a letter be written by Gavin Hogarth inviting organisations to participate in this initiative.


ACTION: Invitation letter from GH


d)    Leadership Programme – A verbal update was given by Tanya Miles on the Leadership Programme.  This regular feedback was welcomed by the Board.



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