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Agenda item


  • Mental Health Partnership Board (including CaMHs update) & Suicide Prevention Strategy (Andy Begley & Gordon Kochane) – report attached.
  • Better Care Fund – (Tanya Miles, Tom Brettell) – report attached.
  • Healthy Lives update -  Social Prescribing, Diabetes Prevention, (Rod Thomson)
  • Children’s Trust Update  (Karen Bradshaw) – report attached.



Mental Health Partnership Board and Suicide Prevention Strategy


The Board received its regular update briefing (copy attached to signed minutes) designed to provide assurance from the Mental Health Partnership Board concerning the partnership approach to promoting and supporting the mental health and emotional wellbeing of the people of Shropshire. 


The Clinical Chair of the CCG emphasised that Mental Health was paramount and that everyone needed support and development at some point in relation to mental wellbeing.  The Chairman said that he had observed a Partnership Board meeting which had been well attended and included representation from a large range of organisations.  It was confirmed that mental health would be embedded through all planning at every stage. Members felt that the vision was clear and precise. 




i)     to endorse and champion the vision of the Mental Health Partnership Board as “Shropshire is a place where mental health is everyone’s business, positive emotional wellbeing is promoted and services and communities work together to provide appropriate support when our people need it”


ii)    to endorse the key themes of the 12 month action plan. 


Suicide Prevention Strategy


Gordon Kochane, Public Health Registrar presented the Suicide Prevention Strategy (copy attached to signed minutes) for agreement and endorsement by the Board. 


He explained how the priorities within the Strategy had been identified, and how national guidance and feedback on the draft had also informed it.  He reported on updates suggested at a recent Mental Health Partnership meeting.


Board members felt that the strategy was excellent but asked questions about information sharing, which was already difficult across the statutory services and would be even harder for third sector organisations to access.  They heard that a Memorandum of Understanding was being developed which would include an information sharing agreement.    


Members’ attention was drawn to a workshop on 7 June 2017 on the Strategy which they would be welcome to attend if they wished to do so.


It was confirmed that the updated version of the draft would be circulated when available.




To agree and endorse the Suicide Prevention Strategy for implementation within Shropshire.


Integration and Better Care Fund Plan 2017 - 2019


Tanya Miles, Head of Social Care Operations – Shropshire Council and Tom Brettell, Better Care Fund Manager introduced the report on the draft Integration and Better Care Fund plan for 17/18 to 18/19 and the 2016/17 Quarter 4 Performance Report.  A presentation was made (copy attached to the signed minutes) which covered:  reflections on 2016/17; the current position; the approach to the plan; national conditions and metrics; pooled budget and governance and sign off.


The Board noted that delayed guidance on the two year plan was still expected from Central Government and was not now expected until after the general election.  However, this had meant that a 2 Year Plan had been created that suited Shropshire, was shorter and clearer and drove greater system integration. 


It was likely that a special meeting of the Board would need to be arranged to sign off the Plan. 


Michael Whitworth, Shropshire CCG, commented that as a relative newcomer to the CCG he had been encouraged by good partnership working and a proactive approach from the Council. 




The Board agreed the following statement regarding integration:

“The Health and Wellbeing Board believes integration is about putting Shropshire people at the heart of decision making.  The Board uses evidence that is gathered through data and through engagement to develop a common purpose and agreed outcomes for people, with people; it is about taking a whole system approach to leading, designing and delivering services.”


Officers were thanked for the report.


Healthy Lives Update


The Board considered an update from the Healthy Lives Delivery Group (copy attached to the signed minutes).  The Director of Public Health referred to Fire Service Safe and Well checks, and explained social prescribing.  NHS England had asked Shropshire Council to take the lead on this in the Midlands.  The Oswestry pilot was to be rolled out shortly. 


The Chief Executive – Shropshire Council, referred to the need to establish base lines so it would be possible to measure and account for the difference this activity made.  The Director of Public Health confirmed that it was intended to bring the evidence base to the Board and report on progress and plans for roll out on a regular basis.


The Clinical Chair of the CCG  referred to the need for the approach to be owned by communities as well as GPs.  The Health and Wellbeing Co-ordinator explained that social prescribing was unique in that referrals could be made from multiple sources, eg, GPs, mental health services, adult social care teams, community care co-ordinators and the voluntary sector. 


It was noted that not all GP Practices had Community Care Co-ordinators and that they also had different roles in different practices.  Ongoing work was needed to make Community Care Co-ordinators available to all, with a consistent offer. 


Children’s Trust Update


The Board considered its regular update from the Children’s Trust (copy attached to signed minutes) which focused on: school readiness – ‘All About Me’; embedding the adverse childhood experiences approach and provided an update on the 0-25 Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service. 


The Board was asked to help in raising the profile of ‘All About Me’ and encourage all organisations in children and families to promote this strategy. 


Attendance of Board Members was encouraged at a half day conference on 16 June 2017 to look at why organisations should be thinking about the ‘Embedding the adverse Childhood Experiences’ (ACE) approach. 


It was confirmed that links between the 0-25 Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service  and Mental Health Partnership had been formed so that approaches would be shared and there would be no risk of duplication of activity. 

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