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Agenda item


a)    Better Care Fund – report (to follow) – Tanya Miles, Head of Operations, Adult Services.

b)    STP update - 90 day plan – report (to follow) Stuart Aspin, STP PMO.

c)     STP Optimity update  - a report will be made -  Simon Freeman, Accountable Officer, Shropshire CCG and Rod Thomson, Director Public Health.




a)    Better Care Fund


Tanya Miles, Head of Operations, Adult Services, introduced a report on the Better Care Fund.  The Board considered the content of the draft BCF Plan 2017/19 and commented on its content in light of the publication of the BCF guidance on 3rd July 2017.  This latest formal guidance had only been released that Tuesday afternoon.  The detail still had to be gone through, whilst the first deadline for the draft submission of 11 September was quickly approaching.


Tom Brettell, Better Care Fund Manager gave a presentation on Integration and the Better Care Fund Plan and in doing so he stated that significant progress was being made on systems leadership and that work towards integrated working at all levels was being made.

In response to the public question from Mr Bickerton (see Minute11), Dr Povey said he believed the BCF Plan was clear, concise and easy to read.  Overall, it summed up very well what the BCF was and where it was headed.  Each of the scheme descriptors within the BCF document highlight the key deliverables, milestones and outcomes and the associated funding. Also in response to Mr Bickerton Andy Begley, Director of Adult Services, clarified that the dispute between the Local Authority and Shropshire CCG regarding a number of funding issues (which may have been the basis for Mr Bickerton’s question) had been resolved.


The Board agreed that the document highlighted the system wide work to tackle key health and care challenges.  A specific discussion ensued about Delayed Transfers of Care (DToC) and the wider implications this covered.  It was agreed that it was key for the STP and the BCF to use the same language.


It was noted that a new NHS Social Care Dashboard had just been published and the Director of Performance and Delivery from the CCG suggested it might be good to look at this in more detail at a future Board meeting.


In respect of governance and sign-off the Board generally agreed that the next Board meeting did not need to be brought forward to 7th September, but instead this could be delegated to the Joint Commissioning Group and the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board.




                           i.          That the proposed approach for pooled budget for 2017/18 be approved.


                          ii.          That the submission timeframes be approved and that delegation to the Joint Commissioning Board and the Chair of Health and Wellbeing Board be approved.


                        iii.          That workshop sessions with partners be approved, depending on the model used.



b)    STP Update


Stuart Aspin, Project Manager STP, gave a PowerPoint presentation (copy attached to the signed minutes) updating the Board on the following main STP issues and generally commenting that after tweaks here and there, he was confident everything was now clearer;


·       STP Transformation and Vision

·       STP Governance Structure – excellent work being shared re Neighbourhood Boards

·       Delivery Group

·       STP Time line

·       One Plan (90 Day Plans) – highlighted and Shropshire’s 90 Day Plan was circulated at the meeting.  (MSK = Musculoskeletal)

·       Next Steps


For clarification, Mr Aspin confirmed that he did not view the STP Board as making decisions – only recommendations to the relevant decision making body.  The Health and Wellbeing Board generally agreed that good progress had been made on improving progress and delivery through the STP.  Mr Aspin assured the Board of his commitment to give clear consistent communication.  Dr Povey thanked Mr Aspin for the update and the clarity which was welcome.


RESOLVED: That the STP be a standing item on the agenda and that an update be brought to the next Board meeting in September.



c)     STP Optimity update


This verbal update was introduced and amplified by Dr Povey.  He confirmed that the development of the out of hospital/neighbourhoods model was now underway.  This linked in to other pieces of work; including the GP 5 year Forward View, the Community Services Review and the Prevention work.  Optimity had been contracted to support the development of the out of hospital offer for Shropshire.  There was a huge amount of information and work to develop as part of the programme.  A timescale to define the model going forward would be identified, whilst it was noted that this work also linked in to Future Fit and the Hospital Sustainability Plan.


A comment was made that the element of a workforce planning stream, including volunteers was missing.  There was an assurance that this was currently being looked at and indeed for the next 5 years ahead too.


In response to a question about when the Optimity report would become public, Dr Povey said this was being developed at the next CCG Board meeting, to which all were welcome to attend and contribute.


RESOLVED:  That an update on progress with STP Optimity be made to a future meeting of the Health & Wellbeing Board.



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