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Issue - decisions

Future Social Work Delivery Vehicle - TO FOLLOW

18/05/2016 - Future Social Work Delivery Vehicle - TO FOLLOW



(i)            The Council become the sole shareholder in People2People Shropshire Community Interest Company (company number 07904106) on the terms set out in the company’s Articles, as attached at Appendix A, by accepting the transfer of the shares in the company;


(ii)          Delegated authority be granted to the Interim Director of Adult Services to take such steps as are necessary to implement the recommendation above, including authorising the execution of any documentation;


(iii)         Delegated authority be granted to the Interim Director of Adult Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care to act as Shareholder on behalf of the Council which shall include exercising the Shareholder’s powers in respect of the appointment and removal of company Directors;


(iv)         The Head of Legal & Democratic Services be appointed as signatory on behalf of the Shareholder;


(v)          Delegated authority be granted to the Interim Director of Adult Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care to agree the terms of a Shareholder Agreement between the Company and the Council to include a list of ‘Reserved Decisions’ to be made by the Council as shareholder to enable the appropriate levels of control over the company, including any limits on expenditure and the approval of contracts with third parties;


(vi)         Delegated authority be granted to the Interim Director of Adult Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care to negotiate and award a contract for the provision of the social work services listed in paragraph 1.14 of the report to People2People Shropshire Community Interest Company (P2P), subject to the formulation of an acceptable finalised Business Case.  The exercise of such delegation to be conditional upon the prior implementation of Recommendation A above;


(vii)        Delegated authority be granted to the Interim Director of Adult Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care to transfer additional social work services across the wider health and social care economy to People2People Shropshire Community Interest Company; and


(viii)      Delegated authority be granted to the Interim Director of Services to transfer the employees engaged in the delivery of the transferring services to People2People Shropshire Community Interest Company.


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