Issue - decisions
Improved Swimming Facilities for Shrewsbury
15/07/2016 - Improved Swimming Facilities for Shrewsbury
i) That Cabinet is minded to confirm and approve in principle that in the absence of alternative proposals developed to retain swimming provision on the existing site in recommendation (ii), that the preferred location for the replacement of existing swimming provision (with new swimming provision) is the Shrewsbury Sports Village based upon the options appraisal evidenced within this report.
ii) That Cabinet would welcome all parties who wish to do so, including the Shrewsbury BID, Quarry Swimming and Fitness Forum and Shrewsbury Town Council are to be given an opportunity for up to 12 months to develop alternative proposals to retain swimming provision on the existing site. Any alternatives will need to meet the Council’s key objectives referenced within the evaluation criteria described within this report, including for the pool to be affordable and to support participation in the future.
iii) That a further report is brought back to Cabinet on the proposed next steps and the detail including the timetable, process and terms of reference in relation to recommendation (ii).