Issue - decisions
Estimated Collection Fund Outturn 2017/2018
15/02/2018 - Estimated Collection Fund Outturn 2017/2018
i. That the overall Collection Fund estimated deficit of £2.712m for the year ending 31st March 2018, comprised of an estimated surplus of £2.784m for Council Tax and an estimated deficit of £5.496m for Non-Domestic Rates (NDR), be noted.
ii. That the distribution of the Collection Fund estimated surplus for Council Tax and deficit for NDR to the major / relevant precepting authorities and the Secretary of State, be noted.
iii. That Shropshire Council’s share of the overall estimated deficit of £0.130m, comprised of an estimated surplus of £2.293m for Council Tax and an estimated deficit of £2.423m for NDR, be noted.
iv. That the inclusion of Shropshire Council’s share of the overall estimated deficit in the 2018/19 budget be noted.