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Abbey Foregate

Issue - decisions

Scrutiny Items

25/05/2018 - Scrutiny Items



That the recommendations from the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee be noted, as follows:


a)    That the CIL ‘Local’ fund be used to support infrastructure provision within the Place Plan area where the development occurred, unless it is agreed these funds should be used to facilitate the delivery of agreed infrastructure priorities across Place Plan areas where the cross boundary community benefits of doing so can be demonstrated, such as through the delivery of additional health, education or highway provision;

b)    That officers review the current 90/10 percentage split between CIL ‘Local’ and CIL ‘Strategic’ funds;

c)    That a Member Advisory Group be established to provide comments to the officer Internal Infrastructure Group for their consideration when recommending the use of CIL monies;

d)    That the CIL approach, including any agreed change, be communicated to all Parish and Town Councils in a clear manner  








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