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Issue - decisions

Proposed Amendment and/or Extension of Shrewsbury Town Centre Public Spaces Protection Order (No.1) 2017

19/07/2023 - Proposed Amendment and/or Extension of Shrewsbury Town Centre Public Spaces Protection Order (No.1) 2017



That Cabinet:


·       Accepted the position as set out in the report and agrees that the Council extends, with variations, the Shrewsbury Town Centre Public Spaces Protection Order (No.1) 2017, as set out in Appendix A (“the Order”), with an effective commencement date of 1 August 2023.


·       For the purpose of discharging the Order instructed the Executive Director: Place to publish and cause to be erected notices in accordance with Regulations made under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.


·       Delegated authority to the Executive Director: Place to engage with West Mercia Police and to agree a new Memorandum of Understanding to specify enforcement responsibilities and any other requirements under the Order (as extended) and, where necessary, to amend or create any further Memoranda of Understanding at any time during the period that the Order (as extended) is in force.


·       Delegated authority to the Executive Director: Place and any other Executive Director holding responsibility for functions relevant to the Order (as extended) to engage with any other organisation, not being part of Shropshire Council, where officers of that organisation have been authorised by Shropshire Council to undertake enforcement responsibilities under the Order (as extended), and to define those enforcement responsibilities and any other requirements within an agreed Memorandum of Understanding and, where necessary, to amend or create any further Memoranda of Understanding at any time during the period that the Order (as extended) is in force.


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