Issue - decisions
River Severn Partnership Demonstrator Projects
08/06/2023 - River Severn Partnership Demonstrator Projects
1.1. To approve the Council’s role in managing and delivering the Shropshire based demonstrator programme, under the River Severn Partnership, utilising the Council’s formal statutory role as Lead Local Flood Risk Management Authority (LLFA).
3.2 To approve the Council signing two grant funding agreements for the River Perry and Rea Brook, which exceed £500,000 in grant contribution, thereby enabling transfer of the Defra funds to Shropshire based delivery partners
3.3 To delegate to the Executive Director of Place, Section 151 officer and the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, Environment and Transport to:
3.3.1 proceed with setting arrangements for the delivery and monitoring of benefits associated with the demonstrator programme, in partnership with the Environment Agency.