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Issue - decisions

Public Space Protection Order, Dog Constraints

17/04/2024 - Public Space Protection Order, Dog Constraints



That Cabinet


1.     Accepted the position as set out in this report and approved a Public Space Protection Order for Shropshire with the proposed conditions in the restricted area set out in Appendix B (“the Order”) and as defined by the map with an effective commencement date of the 1st June 2024 for a period of 3 years.


2.     Delegated to the Executive Director of Place to authorise officers to issue FPN’s and directions under the order and agrees that the Council use Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN), in appropriate circumstances, where there is reason to believe that an offence under the Public Space Protection Order has been committed by any person. And further that the level of the FPN is set at £100 reduced to £50 if paid within 10 days.


3.     For the purpose of discharging the Order instructed the Executive Director: Place to publish and cause to be erected notices in accordance with Regulations made under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.


4.     Delegated authority to the Executive Director: Place to engage with any other organisation, not being part of Shropshire Council, where officers of that organisation are to be authorised by Shropshire Council to undertake enforcement responsibilities under the Order.


5.     Delegated authority to the Executive Director: Place to engage with any other organisation, not being part of Shropshire Council, where officers of that organisation have been authorised by Shropshire Council to undertake enforcement responsibilities under the Order (as extended), and to define those enforcement responsibilities and any other requirements within an agreed Memorandum of Understanding and, where necessary, to amend or create any further Memoranda of Understanding at any time during the period that the Order (as extended) is in force.


6.     That in support of the Order a public education and information programme is implemented and as shown in Appendix C


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