Issue - decisions
Air Quality consultation ESHIA
04/12/2024 - Air Quality consultation ESHIA
That Cabinet agreed to:
a) Adopt the Shrewsbury Air Quality Action Plan and that the measures detailed within the plan be implemented where possible.
b) Adopt the Bridgnorth Air Quality Action Plan and that the measures detailed within the plan be implemented where possible.
c) Delegate responsibility for monitoring and reporting on air quality levels and the ongoing implementation of the plan to the Executive Director of Health Wellbeing and Prevention, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services.
d) Delegate responsibility for the implementation of measures detailed within each action plan to the Assistant Director of Infrastructure and Growth, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Highways to include, but not limited to, finalising the delivery of the action plan, securing funding, and consulting stakeholders on details of proposed measures.