Issue - decisions
Whitchurch Civic Centre - Options Appraisal
12/02/2025 - Whitchurch Civic Centre - Options Appraisal
3.1 Based on the outline feasibility investigations and assessments, Cabinet agreed that the RAAC affected areas of the Civic building and Library continue to remain permanently closed due to its critical condition and delegated the following:
I. To the Executive Director of Resources to amend the capital strategy to reflect the revised implications set out within the report, to incorporate £4 million into the capital strategy to provide for the following:
a. Should central government funding or other external funding be secured this would form the Council’s match funding (if required) for Option 2 – construction of a new replacement facility based on the findings of a needs assessment.
b. Should external funding not be secured then the proposed £4 million would be considered for Option 1 - replacement of the structural RAAC roof, consequential works, and priority capital condition improvements
II. To the Head of Property and Development to oversee appropriate funding bids and the production of a detailed strategic needs assessment and analysis to establish the need of the people of Whitchurch for facilities at WCC so the future configuration of WCC is best suited to the needs of the town and its surrounding area.
Subject to recommendations in 3.1 I and II and the successful confirmation of appropriate funds to bring a further report back to full Council with a final recommendation