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Issue - decisions

Capital Outturn 2013/14

04/06/2014 - Capital Outturn 2013/14

(a)  That approval be given to budget variations of £17,700 to the 2013/14 capital programme, detailed in Appendix 1/Table 1 and the re-profiled 2013/14 capital budget of £47.4m.

(b)  That approval be given to the re-profiled capital budgets of £71.4m for 2014/15, including slippage of £6.6m from 2013/14, £13.7m for 2015/16 and £5.3m for 2016/17 as detailed in Appendix 1/Table 4.

(c)  That the outturn expenditure set out in Appendix 1 of $40.7m, representing 85.9% of the revised capital budget for 2013/14 be accepted.

(d)  That approval be given to the Highways and Transport programme of schemes for delivery in 2014/15 and authority be delegated to the Area Commissioner (South) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to approve any changes to the implementation plan of schemes for delivery in 2014/15 within the parameters of the outline capital programme.

(e)  That approval be given to the setting aside of capital receipt of £1.35m to replace the self-financed prudential borrowing previously applied to finance the Solar PV schemes.  This would generate an ongoing revenue saving from 2014/15.

(f)   That approval be given to retaining a balance of capita receipts set aside of £13.25m as at 31st March 2014 to generate a Minimum Revenue Provision saving of £530,000 in 2014/15.


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