Shropshire Council website

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Issue - decisions

Type and Affordability of Housing SPD - Ministerial Statement 28 November 2014 and Update to National Planning Guidance

21/01/2015 - Type and Affordability of Housing SPD - Ministerial Statement 28 November 2014 and Update to National Planning Guidance

(a)  That the Council lobbies the Minister to review his statement to take account of differing conditions nationally and locally.

(b)  That the Council notes the Ministerial statement and amendments to the National Planning Practice Guidance as a material consideration in determining a planning application.

(c)  That the Council continues to give full weight to Policy CS11 of the adopted Core Strategy and Type and Affordability of Housing SPD and continues to seek on site provision of affordable housing and/or developer contributions to the provision of affordable housing in relation to all sites.


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