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Issue - decisions

Business Plan and Financial Strategy 2014/2015

12/02/2015 - Business Plan and Financial Strategy 2014/2015

(a)  That Council be recommended to agree the refreshed Business Plan and Financial Strategy attached at Appendix 1 and agree the proposals for setting the Council’s budget until 2016/17.

(b)  That it be noted that the funding gap of £80m for the period 2014-17 identified in the Council Business Plan and Financial Strategy agreed by Council in February 2014 had been reviewed and retained for planning purposes.

(c)  That the initial savings proposals identified for achievement by 2015/16 of £66.333m and the progress made in achieving savings be noted and therefore agreement has been given to the amendments and approve the savings proposals identified as removed from base for 2015/16 of £58.909m service savings with the balance of £7.424m to be met by additional ongoing and one off resources.

(d)  That it be noted that the additional service pressures identified for 2015/16 of £7.644m was to be met by additional ongoing and one off resources in 2015/16.

(e)  That the budget for 2015/16 of £571.758m, after savings and internal market costs adjustments be approved.

(f)   That approval be given to accept Council Tax Freeze Grant for 2015/16 of £1.320m on the basis that Council Tax would be frozen for 2015/16.

(g)  That the financial implications of the transfer of Fulcrum and Help2Change to ip&e be noted.

(h)  That the revised Capital Programme for 2015/16 to 2016/17 as set out within the report be agreed and be recommend to Council for approval.

(i)    That the Highways & Transport programme of schemes for delivery in 2015/16 be approved and delegated authority be given to the Area Commissioner South in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to approve any changes to the implementation plan of schemes for delivery in 2015/16, within the parameters of the outline capital programme.


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