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Issue - decisions

Estimated Collection Fund Outturn 2014/15

12/02/2015 - Estimated Collection Fund Outturn 2014/15

(a)  That it be noted that the overall Collection Fund estimated surplus of £3,154,626 for the year ending 31st March 2015, comprised of an estimated surplus of £5,060,852 for Council Tax and an estimated deficit of £1,906,226 for Non-Domestic Rates (NDR).

(b)  That the distribution of the Collection Fund estimated surplus and deficit for Council Tax and NDR respectively to the major/relevant precepting authorities and the Secretary of State be noted.

(c)  That it be noted that Shropshire Council’s share of the overall estimated surplus of £3,204,413, comprised of an estimated surplus of £4,138,464 for Council Tax and an estimated deficit of £934,051 for NDR.

(d)  That the inclusion of Shropshire Council’s share of the overall estimated surplus in the 2015/16 budget be noted.


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