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Issue - decisions

Better Care Funding

12/02/2015 - Better Care Funding

(a)  That the content of the draft Partnership Agreement be noted and agreement be given so that final amendments could be agreed by the Health and Wellbeing Delivery Group in cooperation with the Portfolio Holder for Adult Services and the Clinical Commissioning Group Clinical Lead for the Better Care Fund.

(b)  That approval be given to enter into the Partnership Agreement on behalf of Shropshire Council.

(c)  That the funds be held in a s75 pooled budget and a s75 agreement be entered into for this arrangement.

(d)  That Shropshire Council be the host for the pooled budget.

(e)  That the agreement be reviewed  by the Health & Wellbeing Delivery Group and the findings reported to Cabinet, and the Clinical Commissioning Group and Health and Wellbeing Board in 6 months


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