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Abbey Foregate

Issue - decisions

Abbey Railway Station, Shrewsbury

22/09/2015 - Abbey Railway Station, Shrewsbury



            That, in principle, the Shrewsbury Heritage Railway Trust are granted a freehold transfer of the Abbey Railway Station as shown on the plan at Appendix A with delegated authority to the Head of Commercial Services to agree final terms of the disposal and to complete the transaction.


Reasons for decision:


      i.        Shrewsbury Heritage Railway Trust (“the Trust”) has been running the facility successfully since 2003 and for over 12 years has run many successful events which have been well attended, the Trust produces a regular newsletter and demonstrates connections with other regional railway heritage groups together with the current rail operators in the locality.  The Trust has had a lease of the current building since 2009 and, following its refurbishment, has held a number of open days which have attracted high numbers of visitors. 


    ii.        The Trust has already demonstrated successful management capability through their involvement with the English bridge workshops, and their operation of the Trust since its formation in 2003.  They have provided appropriate management and organisational structures through their business plan and demonstrated that they have appropriate policies and procedures in place to take on the building.  This is deemed appropriate for a building of this nature, being very small, it would not be proposed suitable for the trust to take on anything larger scale at this time


   iii.        The Trust have demonstrated, through their financial model, sound projections to generate income through events hire and general fundraising to support the continued operation and upkeep of the building.


   iv.        The Trust have satisfied the criteria set out in the Council’s CAT policy and have developed a business case to demonstrate that the Trust is capable of maintaining and operating the land and building on a sustainable basis.



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