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ePetition details

Save English Bridge Workshops

We the undersigned petition the council to honour their commitment to preserve English Bridge Workshops as a vital resource through a community asset transfer

The English Bridge Workshop is at risk of being sold by Shropshire Council. This building stand as a vital resource deeply entrenched in the cultural and artistic fabric of our community. Since 1985, it has served as a nurturing ground for creativity, innovation, and collaboration, fostering the growth of countless artists, artisans, and creators. Its significance transcends mere infrastructure; it embodies a spirit of community, providing a platform for individuals from all walks of life to express themselves, showcase their talents, and engage with one another. The potential sale of the English Bridge Studios by Shropshire Council not only jeopardises this invaluable resource but also undermines the council's commitment to fostering community well-being and cultural enrichment. A community asset transfer to MakeSpace Arts & Wellbeing CIC was imminent with much time spent on ensuring a smooth transition to allow the tenants to regenerate the building for the community. As concerned members of the community, we urge Shropshire Council to honour its commitment and recognise the intrinsic value of the English Bridge Workshops by facilitating its transfer to the community through a community asset transfer.

On reaching 1000 signatures a full council debate will be held.

This ePetition runs from 13/05/2024 to 04/07/2024.

433 people have signed this ePetition.

Please note that you must live, work or study in the Council's area to sign up to a petition.


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