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Abbey Foregate

ePetition details

Shropshire Waste Services, Charges and Recycling Centres

We the undersigned petition the council to Reconsider their decision in regards to green waste charges and bookings for recycling centres 1. Significantly reduce the proposed annual charge of £56 per year for each green bin. 2. Abandon the booking system for recycling centres

Shropshire County Council is proposing to make a number of changes to its waste disposal schemes with the aim of raising additional revenue to address its dire financial situation. After a public consultation which generated an unprecedented response, the Council appears to have made decisions without regard to public opinion on the charges and the proposed booking system for the recycling centres. The changes may fail to raise revenue due to reduce uptake and may make matters worse. We therefore petition the Council to heed the comments made in their reports in their consultation and:

1. Significantly reduce the proposed annual charge of £56 per year for each green bin. This cost will be prohibitive to many people and will result in less recycling and increased fly tipping, costing more to clean it up and a blot on our beautiful county.

By reducing the cost, more people would use the service resulting in more rather than less money being raised and more recycling.

2. The proposal to introduce a booking system should be abandoned. Our experience in using the excellent recycling facilities is that it isn’t required and there will be an unnecessary cost to set it up. If people can’t dispose of their waste when they need to, again there will be less recycling and more fly tipping. It also discriminates against those who don’t have digital access.

It is hard to believe that the Council’s proposal reflects the responses to its consultation and we request this matter is discussed again by the relevant committee before implementation.

This ePetition ran from 06/08/2024 to 17/09/2024 and has now finished.

1840 people signed this ePetition.

Please note that you must live, work or study in the Council's area to sign up to a petition.


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