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Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate

Meeting documents

Thursday, 16th July, 2009

Meeting agenda for Council

Thursday 16th July 2009 at 10:00 AM in the Council Chamber, The Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury

Committee Members:

Items under discussion:

1.  Apologies

2.  Declaration of Interests

3.  Minutes
Toapprove as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 18th June 2009, attached marked A. Contact Richard Thomas Tel 01743 252725.
Report is attached marked A. (Minutes.pdf)

4.  Announcements

5.  Public Questions
To receive any questions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14.

6.  Questions from Members
To receive questions from Members, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2.

7.  Shropshire Council's Corporate Plan 2009-13
Report of Interim Chief Executive is attached marked B. (Corporate Plan report.pdf)
Contact Sheila Healy (01743 252701)

8.  Shropshire County Council Final Performance Report 2008/09
Report of Head of Performance and Communications is attached marked C. (Shropshire CC Corporate performance FINAL report.pdf)
Contact Wendy Marston (01743 252004)

9.  Councillor Call for Action: Processes and Procedures
Report of Head of Performance and Communications is attached marked D. (Call for action report.pdf, Call for action app A.pdf, Call for action app B.pdf, Call for action app C.pdf)
Contact Wendy Marston (01743 252004)

10.  Revenue Outturn 2008/09 (Shropshire County Council)
Report of Director of Resources is attached marked E. (Revenue outturn report.pdf)
Contact Laura Rowley (01743 252007)

11.  Shropshire County Council Capital Monitoring Report - Outturn 2008/09 and Revised 2009/10 Budget
Report of Director of Resources is attached marked F. (SCC Capital Report.pdf, Capital Budgets 2008-09 Outturn Appendix 2.pdf, Capital Budgets 2009-10 Outturn Appendix 3.pdf)
Contact Laura Rowley (01743 252007)

12.  Shropshire County Council Reserves, Provisions and Balances as at 31st March 2009
Report of Director of Resources is attached marked G. (Reserves & Provisions 200809 for council.pdf)
Contact Laura Rowley (01743 252007)

13.  Statement of Accounts 2008/09 - Shropshire County Council and all Former Shropshire District/Borough Councils
Report of Director of Resources is attached marked H. (Statement of Accounts.pdf)
Contact Laura Rowley (01743 252007)

14.  Miscellaneous Amendments to the Constitution
Report of Assistant Chief Executive, Legal and Democratic Services is attached marked I. (Misc Amends to Constitution report.pdf, appendix.1.licensing.pdf, appendix.2.overview.pdf, appendix.3.councilfacilities.pdf, appendix.4.publicprotection.pdf, appendix.5.planning.pdf)
Contact Claire Porter (01743 252763)

15.  Standards Committee Membership
Report of Assistant Chief Executive, Legal and Democratic Services is attached marked J. (Standards Committee Membership.pdf)
Contact Claire Porter (01743 252763)

16.  Corporate Parenting Panel and Corporate Parenting Pledge for Shropshire's Looked After Children
Report of Assistant Director - Social Care and Safeguards is attached marked K. (Corporate Parenting Panel & Corporate Parenting Pledge For Shropshire's Looked After Children Report.pdf, Appendix 1 The Pledge.pdf, Appendix 2 Terms of Reference.pdf)
Contact Kathryn Edwards (01743 254254)

17.  Affordable Housing Interim Planning Guidance
Report of Director of Development Services is attached marked L. (Affordable Housing Report.pdf, Appendix 1 IPG post consult.pdf, Appendix 2 summary of responses.pdf)
Contact Tom McCabe (01743 255002)

18.  Adoption of Street Naming and Numbering Policy
Report of Director of Development Services is attached marked M. (Street naming and numbering policy report.pdf, Street Naming and Number Policy - Appendix A.pdf)
Contact Tom McCabe (01743 255002)

19.  Non Voting Cooptees on Scrutiny Committees
Report of Head of Performance and Communications is attached marked N. (Non-Voting Co-optees.pdf)
Contact Wendy Marston (01743 252004)

20.  Motions
The following motion has been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 16: 18.1 Received from Mr P F Phillips: Analogue Radio Transmission Council urges the Government not to confirm the 2015 date suggested by Lord Carter until: 1. Full consultation with the public has been undertaken; 2. The proposals have been submitted for Rural Proofing to the Commission for Rural Communities and/or the Rural Advocate; 3. Proposals have been brought forward to alleviate financial hardships which will be inflicted on (a) poorer households who have to replace all their radio sets; (b) households in hilly rural areas who will have to install satellite dishes and sockets in every room; 4. Proposals have been brought forward to deal with the disposal of 100 million redundant radio sets. 5. Carbon footprint implications have been examined in the context of current DAB radios’ consuming some 4 times as much electric power as traditional transistor radios.

21.  Report of the West Mercia Police Authority
To receive the report of the West Mercia Police Authority, attached marked O. Contact Ian Payne Tel 01743 264692
Report is attached marked O. (West Mercia Report.pdf)

Committee Officer is Richard Thomas
Tel: (01743) 252725    Fax: (01743) 252725

There are no decision documents present arising from this committee meeting.


Attached items/documents:


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