Agenda and minutes
- Attendance details
- Agenda frontsheet
PDF 538 KB
- Agenda reports pack
- 10 Annual Report of the PH for Digital, Data & Insight and Built Housing
PDF 450 KB
- Exempt To Follow Report - Disposal of Economic Growth Assets
PDF 130 KB
- 3 MInutes of meeting held on 12 May 2022
PDF 767 KB
- 18 EXEMPT mins of 12 May 2022
PDF 127 KB
- Printed minutes
PDF 333 KB
Venue: Council Chamber, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND. View directions
Contact: Tim Ward Committee Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Tom Biggins, Ed Bird, Julian Dean, Paul Gill, Richard Huffer, Tracey Huffer, David Minnery, Alan Mosley, Peggy Mullock, Kevin Turley, Alex Wagner, and Rob Wilson
Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Members are reminded that they must declare their disclosable pecuniary interests and other registrable or non-registrable interests in any matter being considered at the meeting as set out in Appendix B of the Members’ Code of Conduct and consider if they should leave the room prior to the item being considered. Further advice can be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting. Minutes: Members were reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have an interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.
Councillor Jeff Anderson declared an interest in agenda items 19 and 20 and stated that he would leave the meeting and take no part in the item Councillor Lezley Picton declared an interest in agenda items 19 and 20 and stated that she would leave the meeting and take no part in the item Councillor Claire Wild declared an interest in agenda items 19 and 20 and stated that she would leave the meeting and take no part in the item
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 May 2022 To Follow Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 May 2022, as circulated with the agenda papers, be approved, and signed as a correct record.
Announcements To receive such communications as the Chairman, Leader and Head of Paid Service may desire to lay before the Council. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Councillor Mark Williams to his first meeting following his election as the Member for the Highley Division.
The Chairman advised the meeting that he proposed to amend the order of the agenda to take item 19 after item 21.
Chairman’s Engagements
The Chairman referred Members to the list of official engagements carried out by himself and the Vice Chairman since the last meeting of the Council on 12 May 2022, which had been circulated by email. |
To receive any questions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14.
Deadline for notification for this meeting is not later than 5.00 pm on Friday 1 July 2022.
Information on submitting questions is available from here: Public question time | Shropshire Council Additional documents:
Minutes: Public Questions
The Speaker advised public questions had been received from Bob Saunders, Tina Teearu, Pamela Pink, Stephen Mulloy, Darren Childs and Kris Welch. A copy of the questions and the responses provided are attached to the signed minutes and available from the web page for the meeting.
Agenda for Council on Thursday, 7th July, 2022, 10.00 am — Shropshire Council |
Report of Returning Officer - Highley Division Report of Returning Officer attached
Contact: Andy Begley, 01743 258675 Minutes: It was proposed by the Chairman, Councillor Vince Hunt, and seconded by the Vice Chairman Councillor Brian Williams that the report of the Returning Officer, a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes and the recommendations contained therein, be received, and agreed.
RESOLVED: That the contents of the report be noted and approved. |
Financial Outturn 2021/22 Report of the Executive Director, Resources is attached
Contact: James Walton. Tel. 01743 258915
Minutes: It was proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources, Councillor Gwilym Butler, and seconded by the Leader Councillor Lezley Picton that the report of the Executive Director of Resources, a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes and the recommendations contained therein, be received and agreed
In response to a question from Councillor Duncan Kerr regarding the level of reserves that the administration considered prudent the Portfolio Holder agreed to provide a response outside of the meeting.
In response to questions from Councillor Ruth Houghton regarding when the temporary accommodation agreed by the council would be delivered and addressing the pressures on home to school transport providers caused by the increase in fuel prices, the Portfolio Holder agreed to provide a response outside of the meeting.
That in respect of the revenue budget: A. Members note that the outturn is a overspend of £2.505m. B. As a result of the outturn position Members note that the level of the General Fund balance stands at £11.522m, which is below the recommended level. C. Members note the decrease in the level of service-related Earmarked Reserves and Provisions of £8.152m. D. Members note that the Council has received revenue funding relating to Covid-19 in 2021/22 which covered all Covid-19 costs in the year, and so no additional costs have had to be funded by the Council’s base budget.
Relating to ringfenced funding, Members: E. Note that the outturn for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for 2021/22 is an underspend of (£0.251m) and the resulting level of the HRA reserve is £11.592m. F. Note that the level of school balances stands at £8.191m (£5.995m in 2020/21).
In respect of the capital programme, Members: G. Approve net budget variations of £3.598m to the 2021/22 capital programme (in Appendix 11) and the re-profiled 2021/22 capital budget of £83.572m. H. Approve the re-profiled capital budgets of £132.724m for 2022/23, including slippage of £1.245m from 2021/22, £82.009m for 2023/24 and £34.077m for 2024/25 as detailed in Appendix 15. I. Accept the outturn expenditure set out in Appendices 12 and 13 of £82.327m, representing 98.5% of the revised capital budget for 2021/22. J. Approve temporary application of capital receipts of £18.273m to generate a one-off Minimum Revenue Provision saving of £0.398m in 2022/23.
Report of the Executive Director, Resources is attached
Contact: James Walton. Tel. 01743 258915
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources, Councillor Gwilym Butler, and seconded by the Portfolio Holder for Digital, Data and Insight, and Built Housing Councillor Rob Gittins, that the report of the Executive Director of Resources, a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes and the recommendations contained therein, be received and agreed
Councillor Gittins asked whether it would be possible for Members to be included in any future staff surveys. It was agreed that this would be discussed at the next meeting of the Member Liaison Group
That Council having considered the contents of the draft Workforce Strategy 2022 to 2025 adopt this as the strategy for the Council going forward.
Report of PMSC re Climate and Ecology Bill Task and Finish Group Report of the Scrutiny Officer is attached
Contact Danial Webb 01743 258509 Minutes: It was proposed by the Chair of the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Claire Wild, and seconded by Councillor Joyce Barrow that the report of the Scrutiny Officer, a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes and the recommendations contained therein, be received and agreed.
That Shropshire Council writes to the sponsors of the Climate and Ecology Bill, to express its broad support for the Bill, but to not support the requirement to set up a national citizens panel.
Annual Report of the Portfolio Holder for Digital, Data & Insight and Built Housing Report of the Portfolio Holder for Digital, Data & Insight and Built Housing is To Follow
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Rob Gittins Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Rob Gittins, Portfolio Holder for Portfolio Holder for Digital, Data & Insight and Built Housing that the report, a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes, and the recommendations therein be received and agreed.
Councillor Gittins presented and amplified his report and responded to questions, concerns and comments.
That the contents of the report be noted. |
Amendments to the Constitution Report of the Assistant Director Legal and Governance is attached
Contact: Tim Collard, Tel 01743 252756
Minutes: It was proposed by the Chairman, Councillor Vince Hunt, and seconded by the Vice Chairman Councillor Brian Williams that the report of the Assistant Director – Legal and Governance, a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes and the recommendations contained therein, be received, and agreed.
That Council
A. Agree to increase the value of the threshold for a ‘Major’ contract in the Contract Procedure Rules under Part 4 of the Constitution from £140,000 to £170,000;
B. Delegate authority to the Assistant Director – Legal and Governance in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources to devise and implement a process to allow for the use of an electronic version of the Council’s seal to be used to execute documents and to make any necessary changes to Part 2 of the Articles of the Constitution to allow for the use of both electronic and physical application of the Council’s seal. |
Allocation of Committee Seats and Appointments Report of the Assistant Director Legal and Governance is attached
Contact: Tim Collard, Tel 01743 252756
Minutes: It was proposed by the Chairman, Councillor Vince Hunt, and seconded by the Vice Chairman Councillor Brian Williams that the report of the Assistant Director – Legal and Governance, a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes and the recommendations contained therein, be received, and agreed.
Councillor Vasmer commented that he felt that regulatory committees should not be included in the political balance calculation and asked that this be considered at a future meeting of the constitution Working Group.
That the Council confirms the revised allocation of seats to each of the political groups for the 2021/22 municipal year as a consequence of the change in group membership as follows:
a) That the composition and revised allocation of seats on its committees and other bodies as detailed in the report be approved.
b) That the Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group provides notification of which of its members will be appointed as a member of the Southern Planning Committee |
Councillor Viv Parry Attendance of Councillor Viv Parry
The Local Government Act 1972 states that when a Council Member fails to attend any meeting for six consecutive months from the date of his/her last attendance, he/she ceases to be a member of the authority, unless the failure was due to some reason approved by the authority before the expiry of that period,
Councillor Viv Parry last attended a Council meeting on 13 January 2022. She had a serious accident in February 2022 and in order to further her recovery wishes to request that the Council extends the deadline period of non-attendance at Council meetings from 13 July 2022 to the day after the next Full Council meeting on 22 September 2022. Minutes: As Councillor Parry was present this item was withdrawn.
The Chairman expressed his best wishes to Councillor Parry for a continued recovery. |
Motions The following motions have been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 16:
1. The following motion has been received from Councillor Rob Gittins and is supported by Councillors Roy Aldcroft, Dean Carroll, Paul Gill and Paul Wynn
A41 Whitchurch to Hinstock
Following large numbers of accidents, the A41 from Whitchurch to Hinstock is fast becoming one of the most dangerous stretches of road in country and needs urgent action to protect road users and residents from harm.
This council resolves to: -
1) Ask road traffic engineers to commission a report detailing how to make junctions more visible, replace warn signage and introduce appropriate line markings where necessary and look at how this could be done on a limited highways budget. 2) Lobby the police and crime commissioner for active speed enforcement and average speed cameras along the full stretch of the A41. 3) Lobby the DFT for larger capital monies to widen junctions, increase visibility splays and for carriageway surface improvements. 4) Work with the emergency services to obtain real time KSI data so that the council can make more effective decisions on road safety.
2. The following motion has been received from Councillor Duncan Kerr and is supported by the Green Group
In Sept 2020 Shropshire Council adopted LTN 1/20 which sets new standards for cycling provision and accessibility. Five months after adopting this standard the Council sought, and gave itself, planning permission to breach the standard in constructing an access bridge to its proposed new innovation park in Oswestry. As can be seen from the accompanying 3D diagram this bridge would require a cyclist to dismount up to 6 times and is inaccessible to many disabled persons.
On the 14th June 2021 the Council received a letter from Rupert Furness Deputy Director at the Department of Transport and inviting the Council to express interest in receiving capital funding for a mini-holland scheme. This letter stated that the guidance in LTN 1/20 should be followed by Local Authorities “regardless of whether they are seeking Government funding”. On the 9th June 2022, the Future Oswestry Group, a partnership established by Shropshire Council with representatives from Oswestry Town Council, Oswestry BID and the local community received this drawing. This was the first time the group had been consulted on the Council’s design for this bridge. This multi-agency group passed a resolution expressing their clear opposition to the building of a structure that is both non-compliant and gives a very poor visual impression at a key gateway into the town.
The risks to the Council in progressing with its current design are very high. If built as designed the bridge will become a highly visible symbol of Shropshire disregard for active transport and will prejudice the ability of the Council to secure the future funding it is seeking both for the innovation park and for active transport. As the recent peer review on finance reported, quality bids showing genuine and real commitment, are the only way Shropshire will secure ... view the full agenda text for item 36. Minutes: The following motions have been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 16:
From Councillor Rob Gittins and supported by Councillors Roy Aldcroft, Dean Carroll, Paul Gill and Paul Wynn
A41 Whitchurch to Hinstock
Following large numbers of accidents, the A41 from Whitchurch to Hinstock is fast becoming one of the most dangerous stretches of road in country and needs urgent action to protect road users and residents from harm.
This council resolves to: -
1. Ask road traffic engineers to commission a report detailing how to make junctions more visible, replace warn signage and introduce appropriate line markings where necessary and look at how this could be done on a limited highways budget. 2. Lobby the police and crime commissioner for active speed enforcement and average speed cameras along the full stretch of the A41. 3. Lobby the DFT for larger capital monies to widen junctions, increase visibility splays and for carriageway surface improvements. 4. Work with the emergency services to obtain real time KSI data so that the council can make more effective decisions on road safety.
The motion was seconded by Councillor Paul Wynn.
By way of amendment Councillor David Vasmer proposed that the following be added to the motion: -
5. Adopt a “Vision Zero” strategy for the whole Shropshire Council area to end traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries by taking a systemic approach to road safety.
The amendment was seconded by Councillor Nigel Hartin.
On taking a vote the amendment was defeated
On taking a vote it was RESOLVED that Council:
1. Ask road traffic engineers to commission a report detailing how to make junctions more visible, replace warn signage and introduce appropriate line markings where necessary and look at how this could be done on a limited highways budget. 2. Lobby the police and crime commissioner for active speed enforcement and average speed cameras along the full stretch of the A41. 3. Lobby the DFT for larger capital monies to widen junctions, increase visibility splays and for carriageway surface improvements. 4. Work with the emergency services to obtain real time KSI data so that the council can make more effective decisions on road safety.
From Councillor Duncan Kerr and supported by the Green Group
In Sept 2020 Shropshire Council adopted LTN 1/20 which sets new standards for cycling provision and accessibility.
Five months after adopting this standard the Council sought, and gave itself, planning permission to breach the standard in constructing an access bridge to its proposed new innovation park in Oswestry. As can be seen from the accompanying 3D diagram this bridge would require a cyclist to dismount up to 6 times and is inaccessible to many disabled persons.
On the 14th June 2021 the Council received a letter from Rupert Furness Deputy Director at the Department of Transport and inviting the Council to express interest in receiving capital funding for a mini-holland scheme. This letter stated that the guidance in LTN 1/20 should be followed by Local Authorities “regardless of whether ... view the full minutes text for item 36. |
Questions from Members To receive any questions from Members, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2. Minutes: The Chairman advised that the following questions had been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 15. A copy of the report containing the detailed questions and their formal response is attached to the signed minutes.
Received from Councillor Kate Halliday and answered by the Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure, Councillor Dean Carroll in relation to transport infrastructure for the proposed health and Wellbeing Hub in Shrewsbury. By way of supplementary question Councillor Halliday commented that at a meeting of Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin ICS meeting it had been stated that the programme board were working with Shropshire Council to ensure that there was a specific bus route and that there was section 106 money available to support this and asked the Portfolio Holder whether this was his understanding. The Portfolio Holder advised that he would liaise with colleagues and provide a written answer.
Received from Councillor Julia Evans and answered by the Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure, Councillor Dean Carroll in relation to a review of the Council’s Car Parking Strategy. There was no supplementary question.
Received from Councillor Roger Evans and answered by the Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure, Councillor Dean Carroll in relation to street lighting. By way of supplementary question Councillor Evans asked why would it take to the winter of 2023/4 to complete the work to change street lighting to LED lights? The Portfolio Holder explained that previously there had been issues with the supply of replacement columns. He added that officers were endeavouring to get changes made as quickly as possible. |
Report of the Shropshire and Wrekin Fire and Rescue Authority To receive the report of the Shropshire and Wrekin Fire and Rescue Authority arising from its meeting held on 22 June 2022 Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Nigel Hartinand seconded by Councillor Paul Wynn that the report of the Shropshire and Wrekin Fire and Rescue Authority, a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes, be received and noted.
That the report of the Shropshire and Wrekin Fire and Rescue Authority be noted. |
Exclusion of Press and Public To resolve that, in accordance with the provisions of schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and Paragraph 10.4 [3] of the Council’s Access to Information Rules, the public and press be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items Minutes: RESOLVED:
That, in accordance with the provisions of schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and Paragraph 10.4 [3] of the Council’s Access to Information Rules, the public and press be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items |
Exempt Minutes To approve as a correct record the exempt minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 May 2022 To Follow Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Exempt Minutes of the meeting held on 12 May 2022, as circulated with the agenda papers, be approved, and signed as a correct record.
Shropshire Community Leisure Trust Contract Extension Exempt report of Executive Director of Place attached
Contact: Mark Barrow 01743 258676
Minutes: It was proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Communities, Culture, Leisure and Tourism and Transport, Councillor Cecilia Motley, and seconded by the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources Councillor Gwilym Butler that the exempt report of the Director of Place, a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes and the recommendations contained therein, be received and agreed.
That the recommendations contained in the report be approved
Disposal of Economic Growth Assets Exempt report of Executive Director of Place is To Follow
Contact: Mark Barrow 01743 258676
Minutes: It was proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure, Councillor Dean Carroll, and seconded by the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources Councillor Gwilym Butler that the exempt report of the Director of Place, a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes and the recommendations contained therein, be received and agreed.
That the recommendations contained in the report be approved
Shrewsbury Acquisition Exempt report of Executive Director of Place attached
Contact: Mark Barrow 01743 258676
Minutes: It was proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure, Councillor Dean Carroll, and seconded by the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Planning, Councillor Ed Potter that the exempt report of the Director of Place, a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes and the recommendations contained therein, be received and agreed.
That the recommendations contained in the report be approved