Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND
Contact: Jane Palmer Senior Committee Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: The Speaker invited all Members to stand for a Minute’s silence in memory of the late David Lloyd MBE. The Deputy Leader paid tribute to the former Shropshire Councillor and Speaker, Honorary Alderman and former Leader of Oswestry Borough Council; a well respected and highly regarded local politician and statesman who would be sorely missed. Other Members commented on his long and distinguished public service career, his concern for all regardless of politics, his intelligence, his honesty, his common-sense approach and his deep commitment to the people of Shropshire; ultimately the type of politician that all would strive to be.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors R Aldcroft, C Aspinall, J Barrow, P Dee, T Huffer, D Minnery, R Tindall and P Wynn.
Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate. Minutes: Members were reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Council meeting held on 20 September 2018. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 20 September 2018, as circulated with the agenda papers, be approved and signed as a correct record. |
Announcements To receive such communications as the Chairman, Speaker, Leader and Head of Paid Service may desire to lay before the Council. Minutes: Chairman’s Engagements
The Speaker referred Members to the list of official engagements carried out by himself and the Chairman since the last meeting of the Council on 20 September 2018, which had been circulated at the meeting.
The Portfolio Holder for Adult Services, Health and Social Housing reported the exciting news that the Integrated Community Services Team, jointly run by Shropshire Council and Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust, had been named the winner of the Team of the Year, Adult Servicesaward at the national Social Worker of the Year awards that had taken place in London on Friday 30 November 2018.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development then reported that Shropshire Council had been named 'Best Council for Custom and Self-builders' at the prestigious 2018 Build It Awards. Members noted that the Council, put forward by a third party, had beaten off strong competition from four other Councils to win the prize for its work to encourage and support people wishing to build their own homes in the county. |
Public Questions To receive any questions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14. Minutes: Public Questions
The Speaker advised that six public questions had been received from Ms D Peacock, Mr P Adams, Mr W Davies, Mr R Haddon, Mr S Mulloy and Mr C Dyson. Messieurs Haddon and Dyson were present at the meeting and received answers to their questions from the respective Portfolio Holders.
It was noted that a copy of all of the questions and answers would be included with the formal record of the meeting and would also be circulated to all Members and to those who had posed the questions. |
Financial Strategy 2019/20 to 2021/22 PDF 148 KB Report of the Head of Finance, Governance and Assurance [s151 Officer] is attached.
Contact: James Walton Tel: 01743 258915 Minutes: It was proposed by the Leader, Councillor P Nutting and seconded by the Deputy Leader, Councillor S Charmley that the report of the Head of Finance, Governance and Assurance on the Financial Strategy 2019/20 to 2021/22, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes and the recommendations contained therein be received and agreed.
Some Members had serious concerns about the future finance of the authority and drew attention to the use of ‘one off’s to plug funding gaps, the increasing level of the funding gap by 2021/22 and a perceived over reliance on fairer funding changes from Central Government. Other Members commented on the potentially unfair impact of digital self-service on some sectors of the community, the references to staff restructure that equated to staff cuts in real terms. Rather than the presentation of a fait accompli, the need to keep all Members well informed on the real budget issues facing the authority was highlighted as vital going forward.
A Member raised specific concerns on public health and called for urgent lobbying to be carried out for the appointment of a Minister with responsibility for public health and the need for urgent tracking and risk assessment of decisions relating to public health. Several Members spoke in support of these concerns and highlighted the need for scrutiny involvement to further investigate the impact of the changes to the public health budget. Several Members believed that the public health budget cuts would have a serious impact on other service areas within the Council, for example, Adult Social Care and Children’s’ Services.
Having heard the concerns raised, a Member commented on the purpose of the report being considered to look forward, to raise awareness of the issues and to indicate the steps being taken to deal with them. In bringing the debate to a close, the Leader gave assurances of a role for scrutiny in future deliberations. He stressed that the report presented a worst-case scenario with no assumptions being made on the receipt of grant funding; he added that the Council continued to be ambitious and a stress on finances was ultimately inevitable but manageable.
i) That the financial implications identified in 2018/19 and 2019/20 from the implementation of the amended Pay and Reward Policy, be noted;
ii) That the 2018/19 savings proposals which will contribute towards the cost of introducing the amended Pay and Reward Policy, as outlined in Appendix 1 to the report, be approved. |
Setting the Council Tax Taxbase and Council Tax Support Scheme 2019/20 PDF 352 KB Report of the Head of Finance, Governance and Assurance [s151 Officer] is attached.
Contact: James Walton Tel: 01743 258915 Minutes: It was proposed by the Leader, Councillor P Nutting and seconded by the Deputy Leader, Councillor S Charmley that the report of the Head of Finance, Governance and Assurance on Setting the Council Tax Taxbase and Council Tax Support Scheme 2019/20, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes and the recommendations contained therein be received and agreed.
The Leader drew attention to the excellent Council Tax collection rate of 98%.
i) That in accordance with the Rating (Property in Common Occupation) and Council Tax (Empty Dwellings) Act 2018 the revised discretionary power to levy a Council Tax premium in relation to dwellings which have been empty for more than two years i.e. increasing the premium to 100% in relation to dwellings which have been empty for more than two years and the resulting inclusion of an additional 503.34 Band D equivalents in the taxbase, be approved.
ii) That the publication of a notice regarding the new discretionary Council Tax discount policy awarded in respect of vacant properties within 21 days of the determination, be approved.
iii) That two amendments to the Council Tax Support Scheme be approved to exempt claimants from the 20% minimum payment that are in receipt of Universal Credit that meet the qualifying criteria for the severe disability premium, and claimants in receipt of Universal Credit in receipt of limited capability for work related activity element in Universal Credit (that is the equivalent to the support element of employment and support allowance).
iv) That the Council’s localised Council Tax Support (CTS) scheme in 2019/20 (as amended) be approved. The scheme summary is attached at Appendix B.
On the assumption that the changes to the discount policy in relation to vacant dwellings detailed in Sections 2.1 and 7.3 of this report have been approved:
v) That, in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012, the amount calculated by Shropshire Council as its Council Tax taxbase for the year 2019/20, as detailed in Appendix A, totalling 111,240.10 Band D equivalents, be approved.
vi) That the exclusion of 9,211.79 Band D equivalents from the taxbase as a result of localised Council Tax Support, be noted.
vii) That the continuation of the discretionary Council Tax discount policy of 0% in respect of second homes (other than those that retain a 50% discount through regulation as a result of job related protection) and note the inclusion of 729.45 Band D equivalents in the Council Tax taxbase as a result of this discount policy, be noted.
viii)That continuation of the discretionary Council Tax discount policy to not award a discount in respect of vacant dwellings undergoing major repair, i.e. former Class A exempt properties, be noted.
ix) That continuation of the discretionary Council Tax discount policy in respect of vacant dwellings, i.e. former Class C exempt properties, of 100% for one month i.e. effectively reinstating the exemption and the resulting exclusion of 294.56 band D equivalents from the taxbase, be noted. ... view the full minutes text for item 62. |
Treasury Strategy 2018/19 - Mid Year Review PDF 152 KB Report of the Head of Finance, Governance and Assurance [s151 Officer] is attached.
Contact: James Walton Tel: 01743 258915
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was proposed by the Leader, Councillor P Nutting and seconded by the Deputy Leader, Councillor S Charmley that the report of the Head of Finance, Governance and Assurance on the Treasury Strategy 2018/19 – Mid Year Review, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes and the recommendations contained therein be received and agreed.
i) That the position set out in the report be accepted;
ii) That it be noted that any changes to the Treasury Strategy, including the Annual Investment Strategy or prudential and treasury indicators as a result of decisions made by the Capital Investment Board, will be reported to Council for approval;
iii) That the updated MRP Policy, at Appendix D to the report, be approved. |
Plan for Shropshire - Council Plan 2019/20 to 2021/22 PDF 89 KB Report of the Chief Executive is attached.
Contact: Clive Wright Tel: 01743 257736 Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Leader, Councillor P Nutting and seconded by the Deputy Leader, Councillor S Charmley that the report of the Chief Executive on the Plan for Shropshire – Council Plan 2019/20 to 2021/22, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes and the recommendations contained therein be received and agreed.
Referring to the section entitled ‘Equality and Social Inclusion’, a Member commented on the effect of welfare reductions in Shropshire with those most in need being adversely affected. Another Member added that Council Tax was being collected from those who could ill afford the payments.
Considering ‘Sustainable Places and Communities’ a Member commented on the omission of consideration of the rural areas. Another Member added that there was a need to include a stronger message to build a whole county approach to grow businesses in the rural areas. Echoing these concerns, another Member added that there was a huge void in the Corporate Plan as drafted and that there was a lack of detail regarding the rural areas; a proper Rural Strategy was needed to support small businesses in the rural areas. Other issues affecting rural areas were raised including Broadband connections, mobile phone reception, public transport and transport issues generally.
Whilst acknowledging the points raised, the Deputy Leader stressed that there were initiatives being developed and taking place in the countryside; the document before Members was a high-level strategy document. The Leader agreed and stressed that rurality was fully understood, and he acknowledged the need to support small businesses. Whilst improvements were being developed, he urged Members not to lose sight of the excellent initiatives both ongoing and in development.
i) That Part 1 and Part 2 of the Corporate Plan, be approved;
ii) That the Corporate Plan be annually refreshed alongside the Financial Strategy and be subject to a complete review and rewrite every three years simultaneously with the Financial Strategy. |
Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations 2018-19 PDF 67 KB Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services is attached.
Contact: Claire Porter Tel: 01743 252763 Minutes: It was proposed by the Deputy Leader, Councillor S Charmley and seconded by the Leader, Councillor P Nutting that the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services on the Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations 2018-19, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes and the recommendations contained therein be received and agreed.
That the completion of a review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations throughout the county, be approved. |
Community Governance Review PDF 66 KB Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services is attached.
Contact: Claire Porter Tel: 01743 252763
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was proposed by the Deputy Leader, Councillor S Charmley and seconded by the Leader, Councillor P Nutting that the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services on the Community Governance Review, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes and the recommendations contained therein be received and agreed.
Local Members thanked Bridgnorth Town Council for raising the issue and urged it to work with its neighbouring Parish Councils. They were unanimous in their opinion that any review should await the outcome of the revised Local Plan and should be county-wide.
That, whilst it is recognised that a Community Governance Review is desirable, the Council considers that the request is premature and that a review is not appropriate at this time. |
West Mercia Youth Justice Plan 2018-19 PDF 90 KB Report of the Director of Children’s Services is attached.
Contact: Karen Bradshaw Tel: 01743 254201
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People, Councillor N Bardsley and seconded by the Deputy Portfolio Holder, Councillor E Potter that the report of the Director of Children’s Services on the West Mercia Youth Justice Plan 2018/19, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes and the recommendations contained therein be received and agreed.
Members understood the positive impact of the youth justice services across the West Mercia area and the great effort involved to put measures in place to prevent offending and re-offending by children and young people.
A Member drew attention to Shropshire’s performance levels against national standards with young people being criminalised through the use of cautions rather than the more informal approach of community resolutions. Another Member commented on the exemplary work being undertaken for adults attending ‘Willowdene’ where a whole person approach was taken and urged the development of a similar approach for young people.
The Portfolio Holder commented that the numbers of young people involved were very small and a sense of proportion needed to be maintained. The Deputy Portfolio Holder added that education and job prospects were key and he would be interested to learn more about the ‘Willowdene’ approach.
That the Youth Justice Plan, attached as Appendix A to the report, be approved. |
Corporate Parenting Pledge PDF 111 KB Report of the Director of Children’s Services is TO FOLLOW.
Contact: Karen Bradshaw Tel: 01743 254201
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People, Councillor N Bardsley and seconded by the Deputy Portfolio Holder, Councillor E Potter that the report of the Director of Children’s Services on the Council Corporate Parenting Pledge, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes and the recommendations contained therein be received and agreed.
Care Leavers Lorelei Damasco, Hollie Davis and Aaron Norris were present and addressed the Council meeting. Lorelei explained that she herself was a care leaver and her role as Leaving Care Apprentice was to ensure that care leavers had a voice. She thanked the Council and hoped that every child was able to receive the level of support that she had received. Members were asked to sign the Corporate Parenting Pledge on exiting the meeting.
Members noted the excellent cross-departmental working taking place to support care leavers and the increase spending in Children’s Services to meet the increasing demand. The support from housing services to better support care leavers was also acknowledged.
That the revised Corporate Parenting Pledge be endorsed and adopted. |
Proposed Removal of the Existing Five Hackney Carriage Zones PDF 111 KB Report of the Director of Public Health is attached.
Contact: Professor Rod Thomson Tel: 01743 258918 Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development, Councillor R Macey and seconded by Councillor K Roberts that the report of the Director of Public Health on the Proposed Removal of the Existing Five Hackney Carriage Zones, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes and the recommendations contained therein be received and agreed.
A Member commented that Oswestry Access Group were behind the initiative that was taking a step in the right direction to help people with disabilities throughout the county.
i) That the Council removes the five existing Hackney Carriage Zones, which are defined by reference to the five district and borough council areas that existed prior to the creation of Shropshire Council, and that all provisions of the hackney carriage licensing regime be applied across the whole of the administrative area of Shropshire Council with effect from 1 April 2021.
Licensing Act 2003 - Proposed Statement of Licensing Policy 2019 to 2024 PDF 129 KB Report of the Director of Public Health is attached.
Contact: Professor Rod Thomson Tel: 01743 258918
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development, Councillor R Macey and seconded by Councillor K Roberts that the report of the Director of Public Health, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes and the recommendations contained therein be received and agreed.
i) That the Council agrees and adopts the proposed statement of licensing policy (‘the policy’), as set out in Appendix 1, and confirms that the policy will take effect from 1 April 2019 and instructs the Trading Standards and Licensing Operations Manager to publish and advertise the policy in accordance with the requirements of the Licensing Act 2003.
ii) That the Council agrees the ‘Premises Licence Applications – Completing the Operating Schedule and Plan of the Premises Guidance’, as set out in Appendix 2, and confirms that this guidance will take effect from 1 January 2019 and that it will be amended, as necessary by appropriate licensing officers, in order that it continues to reflect best practice and supports the aims and objectives of existing and future statements of licensing policy. |
Report of the Director of Place is attached.
Contact: Mark Barrow Tel: 01743 258919 Additional documents:
Minutes: It was proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development, Councillor R Macey and seconded by the Deputy Portfolio Holder Councillor D Carroll that the report of the Director of Place on Addressing Unmet Housing Need, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes and the recommendations contained therein be received and agreed.
Particular attention was drawn to paragraph 1.3 of the report that detailed the primary purpose of a Council wholly owned Local Housing Company.
Members were generally in support of the initiative, but some reservations were voiced such as the safeguards needed to be put in place to keep track of developments, the capacity for a Director of the Council to also take on the role of the Housing Company Director. Others recognised that the proposal was outline at this stage and drew attention to the specific brief to help the whole if the county and not focus solely on schemes that may be more profitable.
Another Member commented on the need to develop a robust Housing Needs Strategy to meet the needs of the whole county and to develop the right housing in the right place. She added that scrutiny could play an important role in the development of effective delivery and financial mechanisms going forward. Concerns were voiced that this initiative should be used to help deliver on housing need and not focus on profit making.
The lack of land available in the south of the county was highlighted as an issue and the need to develop positive relationships with landowners was acknowledged. The Deputy Portfolio Holder added that profit accrued by the Company in developing sites in the north of the county initially could then be used to purchase land in the south of the county.
Responding to some of the issues raised the Leader stated that it was important for the company to make money in order to build more homes and he assured Members that any sites available across the county would be considered. Another Member commented that the opportunity to work with Parish/Town Councils should not be missed as the initiative was effectively about place shaping.
Cross party, Members were supportive of this initiative and praised the work to date that had been undertaken by the Portfolio Holder in securing this support and keeping the issues outside of the political arena. The Deputy Portfolio Holder agreed and stated that the Member briefing sessions that had been held had made a valuable contribution in gaining Members’ consensus.
In bringing the debate to a close, the Portfolio Holder thanked the Task and Finish Group for its input to date and stated that there would be a need for pre-decision scrutiny at the next stage of the process. He thanked all Members for their support and for the positive feedback that had been given to date.
i) That it be agreed in principle that a Council Wholly Owned Local Housing Company be formed;
ii) That the outline governance and constitutional ... view the full minutes text for item 71. |
Shirehall Redevelopment and Refurbishment Project PDF 164 KB Report of the Director of Place TO FOLLOW
Contact: Mark Barrow Tel: 01743 258919 Additional documents:
Minutes: It was proposed by the Deputy Leader, Councillor S Charmley and seconded by Councillor R Gittins that the report of the Director of Place on the Shirehall Redevelopment and Refurbishment Project, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes and the recommendations contained therein be received and agreed.
The Deputy Leader stated that Member briefing sessions had been held to convey the costs and risks to all who attended, 45 Members in total. He explained that the Shirehall building was not fit for purpose and was inefficient to run and maintain in its current format. Members noted that capital spend in the sum of £1.15M would be required to reach Stage 3 of the project, a formal tendering process would be required with a report to Council in Spring 2019.
The Deputy Leader suggested that Officers undertake further option appraisal work at no additional cost, in parallel with the procurement of the design consultants, to ensure that the best value option was secured for the Council.
Councillor H Fraser suggested that further reports should be considered by the appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee prior to consideration by Council.
Members discussed the alternatives to the refurbishment of Shirehall and the potential to relocate Shirehall functions to other locations in the County. Members considered the importance of the central location of the building but suggested that a travel plan for staff should be developed to reduce the environmental footprint of the building.
i) That the refurbishment of the entire Shirehall building be approved in principle, subject to a further report to be considered by Cabinet with a final business case, developed designs and final project budget.
ii) That the addition of £1.15m to the capital programme to support Stage 3 of the project with delegation to the Director of Place to oversee the production of the final business case be approved. Further option appraisal work be undertaken by officers, at no additional cost and in parallel with the procurement of the design consultants, to ensure that the best value option is secured for the Council.
iii) Delegates to the Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Commercial Support, the development of the procurement strategy for stage 3 of the design process with developed designs brought back to Cabinet and Council for approval together with the final project budget be approved.
iv) Further reports be considered by the appropriate overview and scrutiny committee prior to consideration by Council. |
Annual Portfolio Holder Report for Corporate and Commercial Support PDF 190 KB Report of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Commercial Support is attached.
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Steve Charmley Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor S Charmley, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Commercial Support and seconded by the Deputy Portfolio Holder, Councillor R Gittins that the Annual report, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes be received.
Councillor Charmley presented and amplified his report and responded to any questions, queries and concerns raised by Councillors.
That the content of the Annual Report of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Commercial Support be noted and approved. |
Annual Portfolio Holder Report For Adult Services, Health and Social Housing PDF 232 KB Portfolio Holder Report for Adult Services, Health and Social Housing is attached.
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Lee Chapman Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor L Chapman, Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care, Health and Social Housing and seconded by the Deputy Portfolio Holder, Councillor D Carroll that the Annual report, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes be received.
Councillor Chapman presented and amplified his detailed report and responded to any questions, queries and concerns raised by Councillors, including those from Councillors J MacKenzie, V Parry, H Kidd and T Parsons.
Councillor Chapman paid tribute to the work of all staff in Adult Social Care and Housing and particularly to those staff whose work would continue over the Christmas period.
That the content of the Annual Report of the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care, Health and Social Housing be noted and approved. |
Annual Portfolio Holder Report for Children and Young People PDF 184 KB Report of the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People is attached.
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Nicholas Bardsley Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor N Bardsley, Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People and seconded by the Deputy Portfolio Holder Councillor E Potter that the Annual report, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes, be received.
Councillor Bardsley presented his report and responded to comments and questions raised by Members, including Councillors Fraser and I Jones.
That the contents of the Annual report of the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People be noted and approved. |
Annual Report 2017/2018 from the People Overview Committee PDF 69 KB The Annual Report from the Chair of the People Overview Committee is attached.
Contact: Councillor Peggy Mullock Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor P Mullock, Chair of the People Overview Committee, and seconded by Councillor K Turley, that the Annual report of the People Overview Committee, a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes, be received and agreed.
Councillor Mullock presented her report and outlined the work that had been carried out by the Committee. She thanked all Members and Officers involved in the work of this Committee for their hard work, commitment and for playing their part in making the Committee so inclusive.
That the Annual report of the People Overview Committee be noted and approved. |
Motions The following motions have been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 16:
Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Julian Dean and supported by Councillors Harry Taylor, Nat Green and Andy Boddington:
The International Panel on Climate Change has recently made clear the scale of the emergency facing us all. It is clear that current action to reduce emissions is inadequate both globally and in the UK, and if unchecked will result in a catastrophic 3 degrees of global warming. The UK Government is yet to put forward plans for partnerships with local councils to achieve the Paris climate goals, although emissions reduction efforts at the local level could help the UK government achieve and exceed its existing National Determined Contribution. In the lieu of a central government lead this Council agrees to: · Require all report risk assessments to include Carbon Emission Appraisals, including presenting alternative approaches which reduce emissions wherever possible. · Establish a Task and Finish Group of members, to run for a full year, with the remit to recommend actions and challenging targets across the Council’s activities. § Task a director-level 'Carbon Champion' officer with responsibility for promoting the reduction, as rapidly as possible, of carbon emissions resulting from the Council’s activities. · Produce and publish our own Climate Action Plan in order to facilitate the most rapid emissions cuts possible. · Establish a local Climate Action Partnership to draw in support from business, the wider public sector, the voluntary sector and the wider community.
Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Roger Evans and supported by Councillors Chris Mellings, Viv Parry and Heather Kidd:
Before the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), most planning applications had Section 106 agreements attached to them in order to identify requirements on developers to make a financial contribution to community and infrastructure projects that were needed as a result of the approved development, These projects were, by and large, within the settlement (town or parish) where the development resulting from planning application was located.
When introduced it was stated that the use of CIL would largely follow this same process. This would involve the use of the Local Fund to meet agreed local infrastructure projects. Recently it appears that a different interpretation has been adopted on the use of CIL. This interpretation has not been subjected to any discussion with the Parish and Town sector. It is acknowledged that the policy of how CIL is used needs to be updated.
Council resolves that: · Discussions are urgently held between Shropshire Council and representatives of the Shropshire Association of Local Councils (SALC). · Any change to the originally understood process to be brought back to a future Shropshire Council Meeting and its agreement sought before being implemented.
*Note Many quote from the document issued by Shropshire Council stating how CIL was to be used. This document includes the statement below. No conversation or discussion has ever been held regarding any change. Spend Area 5.7 The majority of CIL will be for local infrastructure requirements ... view the full agenda text for item 77. Minutes: Notice of Motion 1
Councillor J Dean stated that he was pleased to accept the constructive amendment to the Notice of Motion, the amended wording was also supported by Councillors Harry Taylor, Nat Green and Andy Boddington.
Proposed by Councillor Jones and seconded by Councillor D Carroll: ‘The International Panel on Climate Change has recently made clear the scale of the emergency facing us all. It is clear that current action to reduce emissions is inadequate both globally and in the UK, and if unchecked will result in a catastrophic 3 degrees of global warming.
The Paris Agreement’s central claim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Additionally, the agreement aims to strengthen the ability of countries to deal with the impacts of climate change.
The UK Government is yet to put forward plans for partnerships with local councils to achieve the Paris climate goals, although emissions reduction efforts at the local level could help the UK government achieve and exceed its existing National Determined Contribution. In the interim before Central Government comes forward with proposals for Local Government based on the Paris Agreement this Council resolves to:
1. Ask the Leader and Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to ask when Central Government expects to issue its proposals
2. Ask the Leader to reinforce the Council’s commitment to the environment, including climate change, by naming a member of the Administration responsible for the Environment to promote the work being undertaken by the Council
3. Request the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee establish a Task and Finish Group to do the following:
· Review Shropshire Council’s existing Environmental policies and the effectiveness of actions already taken · To come forward with further recommendations for Shropshire Council to consider in the future
We encourage the Task and Finish Group to consider the following as starting points in their considerations:
· Requiring all report risk assessments to include Carbon Emission Appraisals, including presenting alternative approaches which reduce emissions wherever possible. § Clarify which Director-level officer has responsibility for promoting the reduction, as rapidly as possible, of carbon emissions resulting from the Council’s activities. · Review the need for a Shropshire Council Climate Action Plan and any related delivery bodies · Making Environmental Impact a consideration for the inclusion within the Council’s procurement framework’.
RESOLVED: That the Notice of Motion be supported.
Notice of Motion 2
The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor Roger Evans and supported by Councillors Chris Mellings, Viv Parry and Heather Kidd: ‘Before the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), most planning applications had Section 106 agreements attached to them in order to identify requirements on developers to make a financial contribution to community and infrastructure projects that were needed as a result of the ... view the full minutes text for item 77. |
Questions from Members PDF 131 KB To receive any questions from Members, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2. TO FOLLOW Minutes: The Speaker advised that the following 10 questions had been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 15. A copy of the report containing the full text of the questions and the formal responses is attached to the signed Minutes of the meeting.
i) Received from Councillor T Parsons and answered by Councillor S Davenport, the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport in relation to road repairs to benefit cyclists.
By way of a supplementary question Councillor Parsons asked for information on monies on cycle ways in the county. The Portfolio Holder stated that the information would be provided after the meeting.
ii) Received from Councillor P Moseley and answered by Councillor L Chapman, the Portfolio Holder for Adult Services, Health and Social Housing in relation to the future delivery of public health services.
By way of a supplementary question Councillor Moseley stated that she was dismayed about the proposed funding cuts and dismayed that there were no plans to redress the balance. The Portfolio Holder stated that he did not accept that there was any direct correlation between spend and outcomes.
iii) Received from Councillor J MacKenzie and answered by Councillor N Bardsley, the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People in relation to the lack of local projects for young people to meet the terms of any referral order.
By way of a supplementary question Councillor MacKenzie queried the timeline for the introduction of any such schemes. The Portfolio Holder stated that he would provide a written response.
iv) Received from Councillor A Boddington and answered by Councillor R Macey, the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development in relation to the Council’s use of the £580,296 under the Community Housing Fund.
By way of a supplementary question Councillor Boddington requested that a report be made to a future meeting of the Communities Overview Committee. The Portfolio Holder stated that on the request of the Scrutiny Committee a report could be provided.
v) Received from Councillor A Boddington and answered in the report in relation to the Council’s Civil Enforcement Service.
There was no supplementary question from Councillor Boddington.
vi) Received from Councillor J MacKenzie and answered by Councillor R Macey, the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development in relation to the development of a set of building quality standards for Shropshire
By way of a supplementary question Councillor MacKenzie queried how local communities and community issues would be included in the development of these standards. The Portfolio Holder stated that he would provide a written response.
vii) Received from Councillor J MacKenzie and answered by Councillor L Picton, the Portfolio Holder for Culture and Leisure in relation to the current lack of a Tourism Strategy or Officer in Shropshire.
By way of a supplementary question Councillor MacKenzie requested a firm commitment to both a Tourism Strategy and Officer in future. The Portfolio Holder acknowledged that the visitor economy was vital to the economy of the county and recognised all organisations that promoted the county so well.
viii) ... view the full minutes text for item 78. |