Agenda and minutes
Venue: Shrewsbury/Oswestry Room, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND. View directions
Contact: Tim Ward / Ashley Kendrick Committee Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Nigel Hartin (Substitute Councillor Mark Williams), and Councillor Christian Lea, (Substitute Cllr Paul Wynn)
The Chairman advised the meeting that since the publication of the agenda Councillor Roger Evans had replaced Councillor Heather Kidd as a member of the committee
To confirm the minutes of the Southern Planning Committee meeting held on 27 September 2022
Contact Tim Ward (01743) 257713. Minutes: The Chairman advised that there was one amendment to the minutes and that the resolution at agenda item 65 should be amended to read: -
That consideration of the application be deferred to allow the applicant to investigate whether it would be possible to remove the best and most versatile agricultural land from the application.
By way of further amendment Councillor Boddington proposed and Councillor R Evans seconded that the resolution should read: -
That consideration of the application be deferred to allow the applicant to investigate whether it would be possible to remove the best and most versatile agricultural land from the application and to consult with the local community on the revised plan.
That the minutes of the meeting of the Southern Planning Committee held on 27 November be approved as a true record subject to the following amendment: -
That paragraph 8 of minute 65 be amended to read: -
That consideration of the application be deferred to allow the applicant to investigate whether it would be possible to remove the best and most versatile agricultural land from the application and to consult with local community on the revised plan. |
Public Question Time To receive any questions or petitions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14. The deadline for this meeting is no later than 2.00 pm on Thursday 13th October 2022 Minutes: There were no public questions. |
Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Members are reminded that they must declare their disclosable pecuniary interests and other registrable or non-registrable interests in any matter being considered at the meeting as set out in Appendix B of the Members’ Code of Conduct and consider if they should leave the room prior to the item being considered. Further advice can be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.
Minutes: Members were reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they had a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.
In respect of agenda item 6 Councillor R Evans advised the committee that he was a member of Pontesbury Parish Council and was present at the meeting where the application was discussed but that he would consider the application based on the information presented at the meeting.
In respect of agenda item 6 Councillor Hignett declared that he was the Local Member and that he would make a statement and then withdraw from the meeting and take no part in the debate or voting. |
Brick House Farm, Greete, Ludlow, SY8 3BZ (22/02565/FUL) PDF 1 MB Construction of a solar farm together with all associated works, equipment, necessary infrastructure and biodiversity enhancement areas. Minutes: The Principal Planner introduced the application which was an application for the construction of a solar farm together with all associated works, equipment, necessary infrastructure and biodiversity enhancement areas. He reminded Members that the application had been deferred at the last meeting and with reference to the drawings and photographs displayed, he drew Members’ attention to the revised layout proposed. The Principal Planner drew Member’s attention to the information contained in the schedule of late representations, and the applicants response to the comments from the CPRE which had been received after the publication of the late representations.. Peter Ryder, local resident, spoke against the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees. Tim Wallers spoke on behalf of Greete Parish Meeting against the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees. Councillor Richard Huffer, local Ward Councillor made a statement in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees. Jonathan Selwyn, (Applicant), spoke in support of the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees. Members generally welcomed the changes made to the layout which released most of the best and most versatile land for continued agricultural use and biodiversity areas, and the proposed research in conjunction with Harper Adams University. A Member expressed concern regarding the effect the proposals would have on the amenity of the surrounding area, the local footpath network and the local highways. RESOLVED
That in accordance with Officer recommendation planning permission be approved subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 of Annex 1 and a supplementary condition on managing best and most versatile land |
Erection of detached holiday let log cabin and installation of package treatment plant including change of use of land Minutes: In accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees, Councillor Nick Hignett, Local Member made a statement and then left the meeting and took no part in the debate or vote.
The Principal Planner introduced the application which was an application for the erection of detached holiday let log cabin and installation of package treatment plant including change of use of land and with reference to the drawings and photographs displayed, he drew Members’ attention to the location, layout and elevations. He advised that to ensure the provision of adequate on-site supervision of the enterprise in the interests of sustainable tourism development and the protection of residential amenity, the following condition should be added: -
“The residents of the existing nearby dwelling known as Dingle Bungalow shall provide the requisite supervision and management of the holiday accommodation enterprise hereby approved. As such the two shall not at any time be disposed of separately”.
The Principal Planner confirmed that Members had attended a site visit
Councillor Nick Hignett, local Ward Councillor made a statement in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
Members expressed concern regarding the management of the trees and rock face to the rear of the proposed cabin and asked that a condition be added that ensured ongoing management.
That in accordance with Officer recommendation planning permission be approved subject to the conditions set out in appendix 1and the following: -
· Amendments to conditions to ensure the ongoing management of the trees to the rear of the proposed building and rock fall protection. · A condition to ensure the provision of adequate on-site supervision of the enterprise in the interests of sustainable tourism development and the protection of residential amenity
Proposed Dwelling North West Of Pleasant View Rowley (22/04011/OUT) PDF 314 KB Outline application for the erection of a pair of two bedroomed affordable houses with associated access and parking facilities Minutes: The Principal Planner introduced the application which was an outline application for the erection of a pair of two bedroomed affordable houses with associated access and parking facilities and with reference to the drawings and photographs displayed, he drew Members’ attention to the location, layout and elevations.
The Principal Planner confirmed that Members had attended a site visit and drew Member’s attention to the information contained in the schedule of late representations.
Lee Ferriday, local resident, spoke in support of the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
Councillor Heather Kidd, local Ward Councillor made a statement in favour of the application in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
Clive Roberts, (Agent), spoke in support of the proposal on behalf of the applicants, in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
Members felt that there was an identified need for the type of housing proposed and that the principle of development in the area had been established by other permissions granted in the locality. A Member asked that any reserved matters application be brought back to the Committee for consideration.
That contrary to Officer recommendation outlineplanning permission be granted and that delegated authority be given to officers to agree a Section 106 agreement to ensure that the properties remain affordable in perpetuity, and to apply conditions as necessary including the following:
· That the reserved matters application is brought back to committee for determination.
Havelock Cottage 3 Shrewsbury Road Much Wenlock TF13 6AN (22/02298/FUL) PDF 221 KB Erection of garden room/office/store Minutes: The Chair advised that following further legal consideration it had been established that the application did not fully meet the tests for committee referral under the Council’s scheme of delegation. Specifically, there was no Member call-in request within 21 days. Additionally, the officer refusal recommendation is contrary to the position of the Town Council, but the latter has not put forward any material reasons in support of a contrary recommendation and that accordingly the application would be referred backto officers for determination and the agenda item was withdrawn from consideration. |
Erection of 2No holiday lets partially dug into ground, with new pond, associated landscaping and habitat creation, 3No EV charging points, new E-Bike storage, and 18.4 Kw Solar Array, with Ground source heat pump (re-submission) Minutes: The Principal Planner introduced the application which was an application for the erection of 2No holiday lets partially dug into ground, with new pond, associated landscaping and habitat creation, 3No EV charging points, new E-Bike storage, and 18.4 Kw Solar Array, with Ground source heat pump (re-submission) and with reference to the drawings and photographs displayed, he drew Members’ attention to the location, layout and elevations.
The Principal Planner confirmed that Members had attended a site visit.
Councillor David Fenwick spoke on behalf of Much Wenlock Town Council in support of the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
Councillor Dan Thomas, local Ward Councillor made a statement in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
Dave Richards, (Agent), spoke in support of the proposal on behalf of the applicants, in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees
A Member commented that as there was an existing holiday let on the site the principle of use for tourism had been established and that this proposal would add to the tourism offer in the area.
A Member commented that the innovative design and layout of the properties would mean that there would be minimal effect on the AONB but asked that a condition requiring all soil dug out on the site to remain on site and used for landscaping purposes.
Members felt that an additional 2 buildings would be the maximum that the site could sustain.
That contrary to Officer recommendation planning permission be granted and that delegated authority be given to officers to apply conditions as necessary including:
· A condition requiring any soil dug out on the site to remain on the site and be used for landscaping purposes · An advisory around the site being at capacity regarding the number of buildings on the site
Erection of an affordable dwelling, detached garage and associated works Minutes: The Principal Planner introduced the application which was an application for the Erection of an affordable dwelling, detached garage and associated works and with reference to the drawings and photographs displayed, he drew Members’ attention to the location, layout and elevations
The Principal Planner confirmed that Members had attended a site visit and drew Member’s attention to the information contained in the schedule of late representations.
Councillor Robert Tindall, local Ward Councillor made a statement in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
Dyanne Humphreys, (Agent), spoke in support of the proposal on behalf of the applicants, in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
Members agreed that there was an identified need for the dwelling and that they considered that the Uplands constituted a settlement which meant that the application was compliant with the relevant policies.
That contrary to Officer recommendation planning permission be granted and that delegated authority be given to officers to agree a Section 106 agreement and to apply conditions as necessary. |
Schedule of Appeals and Appeal Decisions PDF 52 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Schedule of Appeals and Appeal Decisions for the southern area as at 18 October 2022 be noted. |
Date of the Next Meeting PDF 818 KB To note that the next meeting of the Southern Planning Committee will be held at 2.00 pm on Tuesday,15th November 2022 Minutes: RESOLVED:
That it be noted that the next meeting of the Southern Planning Committee will be held at 2.00 pm on Tuesday,15th November 2022