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Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Shrewsbury Room, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND. View directions

Contact: Amanda Holyoak  Senior Democratic Services Officer


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


The Leader advised that agenda item 9 – Draft Policy for the Enforcement and Determination of Financial Penalties for Breaches of Relevant Letting Agency Requirements would be moved to the last item on the agenda.


Prior to the meeting, the Leader gave a statement on the CSE report which had been published and wished to emphasise that Shropshire Council had provided all information that was requested.


Apologies were received from Councillors Dean Carroll and Cecilia Motley.


Disclosable Interests

Members are reminded that they must declare their disclosable pecuniary interests and other registrable or non-registrable interests in any matter being considered at the meeting as set out in Appendix B of the Members’ Code of Conduct and consider if they should leave the room prior to the item being considered. Further advice can be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.


Councillor Gwilym Butler declared an interest in item 9 – – Draft Policy for the Enforcement and Determination of Financial Penalties for Breaches of Relevant Letting Agency Requirements, and confirmed he would take no part in the discussion and would leave the room.


Councillor Lezley Picton declared an interest in item 9 – Draft Policy for the Enforcement and Determination of Financial Penalties for Breaches of Relevant Letting Agency Requirements, and confirmed she would take no part in the discussion and would leave the room.


Councillor Rob Gittins declared an interest in item 9 – Draft Policy for the Enforcement and Determination of Financial Penalties for Breaches of Relevant Letting Agency Requirements, and confirmed he would take no part in the discussion and would leave the room.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 153 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 6th July 2022, to follow.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 July 2022 be confirmed as a correct record.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 July 2022 be confirmed as a correct record.


Public Question Time pdf icon PDF 317 KB

To receive any questions from members of the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14. Deadline for notification is not later than 5.00 pm on Thursday 14th July 2022.


A public question was received from Brian Ellory in connection with traffic calming measures at Oteley Road.


A public question was received from Mike Streetly in connection to the public inquiry related to the North West Relief Road.


The full questions and responses provided are available from the web page for the meeting: Agenda for Cabinet on Wednesday, 20th July, 2022, 10.30 am — Shropshire Council


Member Question Time pdf icon PDF 300 KB

To receive any questions from Members of the Council. Deadline for notification is not later than 5.00 pm on Thursday 14th July 2022.


Two member questions were received from the following:


Councillor Julia Buckley – in relation to “Fix My Street” and the North West Relief Road expenses.


In a supplementary question regarding “Fix My Street”, Councillor Buckley requested a map to show where the backlog of repairs have been completed. The Leader confirmed that a map would be produced.


In a supplementary question regarding the North West Relief Road expenses, Councillor Buckley asked for confirmation that the £2.5million would be removed from the profile for 2022/23 as the work has already been carried out, and secondly, if the DFT grant would reconcile with the money taken in the interim from the capital receipt projections. Ben Jay, Assistant Director of Finance stated that the funding profile would be adjusted as the project progresses into its latter stages. He also confirmed that the DFT grant would cover the £2.5million currently being taken from projected capital receipts.


Councillor Gwilym Butler reminded Members that briefings on any financial matters could be arranged if members had any queries.


The full questions and responses provided are attached to the webpage for the meeting: Agenda for Cabinet on Wednesday, 20th July, 2022, 10.30 am — Shropshire Council


Scrutiny Items


Councillor Claire Wild, Chair of the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee, provided an update from the ambulance task and finish group. The group would be looking at three main areas, spending a day on each. These were prevention, arrival at A&E and admittance to hospital, and discharge from hospital. The group would report their findings back to Cabinet by October. It was noted that the findings would also form the basis of the work programme for the Health & Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The meetings would be taking place in September and information gathered in the meantime due to the large scale of the task.


Councillor Joyce Barrow, Chair of the Place Scrutiny Committee, provided an update on issues discovered in new build housing estates and requested that Cabinet revisit the recommendations of the task and finish group with regard to A-boards and pavement licences. Members were advised that a task and finish group had been set up to look into the issues on new build housing estates and bring recommendations back to Cabinet. With regards to pavement licences and A-boards, the Leader advised that this would be brought back to Cabinet in the form of a report in due course.


Housing Supervisory Board - CDL Shareholder Update pdf icon PDF 195 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Rob Gittins – Portfolio Holder Digital, Data & Insight and Built Housing


Report of Mark Barrow, Executive Director of Place, attached




To receive and note the report on the activities of the Housing Supervisory Board and the operations of Cornovii Developments Limited in accordance with the Housing Supervisory Boards Terms of Reference.





Councillor Robert Macey, Chairman of the Housing Supervisory Board, presented the report to members which provided Cabinet with an update on the activities of the Housing Supervisory Board (HSB) and the operations of Cornovii Developments Limited.


It was confirmed that audit reports would come to the Housing Supervisory Board from Cornovii at their September meeting.




To receive and note the report on the activities of the Housing Supervisory Board and the operations of Cornovii Developments Limited in accordance with the Housing Supervisory Boards Terms of Reference.





Recommendation for Broseley Neighbourhood Development Plan to proceed to referendum pdf icon PDF 284 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Ed Potter – Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Planning


Report of Mark Barrow, Executive Director of Place, to follow

Additional documents:




1.1.     That the Broseley Neighbourhood Development Plan meets the ‘basic conditions’ and all the other legal requirements as summarised in the Independent Examiner’s Report, subject to the modifications proposed in the Schedule of Modifications (Appendix 2)


1.2.     That the required modifications be agreed, and that the final ‘referendum’ version of the Broseley Neighbourhood Development Plan (May 2022) (Appendix 3) proceed to local referendum.


1.3.     That the referendum area be that as defined as the designated area to which the Neighbourhood Development Plan relates, i.e. the Broseley parish boundary.


1.4.            That the Executive Director of Place be authorised to exercise all the relevant powers and duties and undertake necessary arrangements for the Broseley Neighbourhood Development Plan Referendum Version (May 2022) (Appendix 3) to now proceed to Referendum and for the Referendum to place asking the questions ‘whether the voter wants Shropshire Council to use this neighbourhood plan for the Broseley Neighbourhood Plan area to help it decide planning applications in this neighbourhood area’.


Councillor Ed Potter, Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Planning, presented the report which sought Cabinet approval for the Broseley Neighbourhood Development Plan (the Plan) to proceed to referendum to determine if the Plan should become part of the statutory Development Plan for the neighbourhood area, and therefore to be used in the determination of planning applications in the neighbourhood.


Members noted that should Cabinet approve the Plan to proceed to referendum, the Council’s Electoral Services will administer this process in line with Neighbourhood Plan Regulations with the referendum taking place between 1st September and 6th October 2022.




1.1.         That the Broseley Neighbourhood Development Plan meets the ‘basic conditions’ and all the other legal requirements as summarised in the Independent Examiner’s Report, subject to the modifications proposed in the Schedule of Modifications (Appendix 2)


1.2.         That the required modifications be agreed, and that the final ‘referendum’ version of the Broseley Neighbourhood Development Plan (May 2022) (Appendix 3) proceed to local referendum.


1.3.         That the referendum area be that as defined as the designated area to which the Neighbourhood Development Plan relates, i.e. the Broseley parish boundary.


1.4.         That the Executive Director of Place be authorised to exercise all the relevant powers and duties and undertake necessary arrangements for the Broseley Neighbourhood Development Plan Referendum Version (May 2022) (Appendix 3) to now proceed to Referendum and for the Referendum to place asking the questions ‘whether the voter wants Shropshire Council to use this neighbourhood plan for the Broseley Neighbourhood Plan area to help it decide planning applications in this neighbourhood area’.


Oswestry Business Improvement District (BID) Renewal pdf icon PDF 189 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Ed Potter – Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Planning


Report of Mark Barrow, Executive Director of Place, attached

Additional documents:




3.1    To note that Oswestry BID has served notice of their intention to seek a renewal ballot to the Secretary of State and Shropshire Council.


3.2    To endorse the draft Oswestry BID 2023-2028 business plan and renewal proposal (attached as Appendix 1).


3.3    To approve a vote in support of Oswestry BID’s continuation in respect of the Council’s voting rights for the Council owned premises in the renewal ballot and delegates authority to exercise this vote to the Assistant Director Commercial Services.



Councillor Ed Potter, Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Planning, introduced the report which outlined the background and outcomes of the first four years of Oswestry BID following its initial successful ballot, and the benefits and impacts to Shropshire Council of supporting the renewal process for the period from 2023-2028.




3.1    To note that Oswestry BID has served notice of their intention to seek a renewal ballot to the Secretary of State and Shropshire Council.


3.2      To endorse the draft Oswestry BID 2023-2028 business plan and renewal proposal (attached as Appendix 1).


3.3      To approve a vote in support of Oswestry BID’s continuation in respect of the Council’s voting rights for the Council owned premises in the renewal ballot and delegates authority to exercise this vote to the Assistant Director Commercial Services.



Financial Strategy 22/23 pdf icon PDF 207 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Gwilym Butler – Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources


Report of James Walton, Executive Director of Resources, to follow

Additional documents:




1.1.     To note the action taken to mitigate the inflationary pressures identified since February 2022, and the further proposed activity to close the funding gap remaining for the years 2023/24 to 2027/28.


1.2.     To note the proposed timetable for the development of the 2023/24 detailed budget, and the approach to doing this.



Councillor Gwilym Butler, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources, introduced the report which stated how the Council will deliver the objectives set out in The Shropshire Plan in financial terms. This latest update included the impact of current inflationary pressures (est. £8.3m) and the Council’s action to identify appropriate mitigations for this and to maintain financial balance.


A request was made for more detailed information in future reports on ways in which money can be saved and ways in which we can analyse the way the Council provide services.


Concern was raised regarding increasing inflation rates and it was queried whether the inflation splits evenly across capital and revenue budgets and what implications that has for the budget going forward. It was noted that this would be monitored in the quarterly monitoring report which would be brought to members.




1.1.         To note the action taken to mitigate the inflationary pressures identified since February 2022, and the further proposed activity to close the funding gap remaining for the years 2023/24 to 2027/28.


1.2.         To note the proposed timetable for the development of the 2023/24 detailed budget, and the approach to doing this.



Council Tax Energy Rebate - Discretionary Scheme Approval pdf icon PDF 188 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Gwilym Butler – Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources


Report of James Walton, Executive Director of Resources, attached




1.1.     To progress both options B and C as set out in paragraph 2.4





Councillor Gwilym Butler, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources, introduced the report to consider options for distribution of £0.584m discretionary fund made available by Government to provide additional support for households to supplement the council tax energy rebate scheme.




1.1.         To progress both options B and C as set out in paragraph 2.4





Draft Policy for the Enforcement and Determination of Financial Penalties for Breaches of Relevant Letting Agency Requirements pdf icon PDF 261 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Ed Potter – Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Planning


Report of Mark Barrow, Executive Director of Place, attached

Additional documents:




That Cabinet approves the Policy for the Enforcement and Determination of Financial Penalties for Breaches of Relevant Letting Agency Requirements as set out at Appendix A.





Councillors Lezley Picton, Rob Gittins and Gwilym Butler left the meeting at this point. Councillor Ed Potter took the Chair.


Councillor Ed Potter, Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Planning, introduced the report which sought Cabinet approval to implement a policy that will set out the Council’s approach to the enforcement and determination of financial (civil) penalties in circumstances where persons engaged in letting agency work and property management business fail to comply with legislative requirements.




That Cabinet approves the Policy for the Enforcement and Determination of Financial Penalties for Breaches of Relevant Letting Agency Requirements as set out at Appendix A.





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