Agenda and minutes
Venue: Norbury Village Hall, Norbury, Nr Bishops Castle. View directions
Contact: Tim Ward Committee Officer
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence Minutes: 32.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and advised members of the format of the annual Tour which would follow the meeting.
32.2 Apologies for absence had been received from Lee Chapman (Shropshire Hills Tourism), Janine Hayter (Parish Council Rep), Sue Jones (Ramblers Association), David Mills (SASTAK), Cllr Cecilia Motley (Shropshire Council), Donna Tavernor (Forestry Commission), John Tucker (Parish Council Rep), and Cllr David Turner (Shropshire Council). |
Minutes of the last meeting PDF 39 KB The note of the meeting held on 18 April 2016 is attached for confirmation Minutes: 33.1 The note of the meeting held on 18 April 2016 had been circulated.
33.2 The AONB Partnership Manager referred to paragraph 3.6 and advised Members that the need for the local authorities to adopt the AONB Management Plan was removed under the Conservation Board model. |
Approval of Conservation Board as Preferred Model for Independence PDF 48 KB This paper sets out the case for a Conservation Board for the Shropshire Hills AONB, and seeks formal support from the Partnership to pursue this structure. Minutes: 34.1 Members considered the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which set out the case for the creation of a Conservation Board for the Shropshire hills AONB and sought the formal support of the Partnership.
34.2 The AONB Partnership Manager advised the Partnership that the Management Board at its meeting on 11 May 2016 had unanimously supported the creation of a Conservation Board as the preferred model for an independent AONB structure.
34.3 The AONB Partnership Manager gave an update on the meeting recently held with a Defra representative. He advised members that the meeting had been encouraging although Defra were non-committal overall about the proposal at present.
34.4 The Local Commissioning Manager commented that this was a major decision for the AONB Partnership and would have implications for staff. He added that the support of both Councils wold be needed in order to make the change, and that there was a lot of work to be done to draw up detailed plans for the change and to work up all the financial projections.
34.5 Several members commented that one of the successes of the current structure was the wide representation on the AONB Partnership and they expressed a hope that this could be replicated as part of the new structure. It was suggested that the Partnership could continue as an advisory body to the Conservation Board.
That the AONB Partnership endorses a Conservation Board as the preferred model for an independent AONB structure, incorporating a continuation of the Partnership as an advisory body, and supports a formal request to Defra by the two Councils and the Partnership to initiate the process of creating a Conservation Board for the Shropshire Hills AONB, subject to confirmation of a business case. |
Creation of a Shadow Board PDF 54 KB This paper presents draft Terms of Reference and a process of appointment for a Shadow Board as a transition structure to an intended independent Shropshire Hills AONB organisation. Minutes: 35.1 Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which set out draft Terms of Reference for a Shadow Board and the process for the appointments to this.
35.2 The AONB Partnership Manager advised the meeting that the Shadow Board would act as a transition structure during the move to an independent structure. It was proposed that the Shadow Board would replace the existing Management Board, and that its role would be to oversee the move to an independent structure whilst also maintaining the current role of the Management Board. He advised that some nominations had been received for people to serve on the Board and that further nominations could be made.
35.3 Ms Caffyn commented that it may be more meaningful to call the Board a Transition Board rather than Shadow Board. Members agreed that the proposed Board should be called the Transition Board.
35.4 Several members commented that taking on the existing role of the Management Board was not mentioned in the draft Terms of Reference. It was agreed that the purpose of the Board be amended to reflect this.
35.6 The AONB Partnership Manager advised members that prior to the meeting, nominations had been received for James Williamson, George Chancellor and Chris Turley. Further nominations were received for Heather Kidd, Veronica Cossons, David Turner and Hilary Claytonsmith. There was a provision to co-opt up to three members from outside the Partnership membership . 35.7 RESOLVED:
a) That a Transition Board be established. b) That the draft terms of reference be approved, subject to the amendment of the first sentence of the “purpose” to read “To support the detailed work of setting up an independent governance body for the Shropshire Hills AONB, while also taking on the existing responsibilities of the Management Board (which is replaced by the Transition Board).” c) That the following people be appointed to serve on the Transition Board:
George Chancellor, Hilary Claytonsmith, Veronica Cossons, Heather Kidd, Chris Turley, David Turner, James Williamson. |
This paper presents current AONB Partnership budgets for 2015-18. Additional documents: Minutes: 5.1 Members considered the report which set out the AONB Partnership Budgets for the period 2015 – 2018.
5.2 Ms Caffyn asked about the reduction of the budget for the Tourism Strategy. The AONB Partnership Manager advised that following feedback from Defra on the outline bid for funding EU funding, the AONB Partnership was no longer in a position to lead the full application. Mrs Kidd commented that it was important that this application was progressed elsewhere in the Council. |
Date of Next meeting Members are reminded that the next scheduled meeting of the Partnership will be held on Tuesday 15 November 2016 Minutes: 37.1 Members were reminded that the next scheduled meeting of the AONB Partnership would be held on Tuesday 15 November 2016.
37.2 The AONB Partnership Manager advised members that there may be need to hold an additional meeting of the Partnership before November. |