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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Shropshire Room, Craven Arms Community Centre, Newington Way, Craven Arms, Shropshire, SY7 9PS. View directions

Contact: Tim Ward  Committee Officer

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence


44.1    The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


44.2    Apologies for absence were received from Heather Kidd (Shropshire Council), Caroline Bedell (CLBA), Veronica Cossons (SWT), Bill Klemperer (English Heritage). Hazel MacDowell (Natural England) and David Mills (SASTAK)


44.2    Mr Williamson advised the meeting that he would need to leave early to attend a funeral and it was agreed that Item 4 would be taken first.


Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 73 KB

The note of the meeting held on 8 September 2016 is attached for confirmation


45.1     The note of the meeting held on held on 8 September 2016 had been circulated.


45.2     RESOLVED: -

            That the note of the meeting held on 8 September 2016 be agreed as a true record.



Proposed Allocation of seats on the Conservation Board pdf icon PDF 402 KB

Report of the AONB Partnership Manager is attached marked 4


46.1     A report setting out the proposed allocation of seats on the Conservation Board had been circulated.


46.2     The AONB Manager advised the meeting that the Countryside & Rights of Way (CROW) Act set out 3 categories of membership of a Conservation Board in the following proportions: -

            Local Authority appointees                           – at least 40%

            Parish and Town Council appointees                        – at least 20%, and

            Secretary of State appointees                                   – up to 40%


            He informed Members that the Transition Board were recommending a Conservation Board of 10 Members, comprising 4 Local Authority appointed seats (3 For Shropshire Council, 1 for Telford & Wrekin), 2 Parish and Town Council appointed seats and 4 Secretary of State appointed seats.  He added that a scheme for the appointment to the Parish/Town Council seats would need to be developed.


46.3     Mr L Smith commented that whilst he was happy with the proposal regarding the membership of the Conservation Board, he had concerns regarding the relationship between the Partnership and the Conservation Board.  He asked whether there could not be a seat for a representative of the Partnership on the Conservation Board to ensure engagement between the two bodies.  The AONB Manager stated that this may not be possible, but that it may be possible to say that members of the Conservation Board automatically became members of the Partnership.


46.4     After further discussion it was RESOLVED: -

            That the Partnership endorse the option of a 10 member Conservation Board as recommended by the Transition Board.



Update on the Conservation Board Proposal and Submission to DEFRA

To receive a verbal update on the Conservation Board Proposal and Submission to DEFRA


47.1     The AONB Manager advised the meeting that the Business Case had been finalised and submitted to both Councils for agreement by Cabinet.  He added that it had been agreed by the Head of Finance at Shropshire Council that all financial reserves held would transfer to the Conservation Board once it was established.


47.2     The Chair thanked Officers for all the work involved in completing the Business Case


(At this point Mr Williamson left the meeting and Mr Chancellor took the chair)



AONB Trust Charity

To receive a verbal update on the AONB Trust Charity


48.1    The AONB Manager advised the meeting that the Charity registration application had been approved in July by the Charity Commission and that the Trustees were looking to appoint 4 more Trustees (3 independent trustees and a further trustee from the Partnership) and that if anybody knew of anyone who may be interested to contact him.  He added that there were likely to be opportunities for members to get involved with the work of the Charity without actually becoming Trustees.


Appointment of an AONB Partnership representative to the Shropshire Local Access Forum

To appoint an AONB Partnership representative to the Shropshire Local Access Forum


49.1     The AONB Manager advised the meeting that the Shropshire Local Access Forum was undergoing reconstitution and that thee Partnership had been asked to nominate a representative to sit on the reconstituted Committee.


49.2     RESOLVED: -

            Than Ron Repath be appointed as the Partnership Representative on the Shropshire Local Access Forum, with Sue Jones as deputy if required.



2014-19 AONB Management Plan progress update pdf icon PDF 490 KB

Report of the AONB Partnership Manager is attached marked 7


50.1     Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which gave a brief progress update on the actions from the 2014 – 19 AONB Management Plan.


50.2     Ms Jones congratulated officers on the tremendous amount of work.


50.3     Mr Repath asked for an update on the Stepping Stones Project.  The AONB Partnership Manager advised him that an update could be brought to a future meeting.


50.4     Ms Greenall commented that there was need for the Partnership to have some input to discussions around Brexit.  The AONB Manager informed the meeting that the National Association of AONBs was carrying out some work on this.  He added that the Partnership would have an opportunity to input to any national consultations on post-Brexit environment and land management policies. Mrs Bury said that CPRE were holding a conference in March on farming in Shropshire.


50.5     Mr Chancellor thanked the AONB Manager and his team for the tremendous amount of work that they did.



Partner Activity update

To receive updates from partner organisations on their work


51.1     The meeting received updates from the following organisations: -


            Longmynd Bridleways Association.

Sue Lee and Caroline Le Butt gave a short presentation on the work of the Longmynd Bridleways Association which included works to clear and maintain bridleways and other rights of way and also organising guided rides and other such activities.


            Ramblers Association

Sue Jones gave an update on the work of the Ramblers Association in the AONB, which included working with Parish Paths Partnership (P3) groups to inspect and maintain rights of way, and input into a ploughing and cropping guide which was being developed by the Rights of Way department.



Mrs Griffiths said that the new mid-tier Countryside Stewardship was focusing on resource protection more than landscape.  She said it was complicated and there was little support.  She felt this was not as successful as previous agri-environment schemes.


Upper Onny Wildlife Group / Shropshire Ornithological Society

Mr Smith described monitoring work on curlews and lapwings.  Curlew had declined 77% in Shropshire since 1990, in the Upper Clun reducing from 22 to 5-8 pairs.  In Shropshire their use of habitat is unusual in that they nest in farmland.


Butterfly Conservation

Ms Goddard talked about Butterfly Conservation’s Wood White project.  Wood White were only found in four areas of the UK.  The work has involved improvement of rides at Bury Ditches, where numbers are good.


51.2     Mr Chancellor thanked the organisations for their updates.



Dates of future meetings

It is proposed that future meetings of the Partnership are held on: -


Tuesday 21 March 2017

Tuesday 13 June 2017 and

Tuesday 14 November 2017


52.1    It was agreed that future meetings of the Partnership would be held on: -


Tuesday 21 March 2017

Tuesday 13 June 2017 and

Tuesday 14 November 2017



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