Agenda and minutes
Venue: Shropshire Room, Craven Arms Community Centre, Newington Way, Craven Arms, Shropshire, SY7 9PS. View directions
Contact: Tim Ward Committee Officer
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence Minutes: 53.1 The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
53.2 Apologies for absence were received from Gill Binks (Caring for Gods Acre), George Chancellor (Individual Member), Lee Chapman (South Shropshire Tourism), Yvonne Holyoak (Town & Parish Council Rep), Bill Klemperer (Historic England), Clive Leworthy (Town & Parish Council Rep), Hazel McDowell (Natural England), David Mills (SASTAK), Steve Pennington (Town & Parish Council Rep), John Pritchard (Individual Member), David C Smith (Shropshire Geological Society), Robert Tindall (Shropshire Council) and John Tucker (Town & Parish Council Rep), |
Minutes of the last meeting PDF 64 KB The note of the meeting held on 15 November 2016 is attached for confirmation Minutes: 54.1 The AONB Partnership Manager pointed out that there were some extraneous words at the end of paragraph 50.5 and it was agreed that these should be deleted.
That subject to the above, the note of the meeting of the Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership held on 15 November 2016 be agreed as a true record |
Update on discussions with Defra regarding Conservation Board proposal To receive a verbal update on discussions with Defra regarding Conservation Board proposal Minutes: 55.1 The AONB Partnership Manager confirmed that the formal submission to create the Conservation Board had been made to Defra and that an informal meeting had been held with representatives from Defra at which several matters were clarified by both Defra and the Partnership.
55.2 The AONB Partnership Manager advised the meeting that Defra were refining the criteria for the creation of new Conservation Boards but that the new criteria had not been received yet. He confirmed that there would be an opportunity for the Partnership to update the business case to take account of these changes prior to a final decision being made.
AONB team work programme and budgets PDF 470 KB This paper provides members with a summary update of recent activity of the AONB Partnership staff team, along with a summary of the team work programme and budget for 2017-18. Minutes: 56.1 Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which provided Members with an update of the recent activity of the AONB Partnership team and a summary of the work programme and budgets for 2017 – 18.
56.2 In response to a question the AONB Partnership Manager advised the meeting that fee earning income in the current financial year had amounted to £35,000.
56.3 The Chairman congratulated the AONB Partnership team on the amount and variety of work carried out.
Update on AONB Trust charity To receive a verbal update on the AONB Trust charity Minutes: 57.1 The AONB Partnership Manager updated the meeting on the AONB Trust Charity. He reminded members that the Trust had been set up as a CIO and currently the trustees were George Chancellor, Sarah Bury, Janine Hayter, Anthony Morgan, Alistair Warrington and Diane Lyle.
57.2 The AONB Partnership Manager reminded the meeting that the Trust had taken over the role of the AONB Conservation Fund and had recently met to consider 18 grant applications amounting to £46,000. Reduced grant had been awarded to all 18 applicants, totalling £20,000.
57.3 Mrs Bury advised the meeting that due to other commitments she would be stepping down as a trustee. The AONB Partnership Manager stated that if anyone was interested in becoming a trustee they should contact him.
Draft Terms of Reference for proposed new AONB Forum PDF 511 KB Report to Follow Minutes: 58.1 The meeting received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which presented a draft of the new Terms of Reference for a broad advisory group of partners which would sit alongside the Conservation Board.
58.2 The AONB Partnership Manager advised the meeting that it had been recognised that the retention of a group with a similar membership to the current Partnership was important, but that the role of such a group would be different as the Conservation Board would take on the role of main governance body currently carried out by the Partnership. He then took members through the draft Terms of Reference.
58.3 Several Members commented that the main strength of the Partnership was the wide range of organisations and individuals represented and urged that this be reflected in the membership of the new body.
58.4 Following further discussion it was RESOLVED:
That the Partnership endorse the draft terms of Reference for the proposed Shropshire Hills AONB Advisory Group.
Proposed 'Stepping Stones' project To receive a presentation on the Proposed 'Stepping Stones’ project Minutes: 59.1 The meeting received a presentation from Andrew Hearle from the National Trust on the proposed “Stepping Stones” Project. He then took questions from members. |
This paper provides members with background and discussion material on post-Brexit environment and land management policy and programmes. Minutes: 60.1 The AONB Partnership Manager commented that the UK leaving the European Union would mean the biggest changes for the environment and agriculture in a generation. He advised members that the AONB team had held an “Uplands Forum” discussion event which had been attended by 82 people and various topics had been discussed and that these would from the basis for short workshop sessions.
60.2 Members then broke into small discussion groups.
Date of Next Meetings Member are advised that meetings of the Partnership will be held on: -
Tuesday 13 June 2017 and Tuesday 14 November 2017 Minutes: 61.1 Members were advised that future meetings of the Partnership would be held on Tuesday 13 June 2017 and Tuesday 14 November 2017 |