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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Shropshire Room, Craven Arms Community Centre, Newington Way, Craven Arms, Shropshire, SY7 9PS. View directions

Contact: Tim Ward  Committee Officer

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence


1.1         The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


1.2      Apologies for absence had been received from Mike Brogden (Shropshire Tourism), Alison Caffyn (Individual Member), George Chancellor (Individual Member), Lee Chapman (Shropshire Hills Tourism), Joy Greenall (Life, Land and Livelihood) Rhona Goddard (Butterfly Conservation), Hazel McDowell, (Natural England), David Mills (SASTAK), Cecilia Motley (Shropshire Council), Leo Smith (Shropshire Ornithological Society/Upper Onney Wildlife Group) and John Tucker (Parish Council Representative).



Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 86 KB

The note of the meeting held on 21 March 2017 is attached for confirmation


2.1       The note of the meeting held on 21 March 2017 had been circulated


2.2       RESOLVED


            That the note of the meeting held on 21 March 2017 be agreed as a true record


Update on Submission to Defra for Creation of a Conservation Board

To receive a verbal update from the AONB Partnership Manager


3.1       The AONB Partnership Manager informed the meeting that DEFRA had sent a letter to all AONB Partnership Chairs which had stated that DEFRA was not keen on the creation of new Conservation Boards but that where there were exceptional circumstances and a compelling case applications may be considered.


3.2       The AONB Partnership Manager commented that the DEFRA Civil Servant that was dealing with the application had advised that it would be possible to re-submit the application.


3.3       The Chairman commented that alongside the work being carried out on resubmitting the application, the Transition Board was starting to consider alternative arrangements if the Conservation Board application was unsuccessful.


Brexit Issues And Shropshire Hills AONB pdf icon PDF 93 KB

This paper examines some of the implications of Brexit issues on the AONB Partnership and outlines some possible responses and questions for discussion in a workshop session.


4.1       Member’s received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which set out some of the implications of Brexit issues on the AONB


4.2       The AONB Partnership Manager commented that it was too early in the process to create a position statement but that the discussions would aid the Partnership in future discussions with partners.


4.3       A workshop session took place with members considering a number of issues.  Each group reported back at the send of the session.


AONB Team Work Programme Update pdf icon PDF 92 KB

This paper provides an update on recent activity by the AONB Team.



5.1       Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which gave an update of recent activity by the AONB Team


5.2       The AONB Partnership Manager reminded Members that the Conservation Fund had been handed over to the AONB Trust and informed them that under a written joint working agreement the AONB Team was able to provide support to applicants and the Panel for a small fee.  He advised that grants had been awarded to 18 Groups and organisations


5.3       The AONB Partnership Manager advised that the application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for the Uplands Common Project was to be resubmitted by the Foundation for Common Land. He informed the meeting that the North York Moors national ark had withdrawn from the project.


5.4       The AONB Partnership Manager advised Members that as part of the Stiperstones and Corndon Hill County Landscape Partnership Scheme, stabilisation works had been completed at the 1784 Pontesford Engine House at a cost of £100,000.00 which was the largest capital project within the scheme.


5.5       The AONB Manager advised Members that Nigel McDonald, the Sustainable Tourism Officer was reducing his days of work from full time to 3 days per week.


5.6       The Chairman thanked the AONB Team for all the work that they did.


Appointment of Trustees to the Shropshire Hills AONB Trust pdf icon PDF 79 KB

This paper seeks reappointment of George Chancellor as a Partnership-nominated trustee on the Shropshire Hills AONB Trust, and if possible to fill a further nominated trustee vacancy.



6.1       The meeting received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which sought approval for the re-appointment of George Chancellor as a Partnership nominated trustee on the Shropshire Hills AONB Trust and nominations for a further trustee.


6.2       The AONB Partnership Manager reminded Members that 3 of the 8 trustees of the Shropshire Hills AONB Trust were appointed by the Partnership, and that George Chancellors term of appointment had ended.  The AONB Partnership Manager advised that Mr Chancellor was willing to continue as a Trustee and it was proposed that he should be reappointed.


6.3       The AONB Partnership Manager advised that there was currently a vacancy for a Trustee following Mrs Bury’s decision to stand down.  It was proposed that Veronica Cossons be appointed as a Trustee


6.4       The AONB Partnership Manager reminded the meeting that the third Partnership appointed Trustee was Janine Hayter whose term of office expired in December 2018


6.4       RESOLVED


            That Mr George Chancellor and Lady Veronica Cossons be appointed to serve as nominated trustees on the Shropshire Hills AONB Trust


Joint Tour Event - 7 July 2017

To receive a verbal update from the AONB Partnership Manager on the Joint Tour Event.


7.1       The AONB Partnership Manager gave an update on the arrangements for the Joint Tour event on 7 July and reminded Members to advise the office if they were planning to attend if they had not already done so.


Date of Next Meeting

Members are reminded that the next meeting of the Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership will be held on Tuesday 14 November 2017 at 9.30am.


8.1       Members were advised that the next meeting of the Partnership would be held on Tuesday 14 November 2017 at 9.30am.      


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