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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Shropshire Room, Craven Arms Community Centre, Newington Way, Craven Arms, Shropshire, SY7 9PS. View directions

Contact: Tim Ward  Committee Officer

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence


9.1       The Chair welcomed John Long, Joe Manifold, Mark Hughes, Paul Davis and David McGlade to their first meeting of the Partnership.


9.2       Apologies for absence were received from Bill Klemperer (Historic England), Sue Lee (Longmynd Bridleways Association), David Mills (SASTAK), Martin Pye (Parish Council Rep), David C. Smith (Shropshire Geological Society), Leo Smith (SOS/ Upper Onny Wildlife Group), Cllr Robert Tindall (Shropshire Council) and Cllr Chris Turley (Telford & Wrekin Council).



Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 75 KB

The note of the meeting held on 13 June 2017 is attached for confirmation


10.1    The note of the meeting held on 13 June 2017 had been circulated.


10.2    RESOLVED


That the note of the meeting of the Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership held on the 13 June 2017 be agreed as a true record.


Election of Chair, Vice Chairs and Transition Board Seats

To elect a Chair and 2 Vice Chairs and to nominate members to sit on the Transition Board


11.1    The AONB Partnership Manager informed the meeting that one nomination had been received for the position of Chair of the Partnership.




That Mr James Williamson be elected Chair of the Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership for the forthcoming two years.


11.2    The AONB Partnership Manager reminded Members that there were 2 vacancies for the position of Vice Chairman, 1 for a Shropshire Councillor and one for a non-councillor, and that one nomination had been received for each category.




That Cllr Cecilia Motley and Mrs Hilary Claytonsmith be elected Vice-Chairs of the Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership for the forthcoming two years.


11.3    The AONB Partnership Manager informed the meeting that there were 2 vacancies on the Transition Board and that one nomination had been received. 




            That Mr Andrew Wood be elected to serve on the Transition Board.


11.4    The AONB Partnership Manager reminded members that the Transition Board could co-opt a member of the Partnership to fill the vacant seat, and asked that if anyone was interested in joining the Transition Board to contact him after the meeting.


Update on submission to Defra for Conservation Board

To receive a verbal update on the submission to Defra for Conservation Board


12.1    The Chair advised the Partnership that there had been some further informal contact with Defra civil servants, but no formal response had yet been received.  He added that as time went on with no decision there would be an increasing need to consider alternative possibilities.



Our Common Cause - Uplands Commons Project pdf icon PDF 235 KB

This paper updates members about the Upland Commons project which is just starting after stage 1 approval by the Heritage Lottery Fund.


13.1    Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which updated them on the new Upland Commons Project.


13.2    The AONB Partnership Manager reminded members that the project was a national project which was led by the Foundation for Common Land, which would work on selected commons on Dartmoor, and in the Lake District, the Shropshire Hills and the Yorkshire Dales.  There were three strands of work - 1) enabling collaborative management, 2) reconnecting people with commons and 3) improving public benefits.  He advised the meeting that the three main commons the project would be working with in the Shropshire Hills were the Long Mynd, Clee Liberty and the Stiperstones, although there would be other opportunities for other commoners to be involved with the project.  It was hoped that the Partnership would be contracted to provide the services of Cath Landles as the Shropshire Hills Area Facilitator for the project.


13.3    Several members welcomed the project and commented that it would raise the profile of commons and commoners.


13.4    Mrs Kidd commented that she had concerns as to whether there was enough capacity within the AONB Partnership Team to cope with the extra work.  The AONB Partnership Manager advised her that there would need to be some adjustments of responsibilities and that recommendations would be brought to the Transition Board for additional new staff capacity.


13.5    The Chairman thanked the Partnership Manager for his report.




Draft Shropshire Hills Sustainable Tourism Strategy Consultation pdf icon PDF 226 KB

This paper seeks comments from Partnership members on the draft Sustainable Tourism Strategy for the Shropshire Hills for 2017-22.

Additional documents:


14.1    The meeting received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which set out the draft Sustainable Tourism Strategy for the Shropshire Hills for 2017 – 22.


14.2    The AONB Partnership Manager reminded members that the Partnership facilitated the Destination Partnership for the Shropshire Hills, in conjunction with Shropshire Hills Tourism, and that it had acted as lead for the renewal of the strategy.  He advised the meeting that an online survey of business had been carried out along with a consultation event.  The draft of the strategy would be refined to take into account any comments and inputs from partners, prior to approval by the Destination Partnership in December prior to an application to renew the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas.


14.3    Members congratulated officers on a very comprehensive document and asked that the action plan arising from the strategy be circulated.


14.4    The Chairman thanked the AONB Partnership Manager for his report and asked members to feed any further comments to the AONB team as soon as possible.



AONB Management Plan Review pdf icon PDF 1 MB

This paper outlines the process and proposed timetable for the five year AONB Management Plan review. There will be brief verbal presentations of current key issues by member reps of a number of partner organisations, to initiate the Plan review process.


15.1     The meeting received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which outlined the process and proposed timetable for the five year AONB Management Plan review.


15.2     The Partnership Manager reminded members that the Management Plan for 2019 – 2024 would need to be approved by the end of 2019 and took the meeting through the proposed process and timetable for the review.


15.3    The meeting received short presentations from the following members with the perspectives of their organisations on priorities for the Shropshire Hills for the next five years: Sarah Bury (CPRE), Paul Davis (Shropshire Hills Tourism), Emma Johnson (Natural England), Kezia Taylerson (Historic England), Neil Willcox (Shropshire Council), Mark Latham (Telford & Wrekin Council), Hilary Claytonsmith (Church Stretton Town Council), Carol Griffiths (National Farmers Union), Veronica Cossons and John Hughes (Shropshire Wildlife Trust) and Patrick Edwards (National Trust).


15.4    Questions were raised about Visitor Information Centres and about informal roadside car parking.  Mrs Kidd asked how the Management Plan review would feed into the Local Plan review especially around the type and number of housing.  It was confirmed that an AONB Partnership response would be made to the Local Plan consultation.


15.5    Members agreed the proposed timetable.


15.6    The Chair thanked the Partnership Manager for all the work he had put in on the review.



Date of Next Meeting

Members are advised that the next meeting of the Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership will be held on Tuesday 6 March 2018 at 9.30am.


16.1    Members were advised that the next meeting of the Partnership would be held on Tuesday 6 March 2018 at 9.30am


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