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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Shropshire Room, Craven Arms Community Centre, Newington Way, Craven Arms, Shropshire, SY7 9PS. View directions

Contact: Tim Ward  Committee Officer

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence


34.1    The Chair welcomed Helen Dale and Charles Edwards to their first meeting.


34.2    Apologies for absence were received from Sarah Bury (CPRE), Hilary Claytonsmith (Parish & Town Council Rep), Paul Davis (Shropshire Hills Tourism), Yvonne Holyoak (Parish & Town Council Rep), Bill Klemperer (Historic England), Heather Kidd (Shropshire Council), John Long (Individual Member), David McGlade (Offa’s Dyke Association), John Pritchard (Parish & Town Council Rep), Martin Pye (Parish & Town Council Rep), Phil Ridley (Walford & North Shropshire College), David C Smith (Shropshire Geological Society), Robert Tindall (Shropshire Council), David Turner (Shropshire Council) and Andrew Wood (Individual Member).


Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 78 KB

The note of the meeting held on 19 June 2018 is attached for confirmation


35.1    The minutes of the meeting held on the 19 June 2018 had been circulated.


35.2    Resolved: -


            That the minutes of the meeting held on 19 June 2018 be approved as a true record.


AONB Management Plan Review pdf icon PDF 75 KB

This paper introduces the current full draft of the new AONB Management Plan for 2019-24, for comments before its publication for public consultation.

Additional documents:


36.1    The meeting received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which introduced the current full draft of the new AONB Management Plan for 2019-24, for comments before its publication for public consultation.


36.2    The AONB Manager reminded Partnership members that the Partnership had participated in three workshops on topics relating to the Management Plan and that the Plan had also been discussed at various sub group meetings.  He advised members that unlike the previous review, the new plan had been completely re-written apart from policies and a few other sections carried forward and amended where necessary.


36.3    Several members congratulated the AONB Manager stating that the new plan was clearly laid out and was easy to read.




36.4    Members made the following comments: -


            Farm Business


·         Need to ensure that where large scale agricultural development takes place the development is as unobtrusive as possible

·         Need to recognise the need for farm diversification to ensure the viability of family farms

·         No mention of infrastructure such as roads improvement which will be vital if some development is to take place.

·         Need to make the policy on large scale agricultural development as broad as possible so that it does not prevent appropriate development.

·         Air quality not included in the list of landscape issues.



Sustainability and Climate Change


·         The role of the uplands in carbon capture and storage needs to be recognised, possibly comparing carbon capture in the AONB with other areas.



Trees & Woodland


·         Need a balance between tree planting and other activity/ land use.



36.5    The AONB Partnership Manager thanked members for their comments.  He informed them that these would be incorporated as part of the final editing of the draft plan prior to its publication for consultation.


Glover Review of Designated Landscapes pdf icon PDF 84 KB

This agenda item encourages discussion among Partnership members of the topics in the national Glover review of designated landscapes, to inform the drafting of the Partnership’s written evidence


37.1    Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which introduced the Glover Review of designated landscapes.


37.2    The AONB Partnership Manager advised the meeting that the call for evidence had been published and circulated the questions which made up the call for evidence.


37.3    Members made the following comments:


·         There was poor awareness of the role of the AONB outside the AONB area and there was a need to reinforce the status and powers of the AONB.


·         Having influence in planning to prevent developments would sometimes lead to perceptions of being a limitation.  Need to emphasise the value of the AONB landscape to the wider community.


·         There is the potential to “close the gap” between AONBs and National Parks by giving the AONBs additional powers.


37.4    The AONB Partnership Manager thanked members for their comments and advised that he would incorporate them into the proposed response which he would circulate to Members.  It was agreed that if necessary an additional meeting of the Partnership could be called if necessary, possibly on 4 December alongside or in place of the Management Board meeting.


Recommended Revision of AONB Partnership Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 78 KB

This paper brings forward the recommended new Terms of Reference for the AONB Partnership from the Management Board.


Additional documents:


38.1    The meeting received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which introduced the recommended new Terms of Reference for the AONB Partnership.


38.2    The AONB Partnership Manager reminded the meeting that the Management Board had carried out a review of the Partnership’s Terms of Reference and advised that the amended Terms of Reference should be endorsed by the Partnership, subject to any comments, prior to seeking formal approval from Shropshire Council and Telford & Wrekin Council.


38.3    The AONB Partnership Manager confirmed that according to advice from Shropshire Council Legal team it was only the Terms of Reference for the Partnership that needed Council approval and that only the Partnership needed to approve the Management Board Terms of Reference and the Procedures of the Partnership.


38.4    Members made some observations on the process and new documents, but not requesting any changes.


38.5    RESOLVED


-       That the Partnership endorse the new Terms of Reference to go forward for formal approval by Shropshire Council and Telford & Wrekin Council


-       That the Management Board be renamed the Strategy & Performance Committee


-       That the Terms of Reference for the Strategy and Performance Committee and the Procedures of the Partnership be approved.


Dates of Future Meetings

To agree dates for future meetings


39.1    It was agreed that future meeting of the AONB Partnership would be held on: -


                        Tuesday 5 March 2019

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Tuesday 22 October 2019


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