Agenda and minutes
Contact: Tim Ward Committee Officer
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence Minutes: 30.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting
30.2 Apologies for absence were received from Gill Binks (Caring for Gods Acre), Sonja Belchere (Visit Shropshire Hills), Emma Johnson (Natural England), John Pritchard (Town & Parish Council representative) and Leo Smith (Upper Onny Wildlife Group) |
Minutes of the last meeting PDF 246 KB The note of the meeting held on 24 November 2020 is attached for confirmation Minutes: 31.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 24 November 2020 had been circulated.
That the minutes of the meeting of the Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership held on 24 November 2020 be approved as a true record |
Nature Recovery Plan - Draft for Consultation PDF 210 KB This paper introduces a full draft of the Shropshire Hills AONB Nature Recovery Plan for consultation. Minutes: 32.1 Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which introduced a full draft of the Shropshire Hills AONB Nature Recovery Plan for consultation.
32.2 The AONB Partnership Manager reminded the meeting that the draft plan had been circulated. He advised Members that mapping work was being carried out by a number of partner organisations which would provide detailed information to support the plan.
32.3 In response to a question regarding how air quality affected biodiversity, the AONB Partnership Manager commented that ammonia and aerial nitrogen deposition was a concern and that this should eb included in the plan.
32.4 The Chair thanked officers for their work in producing the draft plan and urged partners to submit any comments to the AONB Partnership Manager. |
ELM advocacy and Farming in Protected Landscapes Programme - Update PDF 300 KB This paper updates members on the recent small programme of advocacy for the new Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme, and the forthcoming 3 year ‘Farming in Protected Landscapes’ funding programme from Defra. Minutes: 33.1 Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which updated them on the recent small programme of advocacy for the new Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme, and the forthcoming 3 year ‘Farming in Protected Landscapes’ funding programme from Defra.
33.2 The AONB Partnership Manager informed Members that the advocacy work had centred around encouraging attendance at webinar organised by NAAOB.
33.3 The AONB Partnership Manager that more details regarding the Farming in Protected Landscapes’ funding programme were expected shortly.
33.4 The Community & Landscapes Officer advised the meeting that she had worked directly with farming community to encourage them to attend webinars and that she was working with the NFU and CLA to disseminate information and signpost farmers and landowners to further information. She added that there was a difficulty as there was not enough detail yet, but that as the ELMS would not be online for a number of years she had been looking at other schemes in the interim.
33.5 The Chair commented that it was encouraging that a large number of farmers from Shropshire had attended the webinar but that he had concerns as to how the hard to reach ones could become involved.
33.6 In response to a question the meeting was advised that there was not one webpage with all the current schemes. The AONB Partnership Manager commented that it may be possible to set up a page on the Partnership website signposting farmers to relevant schemes available in the AONB area.
South Shropshire Climate Action - Land & Biodiversity Group Plan PDF 241 KB This paper provides information on the plan being developed for the Land & Biodiversity aspects of South Shropshire Climate Action’s plan. Minutes: 34.1 Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which provided information on the plan being developed for the Land & Biodiversity aspects of South Shropshire Climate Action’s plan.
34.2 Nick Read gave a presentation which set out the work that had been done by the group and the future work to be carried. He advised the meeting that the plan would be published on May 22 as part of a “Zoom Conference”
34.3 The Chair thanked Nick Read for his presentation. |
NAAONB Collaboration Group on Climate Change PDF 205 KB This paper updates members on recent collaboration by the National Association for AONBs (NAAONB) and the AONB team’s involvement. Additional documents: Minutes: 35.1 Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which updated them on recent collaboration by the National Association for AONBs (NAAONB) and the AONB team’s involvement.
35.2 The AONB Partnership Manager advised the meeting that the collaboration involved officers from several AONB’s and people from outside the organisation. He advised that the group had prepared a presentation for the NAAONB Lead Officers meeting which had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.
Collaboration for Visitor Management PDF 225 KB This paper updates members on collaboration between partners in the Shropshire Hills for visitor management during the 2021 season and especially in relation to post-lockdown pressures expected. Minutes: 36.1 Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which updated them on collaboration between partners in the Shropshire Hills for visitor management during the 2021 season and especially in relation to post-lockdown pressures expected.
36.2 The Sustainable Tourism Officer updated the meeting regarding work on going with the National Trust, Church Stretton Town Council and other bodies with regard to the pressures created by the easing of the lockdown.
36.3 The Sustainable Tourism Officer took the meeting though a “Six Point Plan for Visitor Management” which had been developed with partners and updated members on work undertaken to date.
36.4 The Chair commented that the new Countryside Code would need publicising widely. |
AONB Team Work Programme Update PDF 523 KB This paper updates members on work of the team in 2020-21 as the Financial Year draws to a close. Minutes: 37.1 Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which updated them on the work of the team in 2020-21 as the Financial Year draws to a close
37.2 The AONB Partnership Manager gave a short update on work being carried out by the team.
37.3 The AONB Partnership Manager advised members that the biennial review of membership would be carried out over the summer.
37.4 The Chair congratulated the Team on the wide breadth of topics that were being covered |
Partner Activity Minutes: 38.1 The AONB Partnership Manager updated members on work being carried out by the Longmynd Bridleways Association on maintenance and upkeep of bridleways across the area.
Dates of Future Meetings Members are advised that future meetings of the Partnership will be held on: -
Wednesday 14th July 2021 and Tuesday 19th October 2021
All meetings at 9.30am Minutes: 39.1 Members were advised that future meetings of the Partnership would be held on: -
Wednesday 14th July 2021 and Tuesday 19th October 2021
All meetings at 9.30am